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To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Le... - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Communication Channel (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=59) +--- Thread: To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Le... (/showthread.php?tid=74805) |
To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Le... - Nicole Hunter - 02-13-2012 ...hack.initiated...decryption.in.progress... ...Hacker.Nicole.Hunter.recognized...transmission.encrypted... ...uploading.data... ...live.feed.initialized... ![]() ![]() I always wondered if you know how many dwarfs Alice met in the Wonderland... ...decryption.failed... 301516191207301207082512072608111112211211070932072715120726161416211613161008212707261227090810180716210722282507251219082716222126450716071508291207212227071022212708102712110732222807272207111626102826260727151626072008272712254407122912253209221132071508260708072516141527072722071015222226120715162607132516122111260708211107200818120715162607223021072016262708181226440730150827071607082007221313122516211407322228071626070807261620231912070908252712254407222112072213072228250722231225082716291226071022211128102712110715161415522516261807251210222121081626260821101207221307271512072916251416211608072632262712204407222825072223122508271629125026072512232225270711122708161926071229122532072016191627082532521425081112071621262708191908271622210716210727151207263226271220450710222127081621260713222227081412072213072008162107232216212726072213071621271225122627070821110711122708161912110708210819322616260722130727151207111213122126162912071008230809161916271612264507162110192811162114070827270810180708211107162113161927250827162221072610122108251622264407301207082512073016191916211407272207261219190732222807123110192826162916273207222107271516260725122322252707132225070807202211122627072628200722130736394434343444343434453434072610440716270720120821260727150827073012073022215027072612191907271516260725122322252707272207082132072227151225072715162511072308252732440730120708251207081926220708300825120727150827450713222507290825162228260725120826222126450732222807201614152707300821270727220718121223072715162607272508212608102716222107261210251227071325222007322228250729082516222826070819191612264407272207082922161107082132071116251210270710222127081027070912273012122107222825072223122508271629122645073012071508291207122627080919162615121107080723252231320708101022282127072715120720222112320726152228191107091207261221270727224407271516260707081010222821274507111226161421082716222107211610184409223012254507162607223021121107093207080719083052080916111621140710162716331221072213071916091225273207301522072623121016081916331226071621071621271225521522282612072725081112072221070807262008191907261008191244072725082126081027162221073016191907091207282127250810080919124407222110120715120725121012162912260727151207102512111627264507160730161919072823192208110727151207251223222527072722072715162607132512242812211032440732222825072512262322212612072722072715162607132512242812211032072615222819110709120712211025322327121107301627150715082615102211120734343440070821110716211019281112071508261510221112072715082707261522281911070912072826121107132225072228250725122319324407161307132225072622201207251208262221073222280730162615072722072612270728230708072012122716211445073012072016141527070912070809191207272207082525082114120716270722210708072112282725081907142522282111072213071325121223222527073807162107200814121919082144071613073222280708251207212227071621271225122627121107162107222825072213131225071122072122270709222715122507272207251223193244072116102219120715282127122544 To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Legion - Echo 7-7 - 02-18-2012 ![]() Encrypted Data Burst: 132411112615201325440614070917112443061506071906202126061821241006092119190720101124061907241725212044060827260615061407281106081111200609142125112006262106252211071706212006141525060811140718124306261411061811131521200615250629151818152013062621061907171106261415250608072426112443062911062915181806291524110626141106092411101526250626210631212724060914212511200607090921272026062514212426183143061506142122110631212724061520122124190726152120061021112506202126061015250722222115202606272506510615260609212718100614072811062720221811072507202606092120251123271120091125062126141124291525114306251120100631212724062411221831062120061407251409211011063333334143061218111126060921191907201011240617152020071524100621272643 ![]() To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Legion - Nicole