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Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 02-27-2012


Today I, Odiho Bernard, took under my command tanker "Cuvier" and decided to start this diary. I do not know why - maybe my grandchildren ever read. Security Service of Solar just should not see it.

Vache appears not as awkward as I had imagined. Of course, not freighter, which I used to, but nimble enough to promptly enter into docking rings.

The crew of "Cuvier" is quite small - five people. The second pilot, flight engineer, mechanic, doctor/cook and myself, the captain and first pilot - that's all.

The first flight was the delivery of superconductors from Abbeville in Picardy to La Charite Port in Berry. While the ship was loaded, I has a short conversation with the old Solar employee at the bar. He said that at Amiens is very restless, and if the government does not remedy the situation, this planet could become the second Marne. As for me, he is right. But in holovisions all is perfectly, of course.

The flight took place without any problems. Whatever is said about the royal police but they are keeping order on the lines.

In La Charite we replace semiconductors to robotics ​​and went to Mortagne Facility in Maine.

Feedback here

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 02-29-2012


So far so good! Gradually I got used to life in the space tanker's cabin. My few square meters I had transformed into best comfortable place available for cargo ship. Well-aged wines from New Paris, cigars from Provence, holo-tainment band from Solar facility at Maine made my stay in space quite nice.

On my route I yet don't met any danger. Lines were well patrolled by navy and police forces and only a few times I saw Brigand's ships on radar, but they did not pay for my Cuvier any attention. I can not say that I was offended by this.

Standart Cuvier's route resembled a triangle. We loaded superconductors in Abbeville and carried them to La Charite in Berry. From there we moved to Mortagne with robotics, and the last side of the triangle is a run to Abbeville with cryocubes from Mayenne.

Everything goes smoothly. Police sergeant at the bar at La Charite enviously said that compared with GRP Solar operates as a well-oiled machine. Efficiency Solar is really impressive. Actually, this was reason why I went to work for Solar, leaving life of freelancer. Or one of the reasons, atleast.

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 03-01-2012

As appears, even well-oiled machine sometimes get stuck.

Usually after unloading robotics at Mortagne Production Facility I docked on the neighboring planet Mayenne and got cryocubes for Abbeville. But today something went wrong. Ship was unloaded for three hours ago, but I still waiting for order to go to Mayenne.

Finally I received an invitation from some local Solar boss. His office was located in the closed area, where I have never been yet. Although I didn't noticed none special. At first look, all the same as in common zone, except less people in corridors.

The mystery of delay was explained. Cuvier got an offer urgently take a new route - to Provence. More profitable - though probably more risky. I heard rumors that two Solar transports were destroyed somewhere between Berry and Auvergne. May be, those rumours are true. The space is dangerous... even in core systems.

I asked 15 minutes to answer, although I feel that the decision is already taken somewhere inside me. Of course, I'll accept the offer. Marseille, Cannes... I like to see them. And... among other things, it means some promotion.

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 03-02-2012

...While holo-tainment bands were loaded to Cuvier's cargohold, I went to make fast calculations for new route. Surprisingly, computer has refused to make his work. "No best path available" was the one answer I managed to get from damned thing. Well, I still can make that myself. The route with minimal number of jumps went through Dauphine: Maine - Ile-de-France-Burgundy-Dauphine-Provence. But after consideration I decide to avoid dangerous borderworlds and take route through Auvergne. The main advantage of this route was that most of the way passed along lines. Although last part of route into Augverne I should make on cruise drive, no serious danger expected: near Provence jump hole is located battleship Le Cendre. Planet Marseille is very close to other exit from hole so I can easily avoid any undesirable meeting.

Well, hold is filled. Time to start. Wait for me, Marseille!


