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101st General Order - Printable Version

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101st General Order - Eppy - 04-01-2008

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Commander Mia Bonello, Battleship MNS Longinus***
***Target ID: All Outcast Channels***
***Re: Access to Omicron-85***

It seems to me that we have had an unnatural number of security breaches of late into 101st's personal territory. From henceforth, Omicron-85 is off-limits to any non-101st personnel, with the following exceptions and conditions:
  • Reapers of Sirius and Blue Lotus Syndicate craft are granted access to Omicron-85, excepting Corsica. All Capital Ships should remain out of Omicron-85 without providing 24 hours prior notice to the 101st, who must authorize the procedure. Escorts may be present.
  • Independent Outcasts in fighters or lower are granted access to Omicron-85, excepting Corsica.
  • IND are to be granted full access to Omicron-85, excepting Corsica, whom they should be under escort to dock with. Thank you for the flowers, Mr. Simon.
  • Independent transports should not be within Omicron-85.

    All purchases of capital ships in Omicron-85 are hence subject to evaluation by myself, and any unauthorized acquisitions will be reclaimed.
***End Transmission***

101st General Order - Dopamino - 04-01-2008

|Incoming Transmission|
From:Commander Vincent Corona
To:Mia Bonello


Could I inquire as to why you are barring access to one of my men? Also, your terms seem rather...unreasonable. It's hard to arrange for escorts 24 hours in advance when you haven't been attacked and been in need of repairs for more than 5 minutes.

-Commander Corona Out-

|End Transmission|

101st General Order - Eppy - 04-01-2008

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Commander Mia Bonello, Battleship MNS Longinus***
***Target ID: Commander Vincent Corona***
***Re: " " " "***

The reason we are now restricting access is because, bluntly, our trust has been violated, and certain inter-squadron actions you are not privy to have prompted us to remind the rest of the Outcasts exactly who and what we are, because some of our brethren seem a bit confused about it, and indeed think they can waltz into our jurisdictions with extremely high-risk personnel, in force. Our charter here is to protect Corsica, and we will protect her. The terms are not unreasonable. What WOULD be unreasonable? Denying any and all ships outside of the 101st any entrance at all, which under Maltese Military Directive 4.3:
Quote:4.3 Factions are free to restrict or not restrict access to their home systems and tax players who enter home system.
which is fully and perfectly within the scope of our charter. We are putting our foot down and exercising the rights granted us as the senior and sole territory-controlling squadron. We intend to repeal the most prohibitive of these measures assuming that the other entities in play become more appreciative of what we provide for our fellow Outcasts.

Also, as the destroyer in question bears the tag [X] it is not one of your men, Commander Corona, unless I have misinterpreted the rank structure. Your direct jurisdiction only covers the Epigoni.

***End Transmission***

101st General Order - DBoy1612 - 04-01-2008

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to Commander Mia Bonello
CommID: Lope Rainerio, Battleship Alhambra

Excellent, Commander, I was hoping an act like this would come in to effect. The Alhambra shall be stationed back in to Omicron 85 and will be awaiting further orders there. But I would like clarification on the 'Deadpool' act, as that part confuses me, awaiting a reply.

Rainerio out.

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

101st General Order - Dopamino - 04-01-2008

|Incoming Transmission|
From:Commander Vincent Corona
To:Mia Bonello


Yes, you have misinterpreted it. I'm second in command of the whole faction AND first in command of the Epigoni Squadron.
Has there been any attack on Corsica or anything else in Omicron 85? No, and even if there was, we weouldn't be doing it. We're your brothers for cardamine's sake. Of course you have the power to restrict access to Corsica, but that doesn't mean you should use it! We have enemies on planet Manhattan, but we don't bomb it! You are taking things to extremes over a petty personal issue with one of my men, and I don't think it's responsible behavior.

-Commander Corona Out-

|End Transmission|

101st General Order - Exile - 04-01-2008

[Incomming message]
[Comm ID : Luisa Dejesus]
[Input message]

[color=#FFFFFF] Mia! What has gotten into you?! The RoS have allways been our close allies. You know Kaela has allready left because of this "little grudge" you hold against the RoS. Putting restrictions on them will only worsen our relation with them. I for one, will -Not- support this deciscion, despite us being friends.

Think before acting.

101st General Order - Eppy - 04-01-2008

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Commander Mia Bonello, Battleship MNS Longinus***
***Target ID: Outcast Wide Beam***
***Re: " " " "***

Now that I seem to have gotten your attention, recheck my original memo. The terms have been set as I originally planned them. We needed to publish the Omicron-85 Code of Conduct anyways, this was a good opportunity to do so. Apologies for not informing you, Luisa, but there have been some developments since you went on vacation. I'll inform you shortly.

Oh, Commander Corona, hold your tongue. You are not privy to the goings-on here, and should think much more carefully how you respond to a lady's directives.

***End Transmission***

101st General Order - Lohingren - 04-01-2008


From:Reaper Flagship Silent Edge
To: Mia Bonello

little lady

This here is not leadership this is harassment, this statement is a complete and utter disgrace to our name. we have done nothing to deserve these disrespectful terms.

we shall remember this my friend when you next need help. your personal issues are not to come into the court you are a disgrace to our name

Lohingren Out


101st General Order - DBoy1612 - 04-01-2008

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to Lohingren, Reaper Flagship Silent Edge
CommID: Lope Rainero, Battleship Alhambra

I'd prefer it if you didn't make such transmissions to my Commander, Lohingren. These problems are being solved, it would be best if you kept your statements to yourself. A message will be forwarded to you and the rest of the RoS sometime before the day ends, wait for it before commenting again...

Rainerio out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program