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Sirius Loans and Assurances - Printable Version

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Sirius Loans and Assurances - The Mole Miner - 01-29-2012

[Image: x55etc.png]


Sirius Loans and Assurances is now open for business. below you will find a list of avable contracts, and please note that this list may change as time passes. We would also like you to take note that any loans over 200 million credits will require somthing to be used as collateral in the event that the funds are not payed back.

We would also like you to take note that some loan packages may be denied if we deem you as to high risk.

SLA is now looking business assosiates!!!
for more information please feel free to contact us via private comms.

Ammount loaned/interest/*(collateral)/time to pay

1A.) 50-100 million = 10% interest, payment in full within 5 days

2A.) 101-150 million = 12% interest, payment in full within 8 days

3A.) 151-200 million = 13% interest, payment in full within 12 days

1B.) 201-250 million = 15% interest + collateral, payment in full within 14 days

2B.) 251-300 million = 15% interest + collateral, payment in full within 15 days


                                                          I ________ would like to request loan package ____, in the ammount of _________, and agree to the terms stated by Sirius Loans and Assurances.

We reserve the right to keep any items deemed as collateral given the loan is not payed back in the ammount of time given.

*(only loans over 200m require collateral)

[Image: closingTB-1.png]

Sirius Loans and Assurances - melandor0 - 01-29-2012

I'd like to take out a loan. I have PM'ed you the details.

Sirius Loans and Assurances - The Mole Miner - 01-29-2012

Greetings, good sir

As per your statment given in private comms you have requested a loan in the ammount of 150 million sirius credits and will agree to payback the ammount of 168 million sirius credits in eight (8) days time.

Quote:I Alyxnia would like to request loan package 2A and agree to the terms stated by Sirius Loans and Assurances.

We will await your confirmation before sending the credits.
::message end::

Sirius Loans and Assurances - melandor0 - 01-29-2012

I accept the conditions, you will have your money back by then.

' Wrote:
Greetings, good sir

As per your statment given in private comms you have requested a loan in the ammount of 150 million sirius credits and will agree to payback the ammount of 168 million sirius credits in eight (8) days time.
We will await your confirmation before sending the credits.
::message end::

Sirius Loans and Assurances - The Mole Miner - 01-29-2012

Greetings, good sir

the credits have been sent to you from my bank and you now have 8 days to pay us back.
::message ends::

Sirius Loans and Assurances - thanos - 01-30-2012

I'd like to take a loan. I have PM'ed you the details.

Sirius Loans and Assurances - The Mole Miner - 01-31-2012

Greetings, good sir

I am afraid that we will have to deny your loan request as our records show that you have only recently registered on the nural net and so do not have an established credit score as of yet.
::message end::

Sirius Loans and Assurances - Van - 01-31-2012

Direct Personal Transmission

[color=#009900]Signal Source :
Liberty, New York, Newark Station
Signal I.D. : Civilian
Comm I.D. : Alexander Nagy
Intended Recipient: Sirius Loans and Assurances
Subject Matter: Questions and Business

- - Displaying Transmission Message - -

[font=Book Antiqua]Salutations!

I happened across your company's transmission today, and I must say I am very interested~! At times it can be a monumental task, for me at least, to find reliable and respectable people to make loans with. Many are either too shady or too stuck up, as it would seem from my experiences.

But before I receive anything or you give me any credits, I would like to know: What is your lowest conceivable loan? I saw listed in your advertisement that the outstanding sum of 50 million credits looked to be the lowest standard deal you offered! 200 million being the highest a standard deal would go, anything above that crosses into "Non-Standard" territory.

So, I would like to know, are smaller loans than 50 million possible? I would also like to know if you could provide me with a brief business history for Sirius Loans and Assurances, as it would be that I have never heard of you before now.

Once I hear back from you regarding these inquiries, then we can talk business!

~ Alexander Nagy

[color=#FFCC00]- - End of Transmission - -

Sirius Loans and Assurances - The Mole Miner - 01-31-2012

^^^from: SLA^^^
Greetings, Mr. Nagy

To anwser your first question yes we could do loans lower then 50 million but they would require contacting me in advance to work out a deal via private comms.

To anwser your second question we are a new and and so far succesful company and hope to continue doing as well as we are.

We would also like to inform you that we are currently seeking business assosiates, and if you would like to know more about becoming a business assosiate then we would encourge you to contact us via private comms.
::message ends::

Sirius Loans and Assurances - The Mole Miner - 02-02-2012

Greetings, Alyxnia

I would like to inform you that five (5) days have passed and that you have three (3) remaining days.
::message end::