Traveling made me a little nervous. Something happened. The number of military patrols was unusually large, I even met a Police gunboat patrol in Orleanais. No less active behaved and opponents of the monarchy - groups of Brigands and Maquis time after time appeared on the radar screen. Thank God they didn't try to attack, but I still felt restless. Near La Charite Space Port I had to fight with a desire to dock, find a minor problem in the equipment and immediately begin repairing - slowly, carefully, in compliance with all predictions technical regulations and testing procedures ...
Of course, it was just a weakness. We continued to race through lines to Auvergne's Jump Gate.

I doubled the attention of the transition in Auvergne and in the same Auvergne. First, this system did not contain any Solar stations. Of course, I could always seek permission for dock on EFL or GRP bases - they are not denied the ship under the Solar tag - but still better to see own base on radar. Second, in Auvergne way through the lines was ended. In future Provence Hole will become the Provence Gate and Provence will be connected with other Gallic Core systems through net of lines... but for now the work is far from over. I saw snippets of the future lines in space, but work on the construction Jump Gate gate not yet begun. The only sign of plans for their construction was a battleship Le Cendre near the Hole and accumulation - I knew it - Gate/Lane parts on the planet Marseille. They were transported from Lyonnais by other Solar ships. But the Cuvier's cargo was intended for entertainment, not work. Not bad yet - one can not always work, a man need a rest ...

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 03-05-2012


Cuvier pierced the thick clouds and the ocean appeared on a video screen. I fixed course at beacon of only planet's spaceport, built together with shipyard on a large oceanic platform - as well as all the other settlements in Marseille. Shields were almost restored. It was close...

We were awaited. After exiting from Auuvergne-Provence Jump Hole the first thing I saw on screen was a pair of Corse bombers supported by pair of Cuirassier Nuar Heavy Fighters. They open fire immediately - even without traditional pirate cry "2milordai". But Marceille was too close and Cuvier was too well-armoured that this attack was successful. At full speed we rushed to the planet, ignoring shots, which only drained shields but were unable to pierce hull. I was afraid of ill-famous SNAC - Super-Nova Antimatter Cannon - and continuously maneuvered, but pirates or don't have SNACs or couldn't to take good position for shooting. Anyway, now we were safe.

Once again, I was glad that that did not choose the path through the Dauphin. Daphin's Jump Hole goes in the middle of Mediterran nebula. In the event of an attack there, I would not have chance to get to the planet intact.

Cuvier almost gracefully landed near the edge of the platform. I left routine to the second pilot and went to bar.


Marseille is an old planet. Government could not - or would not - to arrange it according to common margin of other settled planets. Here always was present spirit of freedom and independence. Common marseilleian prefer to take care of themselves in their own hands and stricly don't welcome any governvent attempts to help him in this. I can not say that they are wrong in this because goverment's care about people usually leads to worsening of situation. Unione Corse - undercover gangster syndicate, whose ships attacked me near planet, has strong position in Provence.

While I slowly savored wine and observed other visitors the bar I like to know how many of them are members of the Corse or working for them. Maybe a pilot of the bomber, who shot at me a few hours ago, now too sits here and observes me. In case of acquaintance he, quite possible, appears to be a nice man... or woman.

As in respond for those thoughts smiling man asked permission to sit at my table. Indeed, dinner time, free tables were not left. We started talking. The stranger turned out to be an employee of one of the remote ocean platforms - they are a lot of Marseilles. He was aware of current affairs, we are actively discussing the news from the Tau systems, which recently entered the Kingdom. Learning that I am working for Solar, he asked about my load. After a little hesitation, I decided that there would be nothing wrong if he finds out that I'm going to download cigars for Gien Space Colony in Orleanais.
- By the way at Cannes you can buy them cheaper - said my companion. - And again, although the distance to the resort is small, no need to make even short run with empty hold.
I was not sure. Cannes Resort was very close to Marseille. At a small distance loading and unloading will cost more than minor earnings on any cargo.
- Yes, indeed - unexpectedly but willingly agreed neighbour. - But look here - he pointed a finger at the paper napkins on the table.
I looked - napkins was clean. Only his finger drow some figures ... letters. I looked more closely. There letters were... N. O. X.

