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Close - Old Thread - Littleone - 02-09-2012

[Image: srdlogo.png]

::Incoming transmission::
::Sender ID : Benjamin Skarly::
::Location : Withheld::

I see you have found our private comms, well, use these comms to keep us up to date with what you are doing.

You should post here once a week with your name, ship and loadout. I want guncam footage of your ship and loadout.

I also want you to keep us up to date with whatever you are doing, I will look upon those who do so favourably.
Your "Tales" of your journeys will require guncam footage so that I know you aren't just making up wacky adventures to impress me.

I expect to be hearing from you soon, Benjamin Skarly, over and out.

::Transmission ending::
::Signal lost::

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Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Littleone - 02-11-2012

::Incoming transmission::
::Sender ID : Benjamin Skarly::
::Location : Freeport 2::

My ship is ready and functional.




Entering ship data into database: COMPLETE.

Benjamin Skarly, over and out.

::Transmission ending::
::Signal lost::

Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Ichiru - 02-11-2012

This is Nate Kicho reporting in with my first message dump
I have just equipped my ship this week

Here is my IFF:
IFF guncam
Here is my ID:
ID Guncam
And here is my Loadout:
Loadout Guncam

Kicho Out


Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Littleone - 02-11-2012

::Incoming Transmission::
::Sender ID : Benjamin Skarly::
::Location : Withheld::

I see your ship is in order... Congratulations, Nate Kicho, you have fufilled the requirements to be promoted to Observant One. I am updating your data now.

See you in space.

Benjamin Skarly, over and out.

::Transmission ending::
::Signal lost::

Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Ichiru - 02-12-2012

Konnichiwa Again!
Today I have gone into omicron delta to make a few observations. They aren't much because of the nomad threat, but I've made a start

Document (//people who want to edit this document please PM me your google account)


Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Hans von Goeben - 02-15-2012

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Sender ID: Hans.von.Goeben:.
.:Location: Newark Station, New York System:.

Guten Tag!
After 3 days in the Omicron systems, i mapped all acessable Omicron systems, which weren't hostile by entering, and their mysterities.
The Omicrons are so far relevant for us that there are many unknown Jump Holes to either unkown systems, and, of course, Nomad Activity.
My current aim of the Omicron Expidition I. was, besides mapping those places, to collect Nomad samples and study their behaviors in the worlds they are used to terrorize.
Analyzing those samples and combinating them with my discoveries which will be posted in some days, i hope to bring our current Physic Project; Manipulation of Matter and Quantums, a few steps onward. I have to say, the technology which the Nomads are using seem to be very relevant for this...
Like said prior, my diary of exploring the Omicrons will be sent soon.

Hail to Science and save skies, Kameraden!

von Goeben out.

.:Transmission end:.
.:Signal lost:.

Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Littleone - 02-15-2012

::Incoming Transmission::
::Sender ID : Benjamin Skarly::
::Location : Withheld::

Hans! This is great news! Could you post a map, as this would be very useful for our young scientists.
Well done Hans, keep up the good work.

Ah, and also, we are moving the station into house space for the first time.

::Transmission ending::
::Signal lost::

Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Hans von Goeben - 02-15-2012

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Sender ID: Hans.von.Goeben:.
.:Location: Planet Manhattan Spaceport:.
.:Topic: Omicron Expedition I:.

Guten Tag Ben!

Like you suggested, i public now the first part of my expedition to the Omicrons; including all discoveries, samples, experiences and, of course, the Jumphole Locations. I hope this will get in use for our young scientists:

First of all, i will show you the location of all neutral or friendly Omicron systems which i could enter; on the Sirius-wide map:

Overlook of Omicrons-locations in Sirius

General information:

Like you can see, the Omicrons are located on the whole "right" side of Sirius, from "Northnortheast" to "Southsoutheast", or, the "green" nebula section.

They include followed systems:
Omicron Theta, 74, Kappa, Delta, Gamma, Lost, 91, Zeta, Minor, 100, Mu, 92, Beta, Alpha, Iota

Guard Systems/Unenterable Systems::
Omicron 100, 91, [unknown] (jumphole located somewhere in Gamma, rumors about the Hispania there; but Guards prohibited entering this system.), Alpha, Beta. (both Outcast systems; hostile to me)
Most interesting is Omicron Iota, since i, slightly said, met two giant Nomad weapon platforms near the Jumphole to Iota, which made impossible to enter this system.
Iota seems to be a well-protected, therefore, our most interesting target. Maybe The Order can help us.

Border/Entry systems:
Tohoku, Omega 41, Alaska, Sigma 17

Factions: Zoners, Corsairs, Outcast, Nomad (beware!), Order and Freelancers.

Reason for expedition:
Mapping systems and areas unknown to [SRD]; collecting Nomad samples; those Nomad samples can, and, like its my opinion at the moment, will help us to understand Nomads and their technology better so the Physic Sectionis able to make some significant progress in the followed project: Matter, Quantum and Dimension Manipulation.

Detailed information will be published tomorrow.

Hail to science and save skies,
von Goeben.

.:Transmission end:.
.:Signal lost:.

Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - coolio - 02-16-2012

Incoming transmission.
Sender: James.Hunt

Picture 1
Picture 2

Pic 3
Pic 4

I think that covers all requirements sir. I am ready to embark on journies to discover and explain interesting anomalies.

Sirius Research and Development Message Dump. - Littleone - 02-16-2012

::Incoming Transmission::
::Sender ID : Benjamin Skarly::
::Location : Withheld::

It seems to be in order... I assume you will want to be going into the science division?

Ah, and we are moving the station out of house space do to...Complications...

P.S Thank you for your report Hans.

::Transmission ending::
::Signal lost::