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Luxury liner - kacijon - 03-31-2008

Well I now drive luxury liner and I see if i drop cargo my docking place open and then fighters can land .
They dont dock but they are safe from NPCs hiting players well its true that luxury liner had shield but they still can be rammed maybe if I dont have shild it will can free move in docking space .Well I try this with my freind .It works If i dont have shield or he has got small moving base:):cool:.

Luxury liner - Jinx - 03-31-2008

its prolly the same thing like the dromedary. - when you jettison cargo in the drome, it opens a neat little hatch in the top roof.

actually - it may be possible. its the same model as the stationary bases - i think you must be very quick and precise to fly into the hangar, the shields are only down for a few seconds.

Luxury liner - Unseelie - 03-31-2008

It works on large battleships, too. Cannot move, though.

EDIT: I'm now wondering about shields...if one could hide a fighter inside the shield of, say, a bret dessie...or a similarly shaped craft.

Luxury liner - marauder - 03-31-2008

Yes you can hide one ship inside a luxury liner by flying into to it's docking bay/cargo hatch when it opens as you jettison cargo.

One major problem that was found when I had a lux liner and tried it, if the liner moves at all it'll kick the fighter out.

So you can hide a fighter inside, but only as long as the liner doesn't move.

It was tested fairly extestively for use as a tactic in battles.

Fly in a handful of liners, each with a fighter in it's hold, once the liners die the fighters can engage whatevers left.

Pity it didn't work...

Luxury liner - kacijon - 04-01-2008

yes but if luxury liner dont have shield it can move its true that fighter must move with it

well in game there can be so that large ships (luxury liner,...) Can offer protection for moment well this can be maked that you can make a fix that to you expand its docking bay

Luxury liner - Linkus - 04-01-2008

Just to let you all know, if you don't already, player ships can be used as real bases. FLHook haxx essentially. The original Bundys and I have experienced it, as have others I'm sure. Essentially allows ship carriers etc. Also allowed jumps from system to sytem, through simple co-ordinate entries, meaning you popped out in the other system at those co-ords. Plenty other things but hardly the time or place for it. I'd advise you to talk to the other Bundy's about it, such as Konstantin,Sabas or Warien.

Luxury liner - Xing - 04-02-2008

oh we know about this, but I dont think it will get implemented to discovery.
seems it makes server crashes or lagg for some reason.
anyway, yeah I've noticed that as well. but it's not really useful. Once you are in these thing, you are like, trapped until the ship set you free...