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To the Prime Minister of Kusari - Printable Version

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To the Prime Minister of Kusari - Dab - 02-17-2012

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Princess Aurelia DeFrance
Origin: RNS Ange Gardien
Recipients: Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara

Konnichiwa Yokitara-Kakka. Firstly allow me to congratulate you, officially this time, on your position. In my childhood studies of your culture, and the culture of the Japanese from whom you originate on Earth, a recurring theme seems to be that those of the highest intellect and those whom can claim military supremacy must lead. I think everyone can agree that Monsieur Kogen and Monsieur Kagakagari were not capable of fulfilling these requirements, and it was inevitable that they were cast down. I believe it was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto who said, "
A military man can scarcely pride himself on having "smitten a sleeping enemy"; it is more a matter of shame, simply, for the one smitten.." The only shame greater than what he suffered, was in Kogen not taking his life to retain his honor.

I hope you will accept my honesty when I say that Gallia is not proud of damaging a military as strong and honorable as your own was, but that we had no further recourse in attaining our goals. Fortunately, I see that our actions have had an unanticipated, but not unpleasant result. With Kogen and Kagakagari losing their dictatorship over Kusari, it has opened the door to allow your nation to progress beyond the outdated and oppressive policies the Emperor limited you to, and Gallia will do all that we can to assist you in creating a future for your nation.

It is in that pursuit that I contact you. Beyond some simple and vague agreements made during our ceasefire, we have yet to sit down and fully discuss the relations between our respective nations, the extent and restrictions of the trade between us, and our assistance and standing on each others' goals and intentions. Furthermore, I would like to establish an opportunity to speak with you in person to discuss more sensitive issues. I look forward to hearing from you Yokitara-Kakka.

-Princess Aurelia DeFrance
Grand Maréchal de la Marine Royale
<div align="right]End Transmission

To the Prime Minister of Kusari - The Republic of Kusari - 02-20-2012

[Image: u8_Yoshihiko-Noda.jpg]
Konnichiwa, honorable Princess Aurelia DeFrance.

It is with great joy that I recommend we meet on the station of Freeport 6 in the Tau-29 system bordering Kusari and Gallic territories respectively. This neutral ground will serve to bolster that which we already have and wish to develop. Something more than a mere "Cease-fire" or "Non-aggression Pact."

I am sure that you wish to speak on terms of a treaty, as well as full-blown trade agreements between our two great Houses. As well, these sensitive issues that you speak about may be spoken about more in private.

I and my cabinet members look forward to meeting with you and your support staff to, together, draw up plans that will be amicable to both parties involved.

Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara
Republic of Kusari

To the Prime Minister of Kusari - Dab - 02-20-2012

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Princess Aurelia DeFrance
Origin: RNS Ange Gardien
Recipients: Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara

There are a few reasons why I'd be adverse to holding a meeting on Freeport Six, most notably the two attempts on my life by TAZ warships for some perceived injustice they felt I committed against them. Given TAZ' control over Freeport Six, it'd be detrimental to my health to hold a meeting there. I would rather, with your permission, hold this meeting on your own Nago Station, provided you allow me to bring a modest escort for my safety.

-Princess Aurelia DeFrance
Grand Maréchal de la Marine Royale
<div align="right]End Transmission

To the Prime Minister of Kusari - The Republic of Kusari - 02-28-2012

[Image: u8_Yoshihiko-Noda.jpg]
Konnichiwa, honorable Princess Aurelia DeFrance.

It is with great delight that I invite you to Nago Station, I apologize for the delay in transmission. Security has been setup and patrols sent to sweep the sectors around the station for the past week since we last spoke. It is secure for you and your team, we eagerly await your arrival.

Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara
Republic of Kusari