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Fearless class 7 turrets - Printable Version

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Fearless class 7 turrets - Wafellini - 01-29-2012

I am not a pro with image editing so troll me eslewhere please:
[Image: feary.png]

As you can see they are in VERY STUPID place, why?
1. STRONG weapons - on weak ship parts - wingy things
2. They can't shoot in every direction
3. fearless has not enough firepower to actualy shoot for example one mortar after another or 2 at once.

1. most of the time the STRONG class 7 guns like LM-light mortar are placed close to the centre of the ship. It's logical - if they would be placed on wings they could actualy break off from the ship...since they are carrying some serious firepower

2. every cannon is placed on side of the ship and on the top of it. WHICH doesn't allow for example to shoot forwad+backward+right+left from light mortar - I don't want it to shoot in every possible direction so apart of what I have pointed + up and down ... one gun on the top and one gun under the ship . It's exacly how it works for Corvo and it's perfect they shoot in every direction and one gun shoots above the ship and one gun shoots under it.

3. I wouldn't mind having those guns as they are if fearless would be actualy capable of shooting for example 2 mortarts at once...this would actulay make sense but currenly it is unable to do it he can shoot ONE LM and it takes almost 80% of powercore.

My proposal is - back to picture and the circles XD
RED are the current places of Turret class 7 - LM for example
GREEN are the turret placed for currently class 6 and exacly the perfect place for class 7 guns - is it possible to switch it in those placed?
Fearless is an awesome ship. Was an awesome ship before. It was strong and small and agile back in 85 it was ugly and now it's perfect. It looks , it's strong, it's agile one thing that bothers me are those ... weirdly placed class 7 guns.
the one on top and on under option is the pefect solution.

Share your opinions and I would love to see a guy responsible for the balance to explain me WHY it's like that..maybe there is some kind reason for this that I can't see.
Please explain.

Fearless class 7 turrets - Wafellini - 01-30-2012

bump? anyone? did I post in wrong place or something? am I the only fearless user on the server? am i the only one disapointed by the turret placement?

Fearless class 7 turrets - CzeReptile - 01-30-2012

Since zoner ships are mostly non-combat and its not supposed to fire all three LMs at once given its size, agility and core, I do not see the problem here.

Fearless class 7 turrets - Wafellini - 01-30-2012

I don't want to make it a uberwarmachine. I don't want to use 3 LMs. I want to have a reasonable placed at least ONE of 2 class 7 turrets.

EDIT: also what is the point of having a warship if it is not prepared for battle ? a point that zoners shouldn't fight and stay neutral as we all know is a lie.

Fearless class 7 turrets - mjolnir - 01-31-2012

Well the top middle hardpoint (HpTurret01) can't fire back.

The hardpoints on the bottom fin are kind of behind the small wings which won't look good if you mount razor or even cerb there.

What about putting them on the side hardpoints under the main body?
(HpTurret02 and 03)

Fearless class 7 turrets - AeternusDoleo - 01-31-2012

The heavy turrets are modelwise so large in respect to the destroyer's relatively small size that the location they are at is the only place that they will -fit-. I moved them there the last time that model was touched... they used to be near the area you have marked in a green circle, along with that gun already there. It looked horrible, with all guns overlapping eachother.
It does mean these hardpoints will not fire down, and that the side arcs have only one turret in-arc (as they've always been). Both the heavy turrets fire forwards and aft however.

This is a case of "it just won't fit", due to the ship being small and with lots of curvatures.

Fearless class 7 turrets - Barbarossa - 01-31-2012

Storta have the exactly same Heavy hardpoints are so stupid..

1st Heavy turret sits front of the shi, have maybe 180 degree firing arch

2nd and 3rd turrets sit near each other and have EXACTLY same problem as Fearless' two Heavy turrets that sit on the wing.

What Storta and Fearless needs, is a forward heavy turret that can shoot ANYWHERE. Doing so, will give them a great advantage and a good reason to call them ''Destroyer''.

I, maybe aswell as you Gargamel, are tired of using 2 LM's. It's just waste of money and a usefull hardpoint.

Fearless class 7 turrets - AeternusDoleo - 01-31-2012

The term destroyer typically refers to something that is hardhitting on the forward arc only. That those things have a decent amount of firepower to the aft arc, and half to the sides, is a bonus. I'd not try my luck with that arguement - you might end up unhappy where it'll get you.

Fearless class 7 turrets - Wafellini - 01-31-2012

alright and how about placing one more class 7 gun in place of the turret class 6 marked in that SS on the right - view from above - green circle - it's gun nr 1 i believe... since Fearless is a destroyer it could use 3 class 7 turrets cause for now it's basicly a little stronger Corvo and with so useless placed class 7 guns it's basicly a worse version of Corvo.

so yeah in place of gun nr 1 = class 6 make it class 7 and able to turn 360 degrees - problem solved really.

apart of that - the ss from under the ship - the green circle was meant to show a possible place for class 7 gun INSTEAD of those 2 class 6... I wanted to show a good spots for powerful guns - since they should be placed near the centre of the least that's how I see it.

Fearless class 7 turrets - AeternusDoleo - 02-03-2012

They were there, but the platform isn't big enough for the heavy turret models . It would need to be almost 50% wider for the turret platform to line up with the mounting platform. So no, they can't go there. The model itself limits where the heavies can go. If you can point out a flat surface anywhere on the model that has the neccesary size, and an unobstructed forward arc (shooting through the model is a no-can-do), I'm willing to see about changing this - provided Mjolnir has no objections.