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Now questions about Milkshape 3D - Enoch - 02-21-2012

Hey there.

Recently I found myself interested in modding in general, and for a specific project of mine, I'd like to import ship models from Homeworld 2 to be used in Freelancer (Yes, just like we used to have HW imports). I tried searching on the net how to do that, but I can't seem to find any tutorial or guide related to the subject.

Basically, what I need to do is:

- Find a program that can open and decompile the Homeworld2.Big file (I guess that's where all the models are stocked, right?)
- Find a modelling program to edit the model, and if necessary convert it into the format used by FL for ship models
- Somehow find how to integrate the ship into FL, make it flyable in open SP (or in Multiplayer on a server I'd host.)

So, can someone with experience in modelling tell me how to do that and show me some links to relevant tools and programs?
Thanks in advance.

Now questions about Milkshape 3D - Enoch - 02-23-2012

Any help would be appreciated.

Now questions about Milkshape 3D - Cris - 02-23-2012

FinalBig editor is used to open and extract .big files.

As for editing program, guess it will depend on the format of homeworld models

Now questions about Milkshape 3D - AeternusDoleo - 02-23-2012

This should get you started on the HW2 side :

Seems there's an importer for Milkshape and Maya, so one of those apps will need to be used to edit the initial HOD model and convert it to freelancer format.

Now questions about Milkshape 3D - SparkyRailgun - 02-23-2012

Add me on skype Enoch, I can help you out for the entire process once you've got the model out of Homeworld.

Dod and Lokey-poo have my skype.

Now questions about Milkshape 3D - Enoch - 02-23-2012

Thanks to the three of you for your help, but I'm having a problem at the very beginning of the process.

I can't seem to get any .big file extractor to work. When I use them to open the Homeworld2.big file (or any other mod .big file), all the tools give me a blank page, exactly like if the file was empty or wasn't in the correct format. I've tried it with 3 different programs so far. I'm confused because they seem to be widely used by the modding communities.

Edit: Nevermind, I finally got one to work. Thanks again for your help.

Now questions about Milkshape 3D - Enoch - 02-25-2012

Right, so I pulled out the models I'm interested in from HW2 and started messing around in MS3D. But I'm new to modelling so I'm wondering about several things:

- There is a hole in my mesh. How do I plug it and make sure the hole is perfectly covered? Is there a tool for that, because I guess I can create a plane and try to make it fit but I'll probably end up with an imperfect coverage.

- I want to make sure my model is symmetric. E.g, I created a fin on the left side of the model, and I want it to have the same fin on the right side, at the exact same spot. Is there a tool for that as well? Then again, I could do it "by hand", but the result would be uncertain at best.

- Subsidiary question; in this situation there is a vertex where it shouldn't be. How can I make it move over the first one and make sure it's spot on? Do I have to drag it by hand or is there a better way to make them merge?