Hunter - 02-19-2012 ...hack.initiated...decryption.in.progress... ...Hacker.Nicole.Hunter.recognized...transmission.encrypted... ...uploading.data... 152323120812093308282308332329081123212109221213264508212608102331132608160927081423263109261213120829270828161308240933211322284508272910271325291322280828260922272117272717232227083117202008112322280917220828312308240926282708231408281613082613242326284508281613261308172708261309202033082223082213131208142326082816261309282745081728081727082213172816132608242320172813082223260813141413112817301345081728081727081722082329260810132728081722281326132728082823082924162320120823292608261324292809281723220809221208282629272808311308092613081517301322450831130827172211132613203308101320171330130828160928081722142326210928172322081123222809172213120817220828161308261324232628460831161720130829271320132727081423260829274608311720200824262330130809280820130927280817222813261327281722150814232608332329450817140833232908272817202008221313120828230811232228091128082927082326083323290831092228082823082927130823292608271326301711132708292713081609271611231213083535363845082717221113261320334608221711232013081629222813264508244527450809270814232608261324292809281723224545450824201309271308281320200811232121092212132608120920130828230829271308101328281326081322112633242817232208232208161727082413262723220920082813262117220920460824261314132609102033082329260809201523261728162127460809221208210933101308282308093023171208122331222023091217221508112326270917260824232622231526092416334508172808122313272251280826130920203308272917280809220817210915130823140809082013151723222209172613080922120829272909202033081123222809172227080908202328082314082826231809222745 To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Le... - Nicole Hunter - 02-19-2012 ...hack.initiated...decryption.in.progress... ...Technician.Nicole.Hunter.recognized...transmission.encrypted... ...uploading.data... ![]() ![]() MISSION 8: RECONNOITRE THE VIRGINIA SYSTEM Reconnoitre the Virginia system. Log all contacts and installations. Provide analysis of defensive capabilities and potential vulnerabilities. Phase 1: Sectors A-D Summary During the first phase of reconnaissance in Virginia, using search pattern Epsilon, two planets, one gas giant (P1) and one possibly habitable planet (P2) surrounded by a minefield, were discovered. Besides the planets, a dense particle cloud in sectors A-D/6-7 containing a jumphole to Kansas system surrounded by a minefield and ice field in sectors A-C/1-3 containing a jumphole to California system, were found. Both jumpholes were heavily guarded by three battle-cruisers in total. No other hostile contacts or installations were encountered. Detailed report According to our records the only known jumphole leading to Virginia was located in Kansas system. For that reason I decided to take additional reserves of Hi-Fuel, as the jumphole is on the far side of the system. After jumping to Virginia I found myself in the dense particle cloud. Moreover, the jumphole was surrounded by a minefield. The only exit from the minefield was guarded by a heavily armed battle-cruiser. I disabled all systems of my ship and slowly drifted in the direction of the minefield's exit. Due to density of the particle cloud and small electronic shadow of my ship I was able to sneak by the battle-cruiser. When I got to a safe distance I decided to use search pattern Epsilon consisting from thirteen waypoints to scout sectors A-D. In the vicinity of first waypoint I found a gas giant, probably consisting of helium and hydrogen, but my ship was not capable of a more detailed survey. No installations in the orbit were found. At waypoint six I found possibly habitable planet surrounded by a minefield. Since, both, the planet and the minefield, lied in sectors D-F, I decided to postpone further investigation. Around tenth waypoint I entered an ice field, in the centre of which I found a jumphole guarded by two battle-cruisers. I decided not to risk sneaking by them and sent only an automatic probe to retrieve information where the jumphole leads to. To my great astonishment the probe returned coordinates in California. After I had returned to Magellan through Kansas I confirmed the readings from the probe. I refuelled my ship and prepared for the next stage of the mission. To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Le... - Nicole Hunter - 02-19-2012 ...hack.initiated...decryption.in.progress... ...Technician.Nicole.Hunter.recognized...transmission.encrypted... ...uploading.data... ![]() ![]() MISSION 8: RECONNOITRE THE VIRGINIA SYSTEM Reconnoitre