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Starflier buff thread - Printable Version

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Starflier buff thread - Vexykin - 02-02-2012

I think Starflier needs a Buff...


We can make two with better armor and 2 Class 10 and 1 class 9 gun:)

VHstarFlier would be ossim


Starflier buff thread - Alley - 02-03-2012


Starflier buff thread - Vexykin - 02-03-2012

Second Post?

Starflier buff thread - Grumblesaur - 02-03-2012

It's called an Eagle.

Starflier buff thread - Veygaar - 02-03-2012

' Wrote:It's called an Eagle.

Starflier buff thread - kikatsu - 02-03-2012

Starflier can mount two Gallic battleship forward guns.
Go do it, get the Xenos ID with it for a powerplant buff to fire them.

Starflier buff thread - Death.RunningVerminator - 02-03-2012

It's called Admin Shields.

Starflier buff thread - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-03-2012

' Wrote:It's called Admin Shields.

Hey, remember how much fun I had with the Repair Ship of DOOM?


(For those of you who weren't around for that event, I had tweaked a repair ship just a bit. Gave it 2 mortars, an Ossie engine, battleship shields, CAU8 armor, and camera ship thrusters.)

Starflier buff thread - Charos - 02-03-2012

Startracker was buffed.

Starflier buff thread - Slavik - 02-03-2012

startrackerspam wins every time!