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Congress application - Printable Version

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Congress application - Ortog - 02-02-2012

To the distiguished members of the Congress:

I am known as Ortog Ashford, and I would be honoured to be part of this old and established organisation.

Born in Bretonia, come from an impoverished low aristocracy background (nothing the be ashamed on that). Very early in my years I started running scout for my brother's dilapidated yatch, a family heirloom that treatned to colapse at the most crytical moments, hauling coveted goods for the ones that could afford them.

I have a natural empathy with machines and the constant maintenance of the old Dawn Treader only made it more aparent by the day. One evening, in a casual card game in Theta I was lucky enough to win an old CSF from a very drunk and unlucky junker...and that started it.

The Old Betsy was in a terrible shape: reactor leaked at cruise speed, flight computer had hic ups at the most unconvinient times, the paint job a complete disaster, guns almost non functional...took me 6 months hunting for spares and repairing it. Meanwhile I got to know of the existance of the Congress, while searching help in how to fix Old Betsy and locating functional parts.

While I still engage in the extremely profitable venue of smuggling, and scouting for my brother in such activities; Old Betsy, and her generous cargo space and mining capacity, allowed me to afford a collector, then a Recycler (all second hand vessels that had me extremely busy repairing but also extremely happy when it was acomplished). Finnaly I managed to afford one of the magnificent Salvagers, the Farnham's Legend, which is my pride and most of the time my home. I also own a marauder and an anki that are used in the "family trade". All these vessels are, of course, affiliated with the Junkers.

Running under the radar, avoiding lanes, bobbies and the ocasional over zealous military can be extremely lonely, if not dangerous. Therefore I had started communications with some friendly junkers while en route, gentlemen like the excelent Finn, and was fortunate enough to be in talking terms with both Junk Town and the missed Tinker.

I find myselfe now in a position where I believe I can serve a purpose and be of use to the Congress.

Would you gentlemen bestow upon me the honour of belonging to this ancient and dignified organisation?

I believe the honest respected Finn could endorse my request.

In hope


Congress application - Ortog - 02-02-2012

Very sorry , it seems my post was not in the correct section, It somehow managed to get into a very diferent section.

My apologies.