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Engine Shop - PredatoRx - 02-11-2012

Can the develops make engine shop and Coloroful guns for bombers and CODENAMES with 9.00 refil rate and and other color like spirall guns. Engine shop would be nice like liberty ships with kusari engines or nomads that will be really nice.

Post here what do you think.

Engine Shop - Govedo13 - 02-11-2012

Nice story bro- sadly it does not work in game. Some ships bug with other engines.
However some looks cool- sadly with the vast playerbase now admins does not do the custom thing.
Back in the time was Tridente with blue engines- Blue.Raven -really good looking actually.

Engine Shop - Reid - 02-11-2012

' Wrote:Nice story bro- sadly it does not work in game.
Hamburg City mod has it

Engine Shop - McNeo - 02-14-2012

Because putting cap engines on fighters and vice versa would result in vastly different handling characteristics.

Try it in open SP using ioncross.

Engine Shop - Corsair - 02-16-2012

Each ship has a mass value, and each engine has a thrust value.

A fighter, for example, might have 9000 mass with a 20,000 thrust engine (completely fabricated stats)

A capital ship might have 18,000 mass and a 40,000 thrust engine.

If you put that 40,000 thrust engine on a 9,000 mass fighter, you would have a wildly outrageous fighter.

I think that this idea has merit- just changing engine color would be a nifty touch. I remember back in .85, a friend of mine got an admin to change his Xeno Roc to a Gallic Brigand engine which looked awesome.

Engine Shop - Awesome Boats - 02-16-2012

Being able to change the color of engines individually, like you change the color of ship lights would be neat. Seen it in other mods as well.

Kind of await fighters using all blue lights together with nomad thrusters.

Engine Shop - oddio - 02-19-2012

Dunno, don't agree...

every "nation/faction" got its engines, techs and ships, for RP issue i think it's better to leave like they are now.

Every faction should be proud of their own tech in my opinion, instead of claiming others one ;)

Think to the ones allowed only to use civilian tech to avoid tech nerfs... they should tear their hairs then :lol:

Engine Shop - Durandal - 02-19-2012

They stopped doing it 'cause it was work and took 'em all away from the people who had 'em so others couldn't scream bias more or less.

From what I understand you can't just set it up as a pimpship style thing and autoban anyone who uses the wrong engines, but I don't buy that to be honest.