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Persephone Tractor Bug(?) - Printable Version

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Persephone Tractor Bug(?) - SniperSlice - 02-20-2012

A member of my server has brought to my attention that when tractoring using any ID the Persephone just constantly tractors and doesn't end up picking up the cargo. Not 100% sure if this is mentioned anywhere else, not anywhere I looked anyway, so would this be getting fixed any time in the near future?

Or the other possibility that it could be something wrong server sided that I'm not aware of?


Persephone Tractor Bug(?) - AeternusDoleo - 02-20-2012

Wouldn't surprise me if the ship size has something to do with it - it being so big that the tractor hardpoint isn't in range of the goods to be tractored. Just speculation however, without more info I can't check up on this. I need to know
- Orientation of the ship towards what you're pulling in.
- Distance to what you're pulling in.
- ID being used (just so I can reproduce it in detail).

Persephone Tractor Bug(?) - SniperSlice - 02-20-2012

Uh.. the ship was sitting on plane, about 100 meters from the ships tractor mount point using any ID really, most recent I tried was Corsairs, Civilian Freelancer ID and pirate ID oh and a Heavy Tractor Beam. Didn't work on any type of commodity, though the member that reported it to me did say at one point it did pick up one pilot, but that was it.

Pretty much all it did was sit there with the tractor beam on, pretty much what happens when the server lags while you're tractoring, but it never catches up with you. I tested talking to other people and such while tractoring, so I know it wasn't generating a lag spike.

If you like, I took a video I can upload if you want. May take a bit though

Persephone Tractor Bug(?) - Zukeenee - 02-20-2012

Sounds to me like the "too many items" bug.

If you have more than, like, 128 "items" on your ship, your character just can't hold any more. When you try to tractor something after you've got too many items, your tractor beam just kind of... extends, but freezes and doesn't pick anything up.

Now, "items" can be a number of things. As I understand it, that includes commodities, weapons/weapon hardpoints, equipment/equipment hardpoints, engine effects, lights, etc. And I'm told the Persephone has a lot of lights. So you're probably already pretty "full" of items, even if you think you're empty.

If you're carrying a large number of different kinds of commodities, try dropping some. That might help.

Persephone Tractor Bug(?) - SniperSlice - 02-20-2012

Completely empty, default load out Persephone. No guns. But yes, the whole 73 odd lights it has is still there.

EDIT: hmm.. I think there's way to many lights on it.. I just removed half of them and it tractors fine...

74 Lights
21 Guns/Turrets
1 ID
1 Shield
1 CM Dropper
1 Power Core
1 Engine
1 Scanner
1 SFX - Battleship Rumble
1 Armor Upgrade
Nano Bots
Shield Batteries

105 "Items" Total When Fully setup (Plus Whatever I missed).

Brilliant ship and all, but may want to drop some of those 74 lights in the next update =S

Thanks Zukeenee for pointing that out, explains why the member could tractor pilots one second then nothing the next...