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To: Mallory & Lambert - Printable Version

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To: Mallory & Lambert - Lumik - 02-04-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

Sender ID: ---blocked---
Location: planet New Tokyo

[Image: SecretMessage.jpg]

*Video shows dark place, bud in the middle is table with candle. Then probably woman voice which is changed by computer device start speaking with gallic accent on some words*

Greetings dear sir or madam from Mallory & Lambert. You don´t know me but I know your company. I heard something about you and I think you are the best one for my need. I want to order something from Gallia and bring it to Kusari. And if I´m right about you, your questions will be only what, where to deliver it and if I´m willing to pay your price. Am I right? And are you interested?

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION......................TERMINATED--------------------

To: Mallory & Lambert - Mallory & Lambert Logistics - 02-05-2012

Mallory & Lambert

[color=#66FF99]Logistics -Transportation - Service Solutions

[font=Lucida Console][color=#CCCCCC]Recipient: [color=#FFFFFF]Anonymous Customer

Encryption Level: Confidential - High
Sender Location: Scrambled Location

[Image: eve_mallory.jpg]

<< Secured Connection Established >>

Dear anonymous customer,

Mallory & Lambert is interested in your job offer and, by the way, your transmission with only the candle in the darkness sparked my personal curiousity.

Please transmit the necessary details and we will for sure be able to find a way to make it come true.


<< [color=#99FF99]Connection Terminated >>

To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Lumik - 02-05-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

To: Eve Mallory
Encryption: Special, specific encryption key required (sent to Eve Mallory in different short message before)
Sender ID: ---blocked---
Location: planet New Tokyo

[Image: SecretMessage.jpg]

*Video shows dark place, bud in the middle is table with candle. Then probably woman voice which is changed by computer device start speaking with gallic accent on some words*

Salutations mademoiselle Eve. I´m glad that I was right about your company. So what I need: I´m planning journey to Gallia, but for some reason I need to be in secret and without any problems with police. This requires two things - gallic papers and gallic ship.

First part of your job will be to get gallic papers for me. But I mean original, not fake ones, so I can go through any police control in space, station or planet without any problems. I believe you can manage this. Of course you need some data about my person which are required to make original papers. You can take them at planet New Tokyo, where they will be at New Tokyo metropolis central post office in anonymous box number 36752. Code for open is NT25OP12JOZ6. Don´t be catched with this data by any lawful forces, if necessary, destroy them and I will prepare them again.

With this data you will go back to Gallia and let make my papers in office on some planet in core system. I suggest to use busy planet where is a big move of freelancers and civilians. Papers will be made on name Audrey Arceneaux, age 22, born on same planet, profession independent trader with jewellery. After my papers will be made, send me a proof and I send you first third of money.

Second part of your job will be purchase of ship for me. Sirius made civilian ships are not good for me because they are still suspicious in Gallia and I want to be discreet, so I chose Moonbeam civilian light fighter. You will purchase one for me and register it on the made papers as freelancer ID. Name will be Miss.Audrey.Arceneaux and IFF of the ship will be freelancer. I also want there some equipment - two cannonball missile launchers, two lancer missile launchers and full load of both types of missiles. Nuclear mines dropper and 40 mines. Enhanced countermeasure dropper and full load of flares. Train cruise disruptor and 40 missiles to it. Advanced Protector light fighter graviton shield. Enhanced thruster. Advanced cargo scanner. Full load of nanobots and shield batteries. And at last, armor upgrade type Mk 8. I also need some cargo which trader with jewellery has to have, so buy some jewellery.

Finally, you deliver this fully prepared ship to planet New Tokyo and dock at Onuhara Ship Parking Storage Facility in New Tokyo metropolis. Make this redeployment as discreet as possible, I don´t want to have problems with anybody. After you send me proof of this, I will send you second third of the money and you will send me back number of parking place and starting codes for ship via direct text PM. When I check that everything is as I wanted, I send you rest of the money.

So final two questions: can you make this job and for how much credits?

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION......................TERMINATED--------------------

//oorp summary of job: Go to planet New Tokyo and buy one unit of Name Change certificate. After you undock, make screenshots in front of planet from which will be clear where you are here, time and cargo. Fly with it to Lyonnais system, planet Lyon, Croix-Rousse (it´s primary civilian space port of Planet Lyon and most independent shippers, civilian liners, and freelancers use Croix-Rousse as the docking port of choice, so it´s according the RP description above). Make screenshots you are there with certificate (same rules as previous screens). Post here and I send first third of money.

