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To: The funny man, The Joker - Printable Version

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To: The funny man, The Joker - Neurus - 02-27-2012

[Image: NewComImage.png]

  • |-From: Set Ramirez-|
    |-Secure Transmission; Joker's Eyes only-|
    |-Topic: So you are back, again-|

  • So Joker, you're back in action again I hear.

    That doesn't really surprise me, but then again you never did surprise me much.

    Well there was that one time with the attempt of bombing Malta, oh how I chuckled at the entire situation.

    Tell me, what are you and your boys and girls doing now a days?

    Anyway, enough with the pleasantries, I was actually hoping we could meet and talk a little about the future. Would you be interested?

    Come on, do an old /friend/ an favor.

    Could be amusing if not.. Prosperous.. For us both.

  • |-Transmission Ended-|

To: The funny man, The Joker - The Joker - 02-28-2012


[Image: holoprojection3.png]
[font=Trebuchet Ms]Set, Set, Set,[color=#33CC00] Set, Set, Set! You seem so much happier with that new face. Or have I told you this already? Reconstructive surgery surely awoke needs for socializing with anti-social man like me.

I don't know what you've heard but my people and me didn't do a thing! Frankly, I have no idea what the fuss is all about. Few traders lost their cargo, some ships got blown due to bad maintenance and now we are to blame. Chased and despised all over Sirius. Loved too. I'm having so much fun, the clown is my witness. I've gotten more popular than the Liberty President himself. Can you believe that?

With people like you among Outcasts, it makes me think... It's really a damn shame that those top heads among you had some personal issues against me back then, separating me from so many lovely 'casts. Politics. But one cannot dwell in a past. That's like a telling the same joke over and over again. It hurts your ears.

I'd be happy to meet you again. Something tells me that you got an interesting idea in mind. I'm sure that the person of your stature wouldn't waste my time.

To: The funny man, The Joker - Neurus - 02-28-2012

[Image: TransmissionRamirez.png]

  • |-From: Set Ramirez-|
    |-Secure Transmission; Joker's Eyes only-|
    |-Topic: Re:-|

  • Well Joker, what ever happened in the past you knew what my thoughts where at least..

    Such ignorance, you have such a wonderful way about you, how you demolish a sad little trader just because.. Well, what I assume for laughs.. Don't get me wrong, I admire those little things, they make me smile, and when ever I smile I am one step closer of being 'Happy'.

    And yes, I do enjoy my new face, it's much more Serious, don't you think? I've always felt I needed some more color as well as some seriousness to my features..

    Well, I'l be flying around the Sigmas soon in a nice luxury vessel I acquired not that long ago, I was hoping we could set a day which we both could take time and discuss the galaxy, if now that is amusing, not that I think so. But rather, business, or we can just talk a little.. Perhaps over some fine Gallic wine.. I sampled a case not that long ago. Seams to be from some strange planet there..

    In either case, just give me a day which you can pull yourself away from your.. Fun.

  • |-Transmission Ended-|