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To Faction Leaders/HCs - Pancakes - 02-09-2012

It doesn't seem to be clear enough, so, ONLY FACTION LEADERS/ HC REPRESENTATIVES MAY POST HERE

So, currently there is a problem with several infocards of lot of factions. Most of them are simply out-dated while others are, well, false. So what I want from faction leaders is to write in here a revision of their infocard if they think such one is needed, take a note that I will only take it as suggestion and if you start to write off-lore stuff I will discard the suggestion and the infocard will be changed differently or not changed at all.

For each part you change/add I want you to list a reason for the change so I can know why it should be changed at all.

So, here you need to write:



In a case you think a change is needed only in one (or two, just not all of the 3) of these write "Not Needed" in the respected areas that are not to be changed.

Oh and anther thing, if you are not the official leader/HC dude and you have a suggestion my PM box is there for you.

A list of factions that were so far updated:
IMG, IMG guard, Order Guard, Order, CR, Bounty Hunter Guild Core, Council, BMM, GRN, ALG, Gateway, Mollys, Mollys Guard, HF, Unioners, Unioners Guard , Xenos, Xeno Guard, GRP, Gallic Brigands, Union Corse

P.S spam here and my ninjas will be after you.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - HuggieSunrise - 02-09-2012

wellll.. alot has changed in the keeper rp but not enough to change the infocard as it stands now unless.... someone..think different.? pm meh?

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Pancakes - 02-10-2012

Bumping this.

If no faction make any suggestion for a change, that means it's all up to the dev-team. And the chances that the infocards will be changed again after we finish with them in the near-by future are slim.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - AeternusDoleo - 02-10-2012

A note for people who are unsure what these mean: These set the description you get when you scan an NPC and read the faction description. Most are still fine, but some will require an update. I'll propose an update for IMG, including the infocard code for easy copy/paste:

ALLIES:  ALG, Gateway Shipping, Colonial Republic
ENEMIES:  Outcasts, Corsairs

The Independent Mining Guild (IMG) is a loose confederation of miners who work those fields that have thus far remained undeveloped by the larger mining companies
Unaffiliated with any one particular house, the IMG primarily operates mining bases, refining operations and civilian shipyards in the Tau and Omega borderworlds.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT>ALLIES:  </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>ALG, Gateway Shipping, Colonial Republic</TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>ENEMIES:  </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>Outcasts, Corsairs</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Independent Mining Guild (IMG) is a loose confederation of miners who work those fields that have thus far remained undeveloped by the larger mining companies.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Unaffiliated with any one particular house, the IMG primarily operates mining bases, refining operations and civilian shipyards in the Tau and Omega borderworlds.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

Changes: Added Gateway and Colonial to allies, removed BMM from enemies and added Corsairs instead. BMM is, much like Kruger and Daumann, unfriendly.
Removed the passage about the Kusari/BMM Tau conflict and added a generic description of the primary ZoI.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Jansen - 02-10-2012

CR one

Allies: The Council, IMG, Zoners (If we could just put the TAZ here then please that, otherwise Zoners in general), GMG
Enemies:Outcasts, GRN, GRP, Gallic Corporations

Description: The Colonials are descended from a group of human colonists who left the Solar System in experimental sleeper ship prototypes prior to the war between the Alliance and the Coalition. Forced to abandon their initially colonised worlds due to a natural disaster, they made their way to Sirius and ultimately settled in the remote Tau systems. However due to the Gallic conquest of these systems the Colonials were forced to evacuate the Tau 44 system. The Republic now continues to build up their economical strength as well as military might, in the system of Coronado.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Omicron - 02-10-2012

The Order

Allies: Zoners, Blood Dragons
Enemies: Core, Nomads

The Order is a powerful covert organization dedicated to preserving humanity from destruction. Created in dawn of the Nomad War by the Libertonian defector Casper Orillion, this group played a major role in the Nomads defeat in 800 A.S. In the following years, The Order allied with the Corsairs, offering the cutting edge battleship Osiris in exchange of military, personnel and ressource support. Due to ideological differences between the two, the ill-fated alliance collapsed in 818 A.S. After the loss of Toledo, the Order homeworld, and most of it's forces due to the bloody war with the Guild Core and the Nomads, The Order once again faded into the shadows.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 02-10-2012

The BHG Core infocard is just a copy/paste of the bounty hunter one at present, which means it's totally inaccurate. It should say something like this:

Allies: Liberty, Bretonian and Rheinland Police, Navies and Corporations, The Zoners
Enemies: The Corsairs, The Order, The Nomads, The Wild, Red Hessians, The Coalition, Criminals

Description: The Bounty Hunters Guild Core is a sub-sect of the Bounty Hunters Guild. It is a private military force concentrated on waging war in the Omicrons with the aim of capturing and monopolising Nomad technology, as well as destroying the Corsairs, Nomads and Order and asserting the Guild as the dominant force in the outer Omicrons and lower Omegas.

What I've changed: Everything, the current one is, as said above, a copy/paste of the regular BHG infocard, meaning it has little to do with the Core.

Also, the Corsair infocard needs to have the Order removed from its list of allies.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Pancakes - 02-10-2012

IMG, IMG guard, Order Guard, Order, CR and Bounty Hunter Guild Core are updated with considerable part of the update is the suggestions of the respected faction leaders/HC representatives.

Also updated:
GRN, Council, BMM

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Nature's Last Hope - 02-11-2012

Gaians are a terrorist faction, established as a grass roots organization opposed to altering of natural environment brought through terraforming or uncontrolled industrialization. With ecological issues being fundamental for modern Bretonia, Gaian ideas got a considerable public support among intellectuals from Cambridge as well as the working class on Leeds and despite the rumors about cooperation between Gaian terrorist cells and Kusari Naval Forces during the Tau Conflict - or between Gaians and Gallic Navy in 818 A.S. support for their goals hadn’t ceased to exist.
Drastic changes to the political map of Bretonia and surrounding space with the advance of Gallic Royal Navy had altered Gaians a lot. Since Planetform and Orbital Spa and Cruise were booted from Edinburgh and Planet Harris turned into yet another citadel of Bretonian Armed Forces as well as Planet Leeds, both being too tough nuts for Gaians to crack, the Gaians movement was ideologically deserted. Threats to their very existence and the planet Gaia, the symbol of the organization, now represented by the attitude of mind of Gallic Royal Family still existed, so Gaians followed the path of less effort, forging the new strategy in their colony in the desolate Faroe system and funding the remaining operations against Bretonian government via transit of goods from Kingdom of Gallia to Sirius.


Bretonian lawfuls

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Tigger - 02-11-2012


Allies: Gateway, IMG, Rheinland Police, Rheinland Military
Enemies: No change

Description: No change


Allies: ALG, IMG, Planetform, Zoners
Enemies: Recommend simplifying it to Criminals & Pirates or remove Junkers

Description: No change

Note: Gateway does not have an issue with Junkers, and Junkers are currently listed in the enemies list. It's not uncommon for Gateway ships to receive scrap from junkers in New London or elsewhere and haul the goods to sale; nor is it uncommon for the company to ship goods for junkers.


Allies: Hessians, HF, Liberty Rogues

Enemies: No change

Description: No change


If the Mollys are to be forced by the devs into an armistice with the Bretonian government, then perhaps a neutral stance would be better regarding rep hacks at some future update.

Edit: Realized an earlier draft was posted instead of the is correct as it now exists. Sorry.