After that, make a new char with /gallia restart. Name it Miss.Audrey.Arceneaux and buy Moonbeam LF at Croix-Rousse. Make it freelancer IFF and equip it as described. Also load pearls, diamonds, gold, luxury consumer goods, platinum and silver, two cargo units of each. Finally load that name change certificate (you can´t buy it in Gallia I think). Make a screenshots at front of Croix-Rousse (same rules as previous screens) and relocate it to the planet New Tokyo, where make another screenshots. Post here and I send second third of money. Then send me /movechar code via PM. When everything will be as I ordered, I send you rest of money.

To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Lumik - 02-08-2012


To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Tenseiken - 02-09-2012

~~~Incomming transmission~~~

~~Signal location: Scrambled, sender moving
~~Sender: Bera Gaidon
~~Encryption: Maximum (automatic, only visible for recipient and other M&L members)
Video, Audio
~~Subject: Your request

A young man appears on the screen, showing no emotions as he speaks.
[Image: jun68ch.jpg]

Quo Garon

My name is Bera Gaidon.
I have been patched into this channel by M&L.
Your request is clear, even though it's a bit unusual.

One thing remains we need to talk about. Money.
You basically ask us to obtain gallic citizenship for you. Not an easy task.
Also you require us to pay 22,269,390 for the equipment and reputation you wish to obtain.
This will further increase the price.

I need to know whether you are ok with the basic price of 35,000,000.
Adding the required amount results in a total price of 57,269,390.

I am open for negotiations.

Rio Garon

[color=#FF6600]~~Signal lost

[color=#FF6600]~~~End of transmission~~~

To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Lumik - 02-09-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

To: Bera Gaidon
Encryption: Special, specific encryption key required (sent to Bera Gaidon in different short message before)
Sender ID: ---blocked---
Location: planet New Tokyo

[Image: SecretMessage2.jpg]

*Video shows dark place, bud in the middle is table with candle. Then probably woman voice which is changed by computer device start speaking with gallic accent on some words*

Salutations Monsieur Gaidon, nice to meet you. Oui, basically we can say I want to be Gallian. But about money - I don´t have problem with your offer. To make it simple, final price of this job will be 60 million credits so I can easily divide it to three parts and send them to you as I described earlier.

So now you can begin doing your job. After you pick up data for purchase my gallic papers at planet New Tokyo and then make them in Gallia, send me a proof as I want via this channel and I will send you first third of money - 20 million credits.

Bonne chance!

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION......................TERMINATED--------------------

To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Tenseiken - 02-10-2012

// whole post is oorp

I will be gone for a day or two. RL reasons. Once I am back I will immediatly take care of the job.

To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Tenseiken - 02-12-2012

~~~Incomming transmission~~~

~~Signal location: Scrambled, sender moving
~~Sender: Bera Gaidon
~~Encryption: Maximum (automatic, only visible for recipient and other M&L members)
Video, Audio
~~Subject: The first part

A young man appears on the screen, showing no emotions as he speaks.
[Image: jun68ch.jpg]

Quo Garon

My name is Bera Gaidon.
The first part is complete.

I found the papers in the described post box and took them to the Lyonnaise system, planet Lyon, port Croix-Rousse.

You now are registered there as a "citoyenne gallic".

I managed to sneak through the gallic patrols and haven't been seen by anyone
after picking up the papers at planet New Tokio.

Evidence file #1: ~
System New Tokio, planet New Tokio (orbit)

Evidence file #2: ~
System Lyonnaise, planet Lyon (orbit)

Rio Garon

[color=#FF6600]~~Signal lost

[color=#FF6600]~~~End of transmission~~~

To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Lumik - 02-12-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

To: Bera Gaidon
Encryption: Special, specific encryption key required (sent to Bera Gaidon in different short message before)
Sender ID: ---blocked---
Location: somewhere in New York system

[Image: SecretMessage2.jpg]

*Video shows dark place, bud in the middle is table with candle. Then probably woman voice which is changed by computer device start speaking with gallic accent on some words*

Bien cuit Monsieur Gaidon. You forgot just one thing - name of account where can I send first 20 million credits for this part of job. Please send it to me so I can give you your money and you can continue in next part of my order.

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION......................TERMINATED--------------------

To: Mallory &amp; Lambert - Tenseiken - 02-13-2012

~~~Incomming transmission~~~

~~Signal location: Scrambled, sender moving
~~Sender: Bera Gaidon
~~Encryption: Maximum (automatic, only visible for recipient and other M&L members)
Video, Audio
~~Subject: Your request

A young man appears on the screen, showing no emotions as he speaks.
[Image: jun68ch.jpg]

Quo Garon

My name is Bera Gaidon.
The first part is complete.

I apologize. Please wire the money to the Speedy.Dagger

Rio Garon

[color=#FF6600]~~Signal lost

[color=#FF6600]~~~End of transmission~~~