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 03-06-2012


Near Berry-Orleanais Jump Gate has been a fierce skirmish between Maquis and GRP. As usually, both sides pay no attention to peaceful trader and Cuvier quickly made a jump. Gallic unlawful groups despite their declared hostile stand to all Gallic corporations, mostly don't attack Solar transports. Likely - as I thought - it was because reasonable strategy of company. Company officials missed no opportunity to stress that all Solar products were designed for improving people's lives, and not for their termination. Indeed, no war materials were manufactured at company owned bases. So Solar transports were a low-priority targets for organized rebellion groups like Council or Maquis. At least, usually... As for common robbers, Solar was able to take care about yourself.

Gien Space Colony was a typical Solar base. Average populated station of medium size. Some top officials have their office here. Security was provided by Solar itself and according vague rumours police was advised don't make too close look on station - "advise" what for sure was supported by a round sum of credits... At Gien were produced Bio-Neural processors. Top-level technology product was transported from here to many facilities in Core and Border worlds. Cuvier also was about to download party of them for Mortagne Production Facility. Just before Cuvier a GRN transport was loaded, from fragments of phrases, I found that ship was going to a navy research station in Picardy. Military also needs civilian cargo sometimes... or they found some military-specific use for those processors? Weird thoughts. In some aspects Bio-technology can be worse then drugs. For a moment I thought of Marseille and failed attempt of smiling Corse man to recruit me as a nox hauler. Of course, I refused him. Well, sometimes I can make some dubious - from point of law - deals, but not in the case. And, oddly enough, nox trade turned a low-profitable business in comparison with legal trade. I wonder who might be interested in this business, except the nox producers...

My profitable legal cargo was almost loaded. I cut off meditation and went to docking hangars.

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 03-09-2012


After successful completing mission to Provence I don't made new records for a pair of weeks. Cuvier was returned to old triangle: Picardy - Berry - Maine, superconductors - robotics - cryocubes... There were no changes - until now. Today I was asked again to visit office in closed area of Mortagne Production Facility. I was sure that I'll get a proposition for another run to Provence - but I was wrong. Route under consideration was the flight to Sirius!

Of course, I knew about Reconquest, as well any other inhabitant of Gallia. Royal Navy recently defeated their opponents in neighbouring systems - Tau, seems, - and took those systems under own control. Now I learned that one of former opponents, Kusari Shogunate, not only signed a peace agreement with Crown, but already established several trade contracts with Gallic companies. And, of course, Solar couldn't miss the opportunity.

Syrians were inferior to Gallia in terms of technical progress. The reason, in my opinion, was that they were wasting their resources on infinite war between each other. Either way, they could not produce a holo-tainment bands and were very interested in purchasing this our high-tech. So, Cuvier had to go to Kusari capital, planet New Tokyo in the system with the same name. Returning cargo should be an exotic kusarian food product, Kyushu rice, that recently gained great popularity at New Paris.
The trip promised to be a long, dangerous... and profitable.


I went to preparing. At first, route. This time was no chance to avoid borderworlds. Well, be it so. Gallic part was obvious: Maine - Ile-de-France - Burgundy - Dauphine - Languedoc. Then through minefield. Well, if battleships could went through passage, Vache will make it also. Then fast march through Tau worlds. This part bothered me mostly. I was sure that former owner of captured worlds unlikely will appreciate trader ship from enemy side. So if any resistance still exist, Cuvier can become a target. Well, somehow it will be... Then should began a Kusari space. I hoped that syrians maintained a certain level of order and security - maybe not as high as in Gallic Core worlds, but at least some police forces must exist in the Sirius!

After that I went to check cargo. Apart from holo-tainment bands in main hold, Cuvier carried a little quantities various goods for ship's crew: oxygen, water (and wine also, why not...), food, pharmaceutic, my personal weapons - long-established symbol of Captain's power, something that I never used yet and hoped never to. Engineer has checked electronic equipment and targeting system, mechanic - engines and ship weapons. All was in range. Cuvier was ready to the her most remote route...

