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Freelancer power metal - Printable Version

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Freelancer power metal - Saronsen - 01-28-2012

Hell yeah.

Freelancer power metal - Feartrue - 01-28-2012

I concur

Freelancer + this song = Epicness

Freelancer power metal - Jayce - 01-28-2012

I just came.

Freelancer power metal - r3vange - 01-28-2012

[color=#FFFFFF]This has been posted and posted and reposted. A bit generic but good tune nevertheless

Freelancer power metal - Rodent - 01-28-2012

This is pretty good.

Freelancer power metal - ProfGiggles - 01-29-2012

Oh yes! Love Keldian. ^^
Glad to see there are others out there.