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To: Landers - Printable Version

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To: Landers - (ツ) - 02-26-2012

>[color=#009900]>>Übertragung empfangen<<<

[Image: 1974sellingenglandtour6.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Confidential
IDENTIFICATION: Feldwebel Gabriel Engel
SOURCE: Confidential
SUBJECT: Re: A propsal

Sehr geehrter Herr Admiral,

The Past weeks were overshadowed by a series of ambushes within rheinland, led by a Siruswide known group of Pirates. These renegades keep picking on our recruits and veterans of the primary fleet and are a distraction to our secondary forces. Although we have been able to dispatch them until now, it is impossible to deny the persistence of their threat.

During their raids they choose to attack Rheinland with ships of gunboat class specifically designed to eradicate snub forces.

It came to my attention that we currently lack the opportunity to simulate fights against this type of vessels. In order to train our pilots in finding weak spots of the agressors and to teach tactics to defeat them, it would be very helpful to have access to additional Schulschiffen.

Currently our experience with bomber vs. gunboat fights is gathered way to slow. We have to rely on brute force, trial and error methods, that amuse the agressors and can cost the lives of our Soldaten.
Then again we get backed up by battleships of the secondaries, way too many of them. Of course we have to protect Rheinland from outsiders and threats inside. However, shouldn’t they be on der Front, preventing Libertonians walking in right through the front door in Hamburg?

Defending our Tradelanes should be the task of a small and experienced group of specialists only.

What we need to improve our skills to overcome the thread is obvious: we need a proper way to learn methods to strike down our opponents.

[color=#FFFFFF]Kenne deinen Feind!

By that, we would save ressources and time of our secondaries.

We do have access to several captured fighters at present. I hereby offer my services as leading engineer to construct a new series of Schulschiffen:

Our engineering bays have several with hull parts of disassembled enemy vessels of the gunboat class. These leftovers were retrieved from fights we had with the pirates in the past. Given the right amount of time and access to the labs and ressources , I do believe that I am able to assemble a series of new Schulschiffen.

We currently have, among others:

-a disassembled husk of a Liberty Rogue Gunboat:

This slim vessel was recovered near Kreuzberg depot, just before the Junkers could snatch it away.
Although it looks a bit crude and rusty, I can assure you that it will do the job.
It would require approx [color=#FFFFFF]250 workers and 40 equipped workrooms to get this ship fully functional again within 2 weeks.

(// I have a CAU5 LR-GB which I gladly would donate)

-a BowEx Shire

Yes, I am serious. Beeing a bigger, clumsier ship, it's perfect for target practising and evading flak fire. We recovered this one drifting near Hamburg after the captain decided to run from our border patrols in Hamburg. Apparently the snac missed the main energy core. Good four us, because if it did, nothing would be leftover. Although the escape pods are missing and one definitely doesn’t want to carry any cargo on this ship we could use it for simulated fights.
Getting this ship in working condition would require approx 500 men and would occupy 75 workrooms for ca. 3 weeks. I can not give promise to you, weather we would get rid of the nasty Earl Grey stench in the captains lounge

(// Also a donation)

Please let me know, Admiral, what you think about this issue and my offer.
Many thanks in advance.


Feldwebel Gabriel Engel

For our Vaterland!

> [color=#33CC00]>
Übertragung beendet<<<

To: Landers - (ツ) - 03-06-2012


To: Landers - Landers - 03-06-2012


[font=Impact]SOURCE: [color=#FFFFFF]Battleship Straussberg, New Berlin System.
ENCRYPTION: High, port RM-CH-HC-Pzkpfw-VI


[Image: mhermann2.gif]

[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER: Major Siegfried Hermann, Rheinwehr Oberkommando
RECIPIENT: Feldwebel Gabriel Engel
SUBJECT: Re: A propsal

Guten tag Feldwebel, Major Hermann here from the Oberkommando,

I appreciate your and your men work with those vessels, though I have to say those vessels are useless for our trainings. Two barely flying junkyard are not the targets the Rheinwehr is fighting against. Try to contact any Rheinland Companies is they need such ships for their purposes.

Major Siegfried Hermann,
Oberkommando des Rheinland Militärs.


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