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Guild Wars 2 - Leo - 02-06-2012

Okay. I'll admit. I played Guild Wars 1 when it was released. Beta included. I didn't stick around long because the graphics were that great, the gameplay kept changing every update, and the UI never stayed the same. It annoyed me, to be honest, so I quit early on, even though it was free to play.

Now, some odd 8 years (ish) later, Guild Wars 2 is getting ready to be released. The graphics are...STUNNING, the game looks polished to a nice lovely shine, and the fact that there's no auto attack and no DPS, Tanks, or Healers to have to stand around waiting for. All of it looks simply impressive...I may actually drop Old Republic for this game when it comes out. It looks breath taking...the Alpha is better built and completed than most games are at release (Old Republic included).

Enough about my ranting though, who all is going to be checking this out on release? I know I am...if you haven't seen much on this, I encourage you to check out this video on Youtube about it. It pretty much sums up all that I can say about it.



Guild Wars 2 - Anonymous User - 02-06-2012

Filling up my HoM whenever i find time to do, to get more stuff for GW2:D

cant wait for it as well.

The grafics are rlly nice, but I hoped for more different classes.

There are only 8 classes, and after the release of the last one (Mesmer) they said this was the last one...

Even GW1 had 10 classes x_x

I dont think I will buy GW2 right away. Because if they ruin it like they ruined GW1 i dont wanna play it.
-> too much sweets, consets, stupid PvE only OP skills - and many more stuff which made gameplay too easy and simple!

Oldschool GW was the best, when you had to know what you do, not only spam skills 1,2,3,4 because your group is freaking OP due to conset/sweets buffs

Guild Wars 2 - ophidian - 02-06-2012

Played it. It is looking G.R.E.A.T.

Lots of features, living world, immense visuals and all. I also liked Guild Wars 1 but GW2 is the ****.

Guild Wars 2 - Anonymous User - 02-06-2012

' Wrote:Played it.

Did you see something like OP sweets/consets or similar crap?

Guild Wars 2 - ophidian - 02-06-2012

U mean the boasters? Dunno, I didn't have a chance to test every little detail as we had limited time to play it at the convention, but we had a chance to observe the dynamic world, random changes and player affecting changes, as well as the graphics and battle dynamics. They were great.

EDIT: I played it back in September. So the built was not up-to-date.

Guild Wars 2 - NixOlympica - 02-06-2012

Been hyping for this game last 3/4 of year. Ophi, you betatested? I have some many questions! :ylove:

Ninja outposted, shame, hoped for someone who is in beta-test but I bet they have NDA anyway...

Guild Wars 2 - Birdtalon - 02-06-2012

I'm really looking forward to Guild Wars 2.

Played GW1 for about 2 years and enjoyed it. Can't wait for sequel.

Guild Wars 2 - Matsuda - 02-06-2012

' Wrote:I'm really looking forward to Guild Wars 2.

Played GW1 for about 2 years and enjoyed it. Can't wait for sequel.

Biiirdyyyyy :ylove::ylove::ylove:

PS: Oh my god I swear having an RP account will one day kill me, Pilgrim here

Guild Wars 2 - ophidian - 02-06-2012

@Pilgrim -> Not beta testing, I was working for a gaming website and we had convention access for previewing.

We only had a few hours of access but I can tell you this, it was, in that beta condition, was MUCH MORE better than Star Wars TOR. I can say that your hype is not in vain =)

Guild Wars 2 - Death.RunningVerminator - 02-06-2012

I hope I don't need Hardware T&L...