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Question about Navy pilots - Mal Reynolds - 01-29-2012

Is a Military pilot allowed to engage a pirate in defence of a trader without his zone of influence?
would sound good to me if you help a trader out even if it's in another territory.

Question about Navy pilots - Anomander - 01-29-2012

Well I will say that it depends - what trader, for instance IM(H)O
RM should protect an Kruger, Republican or other Rheinland faction Trader just like LN should protect any Libertonian Faction Trader

Question about Navy pilots - Hone - 01-30-2012

A naval pilot shouldnt be outside his zone of influence anyway, unless escorting a dignitary or something. In which case Id assume they would take whatever measures kept their VIP safest.

Question about Navy pilots - Sarawr!? - 01-30-2012

Mal Reynolds, can you be a little bit more specific in your example?

As others have pointed out, a House military pilot shouldn't be flying outside his/her normal zone of influence unless escorting a dignitary or VIP, or operating on a special mission of some kind.

Also as others have pointed out, RM pilots would likely protect Rheinland corporate or civilian pilots in their house systems or the immediate borders.

LN pilots would do the same.

KNF pilots would do the same.

BAF pilots would do the same.

However if you're a tradeship being attacked in say...Cortez, and there's an [LN] in California, and you request assistance from him/her, you shouldn't immediately assume that you'll get that assistance.

Or say there's an [LN] in Rheinland on a special mission and you're under attack in New Berlin and you request their assistance? You shouldn't expect them to compromise their mission to assist you.

But if you're waaay out of a House militaries ZOI you shouldn't expect them to come to your aid.

Now again, I dunno if that was your situation, but that's why I asked for more details.

Question about Navy pilots - Mal Reynolds - 01-30-2012

What i meant was if you were for example a rheinland pilot and you are whysoever in bretonia space and a (e.g. Kusari) trader is robbed by an outcast.
Would the rheinwehr pilot be sactioned for aiding that trader?

Question about Navy pilots - Savvy ? - 01-30-2012

' Wrote:What i meant was if you were for example a rheinland pilot and you are whysoever in bretonia space and a (e.g. Kusari) trader is robbed by an outcast.
Would the rheinwehr pilot be sactioned for aiding that trader?

Sanctioned ? probably not but you will get tons of complaint from local authority, the worst scenario is official faction will deny your existence, declare you have gone rogue and put FR5 on you

Question about Navy pilots - Narendran87 - 01-30-2012

cortez is liberty borderworld.... please refer before you give bizzare exqmples

Question about Navy pilots - RmJ - 01-30-2012

This might stupid, but If there is civilian lives at risk no matter who they fly for I will do my best to protect. Screw what the means of total war entail and screw what the locale authorities will say. Screw the Zone of Influence.

If it's an enemy civilian craft, so be it. Make the proper detainment after rescuing the poor sap. If it's an enemy military attacking MY civilian corps then hell yeah I'm going to blast them out of the water - space.

Official or Unofficial.

Question about Navy pilots - Savvy ? - 01-30-2012

Yes, in RL humanity is humanity, but soldier take order, if their superior order them to stand back, they will obey it and I believe every military leader want to avoid any international or in this case interhouse incident, but disco have ID which I believe can be use for such thing, Intelligence ID can be use for such thing, an elite covert unit who can slip behind enemy lines or guarding border line, make sure safe passage available for passing trough trader

Question about Navy pilots - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-30-2012

I suspect Mr. Reynolds is talking about something just a little larger than a snub. Escorting with cruiser class vessels way out of any justifiable zone of influence I suspect.
Best not ...