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Freelancer IDs - Printable Version

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Freelancer IDs - NomadRevenge - 02-17-2012

Have seen a few threads asking bout the merging of the freelancer/smugler etc etc etc ids and wondered why is this? was this to discourage non faction characters?

Freelancer IDs - Ursus - 02-17-2012

Couple of reasons that I remember, which may not be the actual reasons. One was they required a lot of maintenance effort for balance and admin (smugglers getting shot, complaints filed, etc). Also that an ID is for rules purpose not for RP purpose, and more IDs makes the game more rigid and fragile, while they are unnecessary for roleplay. Combined means a lot of leaf IDs that were infrequently used sucking up disproportianate amount of volunteer effort that could be spent on broader purposes. That's what I recollect anyway

Freelancer IDs - Hone - 02-17-2012

Because this is freelancer, not "Hey-Imma-announce-imma-smuggler-then-whinge-when-I-get-shot-for-it"lancer.

Freelancer IDs - Croft - 02-17-2012

As Ursus said, some people just took one look at the ID be it smuggler or slaver and ignore any attempt at RP, even with empty ships the ID would still mark you.
Unfortunately not even the merging into freelancer ID's have stopped this kind of thing, I was stopped as my fresh freelancer ID'd smuggler with an empty cargo hold in new york by an indie LPI because, and I quote

"your ID has the pirate freighter picture on it."

Freelancer IDs - NomadRevenge - 02-17-2012

well then surely would it not be a better idea to have the idea not disallow unlawful actions? I think that a freelancer should be allowed to work for whoever they want lawful or unlawful

Freelancer IDs - ryoken - 02-17-2012

' Wrote:well then surely would it not be a better idea to have the idea not disallow unlawful actions? I think that a freelancer should be allowed to work for whoever they want lawful or unlawful

The Unlawful actions part is to stop freelancers from Pirating. There is a Pirate ID for that. To many were using freelancer IDs claiming neutral 1 second, and pirating the next.
Some of the other IDs were made freelancer as many were abused in similar ways. Stating ID did not say they couldn't do it, so they did.
So in general the few as usual who abuse items just cause they can ruined it for others. So basically if you want to RP something look for an ID that fits the RP, and not an ID to hide behind.

Freelancer IDs - Ursus - 02-17-2012

' Wrote:well then surely would it not be a better idea to have the idea not disallow unlawful actions? I think that a freelancer should be allowed to work for whoever they want lawful or unlawful
Where do you see prohibition on unlawful actions? Maybe it is still on the legacy smuggler ID object but I'm looking at the Freelancer ID now and it doesn't say anything about that. Also here's the thread for the next round of ID updates, comments there are most likely to be processed.

Quote:dsy_license_freelancer ids_info = 500647

Pilot carrying this ID is a Freelancer, who:

- Can fulfill bounty contract and escort other vessels.
- May not engage in piracy outside of a posted bounty contract.
- May treat trade vessels as combat targets in pursuit of a bounty contract.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats.

Doesn't say anything about unlawful either

Freelancer IDs - ryoken - 02-17-2012

' Wrote:Where do you see prohibition on unlawful actions? Maybe it is still on the legacy smuggler ID object but I'm looking at the Freelancer ID now and it doesn't say anything about that. Also here's the thread for the next round of ID updates, comments there are most likely to be processed.
Doesn't say anything about unlawful either

Yup. Why my Lawful still shoots any freelancer it see's in a Sabre on site. Cause they are all Unlawfuls hiding behind the freelancer ID claiming they are friends until numbers are on thier sides.
People need to play proper IDs, and stop hiding behind all purpose IDs.

Freelancer IDs - oddio - 02-19-2012

Agree 100% with last comment...

Again, not all players RP according to IDs...

Maybe they should check other servers...

Freelancer IDs - Durandal - 02-19-2012

' Wrote:was this to discourage non faction characters?

If you look around and do your homework you'll see that they've been pushing in this direction for years.