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To: Order High Command - Printable Version

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To: Order High Command - neko_soilder - 02-12-2012

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ID: Jennifer Ferrante PhD

Good day'

I know I haven't made much of a presence ever since Toledo was destroyed and the OSD went into disarray, but that isn't really wanted to talk about.

The thing is...My sister and I would like to leave the Order and return to Liberty together.
This came as a hard decision for the both of us but things have gotten tough over the past month, especially us non-combat personnel. Getting shot at by nearly every ship we come across with is no way to conduct research, and Evie hasn't been to thrilled ever since the loss of the Seshat during the minor evacuations.

I personally would still like to continue my research and aid the order, but just not under the Order's flag. Maybe after everything settles down we will return, but not right now. I still have some assets I left behind on Denver, starting up my own lab shouldn't be a problem. Evie is confident she will find something to do with herself, though she doesn't want to go back to Universal.

So my sister and I would like to formerly request to hitch a ride back to Gran Canaria on the next Zoner convoy or on an Order vessel heading out in that direction.

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To: Order High Command - Omicron - 02-13-2012

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Amduat here

Going undercover as I understand is aproved. You are free to depart on nearest Zoner or Order logistic vessel once paperwork will be done. Remember that we will remember, your eventual capture by any other entity is unnacceptable. We also expect status uptates or report if you discover something of value.

Amduat out.

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To: Order High Command - neko_soilder - 02-16-2012

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ID:Jennifer Ferrante PhD

Well, I guess "undercover" would be an optimistic way of putting my departure, but i do remind you that when I say "leave" I actually mean I'm "leaving."

Though I do wish to report in my findings and eventually come back to your side, once the circumstances clear up a little.

I'll let my sister talk to you, since she will be coming with me as well.


ID: Evie Ferrante

Heya Sir!

I'll be going with my big sister back to Liberty.
I know I haven't been much help as the head of Logistics, so I'm sure you can find a much better replacement for me.

Maybe I'll go to flight school while I'm in Liberty, so I'll be ready to possibly help out some more when I come back with Jenny. Because even though she stresses that she might not come back we all know she will!

Maybe I can find a better replacement for the Seshat after it's destruction during Minor's evacuation.

See yah!

[Image: 1zwnk7pjpg.png]

To: Order High Command - neko_soilder - 02-26-2012

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ID: Jennifer Ferrante PhD

Well it took me awhile but I've finally made it back into liberty space, and don't worry I've made sure this is a completely secure channel, not even the LSF or the Lane Hackers could intercept this transmission.

I've secured myself a private lab to myself using some of my privates funds, and Evie actually went to fighter pilot training on Denver, where I work, against my protests.

I'll use this string of communications for contacting you for future communications along with my findings, Evie told me to load this text file in when I contacted you because she is currently in class.

To Overwatch:
From: Evie Ferrante
Since I'll probably be bored out of my mind here in liberty with no transport to captain anymore and only this pitiful little fighter craft, I'll do some reconnaissance or the what-not you might need me to do.

Ferrante out.

[Image: 1zwnk7pjpg.png]

To: Order High Command - neko_soilder - 03-08-2012

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ID: Jennifer Ferrante PhD

Hello again Over watch. This is just a normal check i-

She yawns

Oh sorry, haven't been energized very much lately...hmm maybe I can do something about that...

Well anyway, back to my main topic I'm fine here in Liberty but I've noticed something interesting, as we know much of Ageria's is based off of the Daam K'Vosh site found on Manhatten named Valhalla One. I came across while comparing the radiation given off when activating a Ageria made trade lane is almost exactly the same signature given off when the trade lane like objects in Iota are activated, Interesting stuff right?

Well what I'm trying to go with this is I think we should commit a little more of our resources at finding similar Daam K'Vosh sites, such as getting some undercover agents onto Sprague or dispatching research craft capable of atmospheric landings onto planets in the Omicrons. Who knows what we could possibly find down there.

I'll report back for my next check in when I have something else to report, Now I'll go stay up and research a way to solve my lack of sleep.

[Image: 1zwnk7pjpg.png]

To: Order High Command - neko_soilder - 03-18-2012

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ID: Evie Ferrante

Overwatch, this is Evie Ferrante my sister has already sent a message over Order action reports signalling our return from liberty, during that time I took classes to become a better fighter pilot.

With that said I would like to join the official ranks of the Order's combat division while still continuing my role as head of Logistics as I did before the fall of Minor, of course with your permission of course. I know we are hard pressed for supplies at the moment and I will be needed much more with organizing our convoys than aiding in the fight.

I can all ready feel my free time washing away!

[Image: 1zwnk7pjpg.png]