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 03-12-2012


Distinction between borderworlds and corewordls in some ways was quite symbolic. Burgundy, which was commonly seen as borderworlds "capital", was located at a distance of only one jump from the Ile-de-France. For Auvergne one needed three jumps but it was included to coreworlds. Still some difference was obvious. Already in Burgundy I noticed a random ships wreck in asteroid fields. Dauphine and especially Languedoc also has numerous signs of old battles. Likely, some ships even contain working equipment. Of course, I has no intention to check it, but I can imagine that junkers can make a good profit with those wrecks.

Passage through minefield was wide and well marked. I even had not to stop cruise engines. On full speed Cuvier was entered exactly in the center of Jump Hole.

Orkney and first of Tau systems were left behind. Both systems were protected by Royal Navy: I saw numerous fighter patrols as well stationary battleships during flight. Near captured Sirian station has been a Jump Gate from Tau-23 to Tau-31 - also a Sirian origin. More small and less impressive then Gallic analog. On the other side of the gate was the Sirian Jump Line. It was vertically oriented unlike horizontal Gallic Lines but works by the same way. As well Gate. I wonder, was it similarity just coincidence or, as rumours told, Crown spies stealed gatene techonology from Sirians? Maybe they not so backward in technology, as I thought.

This Tau system - Tau-31, - also had a stationary Gallic battleship. Last one on my way. From here the Kusari space began.


Unknown space. Strange ships profiles, unfamiliar call-signs.

Large station signed as "Freeport 6". "Zoners" ships nearby. Still, no hostilities encountered. Another Jump Gate... and obvious sign of another power - Sirian-made battleship near exit from Gate. Well, I am a trader only... true warriors don't shoot traders.

Land of famous rice - large Sirian planet called Kyushu. All around were Sirian - lines and gates, stations and planets, all the space. Bomber that was going to intercept Cuvier was also Sirian.

Diary of Cuvier's Captain - Starfish - 03-22-2012

Cuvier stopped. I had not been well-educated about internal Kusari life, but when bomber pilot asked me of "donation" in utterly polite manner, I quickly realized the situation. Nothing unusual - many pilots of the Union Corse spoke before attack in the same way, really. So I continue to talk ... but at the same time make small, almost imperceptible movements of turning the ship to the Docking Ring. Involuntarily notice that Ring also differs from Gallic analog.

Well, tension lessened. Asked sum was quite modest - a very modest, as matter of fact, - and, of course, little payment was preferrable to urgent docking in alien space. After payment I say good-bye to bomber pilot - he identified himself as "Farmer alliance", appears that famous Kyushu rice is grown by his fellow-villagers on planet below. Cuvier moves on - the next system was the New Tokyo. Finally.


As a trader I hated an empty runs so I buy at New Tokyo a basic alloys to fill a Cuvier's hold on way to Kyushu.

Once more I met the familiar farmer in bomber's cabin near planet. I gave him a friendly nod and landed without any delay. Rice was in plenty on Kyushu - likely it was a main export goods of planet. I sold alloys - minor profit but better then nothing - bought the full hold of rice and immediately took the return course. True journey is return - so says an old book taken by my ancestors from the Old Earth many years ago.

On returning route I meet a new danger. In last Tau system, near the Orkney hole, group of dangerous-looking fighters appeared on screen. They were marked as "Outcast" and they were clearly aggressive. Happily, battleship Guillestre was close enought to give attackers some attention. Jump to Orkney, short rush through empty system, minefield passage - on cruise engines, of course! - another jump - and home, sweet home!

By the way, I don't drop all rice at New Paris. Rice was very good. So good, that I decided to replace the standart food supply by it and leave small amount of rice for Cuvier. Crew appreciated the change - men were tired by food rations long ago.