the Virginia system. Log all contacts and installations. Provide analysis of defensive capabilities and potential vulnerabilities. Phase 2: Sectors E-H Summary During the second phase of reconnaissance in Virginia, using search pattern Pi, two additional planets, one barren but possibly habitable planet with a breathable atmosphere (P3) orbited by a military base (B2) and four weapon platforms, and one volcanic world most likely unsuitable for terraforming (P4), were discovered. Besides the planets, a dense dark matter cloud in sectors F-G/1-3 containing an installation built around unidentified electromagnetic anomaly, possibly a research station (B1) was found. Further investigation of the surroundings of the planet discovered in first phase of the mission (P2) allowed to reveal a large military installation orbiting the planet, most likely a shipyard (B3). The only way to the planet and the shipyard leads through a narrow passage in the minefield, which is guarded by ten weapon platforms and four battle-cruisers. Besides these installations, a jumpgate leading to Texas system (JG), guarded by a battleship (B4) and two battle-cruisers, is located at sector E/2-3. These three major installations, the jumpgate (JG), military base (B2) and shipyard (B3) are connected by a fully operational trade lane network. During the mission distant contact with two additional hostile vessels belonging to Liberty Navy occurred, most likely fighters. Sectors E-F/2-7 were also patrolled by an unidentified battleship. Due to a low-profile character of the mission close contact was avoided. Detailed report Using information gathered during the first phase of the mission I sneaked by to the sector D/1, where I initiated search pattern Pi, consisting of nine waypoints. Before reaching waypoint two I entered a black matter cloud and my sensory range seriously declined. Despite this, shortly after reaching the waypoint I received strange readings. I decided to investigate. These readings came from an electromagnetic anomaly located within the cloud. Upon further investigation I discovered a whole research complex (B1) built around this anomaly. Since my ship was not outfitted to collect scientific data, I only took preliminary readings of the base and the anomaly. In the midway between waypoint two and three I encountered a barren planet (P3). I decided, however, that I will investigate it closer in the midway between waypoint four and five. Suddenly, a Liberty Navy officer hailed me using system-wide transmission and ordered me to identify myself. I introduced myself as Lt. Hunter performing patrol duty and sent the officer coordinates at the opposite side of the system. This bought me enough time to discover another volcanic planet (P4) in sector H/8 and quickly advance to waypoint five. On my way there I investigated more closely previously discovered planet (P3) and learned that it has breathable atmosphere and is orbited by an unidentified military station (B2) and four weapon platforms. I took only distant readings of the installations and quickly disappeared in the dark matter cloud, because by that time Navy realised that I am not at the coordinates I've sent them. They started to look for me. I could no longer pretend an officer, therefore I decided to lure them into the dark matter cloud. I positioned my ship at the edge of the dark matter cloud and waited for them to show up. When they got a faint reading of my ship and sounded the system-wide alarm, I quickly disappeared, effectively luring every ship present in the system into the dark matter cloud. This allowed me to continue scouting along waypoints six, seven and eight uninterrupted, during which I found a fully operational trade lane network connecting military base (B2) and the planet surrounded by a minefield (P2), which was discovered in the previous phase of the mission. Narrow passage leading to the planet was heavily guarded by multiple weapon platforms and battle-cruisers. I took only distant shots of the planet and the shipyard (B3) orbiting it. No presence of a dock-ring was confirmed. Since trying to get through the passage would be a suicide even if there was no system-wide alarm, I decided to continue to the last ninth waypoint, where I found a jumpgate guarded by a battleship (B4) and two battle-cruisers. I used a hole in the jumpgate security program and planted a trojan that gave me coordinates of the end-gate, which proved our suspicions about the nature of the recently discovered mine field in Texas system. Since all the objectives of the mission were completed, I returned to base by the usual route through Kansas. Later on I also investigated the minefield in Texas and learnt that its entrance is guarded by another battle-cruiser. I wish to underline that during the mission no hostile ship was able to take even incomplete scan of my ship. Liberty Navy possess no information about who and why infiltrated their system, or even if their system was infiltrated. For all it matters, I could have been just an officer with not updated IFF transponder, as it happens often in the secondary fleet. I attach the full transcription of communication logs for review. Waypoint #2-3 Alpha
