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To: All Corsairs; - Printable Version

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To: All Corsairs; - Laerethe - 02-16-2012

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Target: Corsairs
Genesis: Commodore Enzo Santiago, head of the Blanco fleet of the Centinelas del Cielo.
Subject: Zoner war-like hostility; possible alliances?



Earlier, we were repelling a coalition of Hessian and Reaver scum, who had the nerve to enter our system with not only Fighters, but Bombers. I, and a friendly AI was supplying our brothers, refraining from shooting unless engaged.

As the fight turned in our favour, a Zoner Carrier(Aquilon class) named 'Sunrise' and gunboat(Conference class) appeared in the Gredos cloud. When hailed, they refused to state their intentions.

Both were in breach of the our agreement with the Zoners; we do not allow capital ships belonging to the Zoners in our system, aside from certain exceptions, I believe? Regardless of the specificity, such an act is tantamount to a declaration of war.

However, the Carrier has undermined our relations with the Zoners; he began resupplying our enemies. Such an action caused him to be designated as hostile and targeted.

Before I engaged, the Zoner already broadsided my battleship, the Ira, with a continuous stream of energy and Mortars. I returned fire, and almost succeeded in destroying him, but unfortunately, the combined efforts of the entire enemy fleet managed to destroy my ship; I was the sole allied capital ship present. Do not worry though; their aim was too poor to catch my escape pod, which survived and returned to Skiros.

I trust the Corsair Elders will contact the Zoners about this occurence; compensation would also be appreciated, if at all possible. However, this does not need to be monetary; I would simply like to see the cabron executed.

The following guncams show his presence and actions. The Benitez family are in a position to also testify.

The warship
The declaration of hostility
Safe arrival and call for support

I believe this is not the first time the ship in question has committed such atrocities; he is risking termination of the already fragile diplomacy. I trust that the Elders will be able to come to an agreement with the Zoner authorities.

All Corsairs, keep safe out there. Train well, and do not trust these Zoners until our situation is further rectified. This Zoner assistance is tantamount to declaration of war, so prepare yourselves accordingly. If you require assistance, contact any Centinelas and assistance will be provided, if in our capacity.

I will inform my fleet of the situation.

Good flying hermanos, and keep safe.

Commodore Enzo Santiago


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To: All Corsairs; - Laerethe - 02-17-2012

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Target: Corsairs
Genesis: Commodore Enzo Santiago, head of the Blanco fleet of the Centinelas del Cielo.
Subject: Signal



Boosting signal to three times the standard.


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To: All Corsairs; - Gytrash - 02-17-2012

// remove please

To: All Corsairs; - Laerethe - 02-17-2012

/\/\/\ ----- INCOMING TRANSMISSION -----/\/\/\

Target: Corsairs
Genesis: Commodore Enzo Santiago, head of the Blanco fleet of the Centinelas del Cielo.
Subject: Zoner war-like hostility; possible alliances?



There seems to be some interference on the communication line; investigating it now. Are we being spied on?


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To: All Corsairs; - Jose Benitez - 02-17-2012

***Incoming Transmission***

Comm ID ;- Jose Benitez
Location ;- Battleship Delos

Target ID ;- Commodore Santiago

Senor Santiago,

I must admit to having no idea what you are talking about with regard to any agreement, however, I would strongly suggest that you follow standard Corsair doctrine in such circumstances ie when someone shoots at you, shoot them back.

I'd also like to point out that what amounts to little more than a couple of rogue Zoners behaving as you have suggested hardly constitutes a reason to suggest we are at "war" with the Zoners or they with us.

The Zoners are a disparate people and as such there will be some misguided individuals that think of Corsairs differently to others. I assume that you have no evidence of any freeport affiliated Zoners, OSI or TAZ being involved in any attacks? If you did, have this would be of concern as it would likely represent some form of organised attack on the Empire to which we would have to respond.

We are not at war with Zoners, and have not been at war with Zoners. We did however, have a number of issues with an organisation known as the Omicroners, and as I am sure you are aware there was once a blockade of the Zoner bases in Theta.

In light of my above comments can I suggest that you return to your ship and continue to do your duty and both serve and protect the Empire? In the event that you see either of the Zoner ships that you have highlighted above then you should behave in a manner that feels most appropriate - however, I should also point out that in general, Zoner ships will continue to be protected by the Corsair Laws.

Have a safe flight Commodore.


Jose Benitez

To: All Corsairs; - Laerethe - 02-17-2012

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Target: Jose Benitez
Genesis: Commodore Enzo Santiago, head of the Blanco fleet of the Centinelas del Cielo.
Subject: Regarding Jose's reply



The agreement I am referring to is that of our diplomatic relations, and of our laws.

We cannot condone hostile Zoner capitals allying with our enemies; the reference to a possible war is simply preparatory, considering that this has recently been a sadly common sight.

I am not claiming in any sense that a war is happening between us and the Zoner groups; simply that war-like actions have been pursued by many Zoners, and that we much prepare ourselves for every eventuality. We must ensure that our diplomatic relations are not harmed; the Zoners are invaluable as suppliers.

I did follow standard Corsair protocol and return fire; however, the ship in question had the advantage of pre-emptive fire, and a multitude of well-equipped snubcraft to support him. The ship 'Sunrise' will be declared an enemy of the Centinelas; should another such circumstance arise, I'm sure you will follow suit in attempting to eradicate this cabron.

My intent was and is simply to warn the Corsairs of the hostility the pilot has shown us, so as not to be caught off guard in any future conflict.

My ship is almost rebuilt, thanks to our ingenious engineers at Tripoli; I will soon take to the skies again, defending our nation alongside the honoured Benitez.

Good flying, hermano.

Commodore Santiago


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