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movechar - Printable Version

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movechar - Tunicle - 02-18-2012

Is there a limit as to how frequently you can move a character?

Just bought a ship, renamed it but can't move it, says access error.

Do I need to wait until server restart?

movechar - SA_Scavenger - 02-18-2012

First you need a space on the account you want to transfer it too. That means if you have 5 characters on your account, it will not be transferred. Secondly you need 2 million credits on the character that you are using to transfer the ship that you just purchased.

There is no limit that I'm aware of, besides the two above.

movechar - Ursus - 02-18-2012

There's a 1-week minimum on renameme, dont know about movechar. Maybe this helps maybe its just noise, sorry

movechar - SA_Scavenger - 02-18-2012

' Wrote:There's a 1-week minimum on renameme, dont know about movechar. Maybe this helps maybe its just noise, sorry

When you move a character to another account or purchase one from somebody else, it resets the renameme time limit.

movechar - Tachyon - 02-19-2012

I always thought the limit for renameme is 2 weeks:mellow:

movechar - Stefz - 02-19-2012

You're definitely typing wrong either a char name or password if it says access error.

movechar - SA_Scavenger - 02-19-2012

+ 1 please delete