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Flaks, Aim and Zoom. Is it possible to fix it? - Printable Version

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Flaks, Aim and Zoom. Is it possible to fix it? - Knjaz - 02-15-2012

As it's known, when you aim at the open space, the actual "aim" is located at certain distance from the screen. When you start zooming out, you'll very soon reach a point when your aim will be located between your ship and your screen. so projectiles will be flying towards your screen, not in the actual direction you're aiming it.

Why I'm putting flaks here? because those suffer most from that. Since flaks are considered "missiles", the crosshair is located right a the center of the target. So you have to "lead" the target , and shoot "at the open space", where it's suppose to be when projectile reaches it.

Why is it important? because due to this you can't zoom out, and that greatly limits your combat capabilities, especially in terms of tracking incoming missiles. you have to rotate your camera like a madman to target novas and at same time search for targets. Also, if you zoomed out you have to manually select each and every Nova that is coming towards you, and only then shoot.

So, can anything be done about this? (either increase aim "distance", or giving flaks a proper crosshair... although that might make them bit OP)

Flaks, Aim and Zoom. Is it possible to fix it? - AeternusDoleo - 02-15-2012

I seriously doubt this is fixable. Thus, you'll have to flak from zoomed in, at a closer range. Then zoom out to do ranged battle.

Flaks, Aim and Zoom. Is it possible to fix it? - Knjaz - 02-17-2012

Another thing came to my mind, conerning this.
Is it allowed and is it possible, somehow, to increase camera rotation speed client-side?

Flaks, Aim and Zoom. Is it possible to fix it? - CzeReptile - 02-17-2012

How about making gatling solaris the anti-torpedo weapons? Fast and stuff to kill them. Decrease damagei f you must but flaks are just meh.

Flaks, Aim and Zoom. Is it possible to fix it? - Syrus - 02-17-2012

A flak turns very fast. If you target the crosshair, it will fire in the proper direction.
Worked for me quite well, even if it makes your main guns turn around a bit, but I think it's not that big of a problem...

Flaks, Aim and Zoom. Is it possible to fix it? - Knjaz - 02-17-2012

' Wrote:A flak turns very fast. If you target the crosshair, it will fire in the proper direction.
Worked for me quite well, even if it makes your main guns turn around a bit, but I think it's not that big of a problem...

I was talking about camera turning.
Flak turns at a good speed. Camera - not always. Especially when you're swarmed with novas. (5-6 bombers will give you hell, even if you have alot of support on the battlefield)

And targeting crosshair doesn't quite help, because ship/nova speed (and Nova's real speed is 300m/s) isn't being taken into account. (although it's usually not a problem with novas, since they're flying towards you) Also, you have to manually select it. Doesn't always work in real combat.

EDIT: Of course, I'm talking about optional, client-side camera turning speed change. Since it's pretty good for everything else, but flaks.