Waypoint #2-3 Beta Waypoint #2-3 Gamma Waypoint #4-5 Waypoint #7-8 Texas jumpgate's surroundings Entry jumpgate in Texas Communication logs [LN] Remus Sius: Remus: This is Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius... to unknown vessel.... please kindly identify yourself. Nicole Hunter: This is Lt. Hunter on a patrol duty. [LN] Remus Sius: I read you Lieutenant Hunter.... what's your location. Nicole Hunter: Quadrant B/C - 2/3 [LN] Remus Sius: Remus: I say again... Lt Hunter... what is your location. Nicole Hunter: Quadrant B/C - 2/3, Sir. Nicole Hunter: I've sent this transmission earlier, but forgot to boost the signal. [LN] Remus Sius: Understood... Lieutenant Hunter. [LN] Remus Sius: Thank you for responding... I thought you were an intruder. [LN] Jane Hartman: Sir, we've got a contact here. [LN] Jane Hartman: Flickering... Lost her. [LN] Jane Hartman: Didn't get close enough for a fix. Just proximity, Sir. [LN] Remus Sius: Use secure comms, Jane. [LN] Jane Hartman: Aye Sir, switching frequency. [LN] Jane Hartman: Jumpgate control, this is Hartman. Seal all entrances, I say again, seal the gate. [LN] Jane Hartman: All ships, set status red across the board. We have a confirmed intruder. [LN] Remus Sius: You have no where to run... [LN] Remus Sius: We've blocked all exits. [LN] Remus Sius: Surrender now... or face destruction. [LN] Jane Hartman: *Static.* -rn field. Can't get a proper *Static*-ation status. [LN] Remus Sius: Say again Jane.. your breaking up. [LN] Jane Hartman: *Static* -ng on Si-.*Static.* Boostin- *Static.* [LN] Jane Hartman: Cleared. That field plays hell with comms Sir. [LN] Jane Hartman: Unknown contact, this is the Liberty Navy. All exits from this system are sealed. Respond over this frequency, if you are able. [LN] Jane Hartman: Unknown contact, this is the Liberty Navy. Identify yourself, over. Nicole Hunter: *Unable to resolve connection.* [LN] Jane Hartman: *Swears.* Goddam it. [LN] Jane Hartman: *Connection terminated.* Analysis Virginia system can be accessed either by a jumphole in Kansas, by a jumphole in California or by jumpgate in Texas. Entrance from Texas has the heaviest protection including minefield and battle-cruiser on the Texas side and a battleship and two battle-cruisers on the Virginia side. Infiltration through this entrance is simply impossible. Entrance from California is guarded by two battle-cruisers on the Virginia side. Any unauthorized ship jumping from California will be instantly destroyed. Low profile infiltration using this entrance is also impossible, however, two bomber wings supported by several gunships could be able to force their way in taking heavy losses. Use of this entrance is highly discouraged. The least protected entrance lies in Kansas. Although, the jumphole is located inside a minefield with the only exit being guarded by a single battle-cruiser, a dense particle cloud surrounding the jumphole could be used as protection from hostile scanners. Small ships might be able to sneak by the battle-cruiser and maintain low profile. Bigger ships such as bombers, gunships or transport won't be able to get past the battle-cruiser undetected. The only alternative would be to use utility ships and slowly dig own tunnel in the minefield. However, such operation doesn't seem to be viable solution for the Lane Hackers. Despite this, the details of this report could be sold to a different entity, both interested in and capable of such operation, for example Hellfire Legion. Sectors A-D, unlike E-H, are patrolled rarely and there is low danger of being exposed there. Sectors E-H should be avoided at all costs, due to abundant military installations and numerous patrols. To: Lord Commander Alan Markson of the Hellfire Legion - Echo 7-7 - 02-19-2012 ![]() Encrypted Data Burst: 223313252828243213252224181338283431132227331825132232133228252217511326321321342733183150132028281713172822272013153432222718323250135813192225181317283627252814171316282629251833185013162114272718251316252832181750 ![]() |