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To Joe Daniels - Printable Version

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To Joe Daniels - Vape - 02-28-2012

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID:Restricted
Subject: Equipment

Colonel Daniels,

After consideration, I'd like to make a request:
I wish to requisition Cerberus technology for use by Division 7.

Specifically I will need these quantities:
20 SOLANUS Type Thermonuclear Warheads

50 AR-5 Raptor Type Assault Rifles
50 AR-7 Lancer Type Assault Rifles
50 CP-8 Hammer Type Pistols
10 STRIKER type plasma cannons (Or the Schematics, our engineers can duplicate them if that is acceptable).
20 HW-6 Pinnacle type Smartbomb Launchers
10 SR-5 Avenger Type Sniper Rifles (Again, the Schematics are acceptable as well, my engineers are capable of duplicating it)

20 Sets of your SENTINEL type armor, from what I understand it would be more up to date than the existing Wedjat issue SPIDER Reconnaisance Armor

I know this looks like we're seeking to fight a small war, but that is the sad truth of it. That's essentially what we'll be doing.

If this is acceptable, transfer all the goods to Detroit Munitions, I shall have a freighter make the pickup and move it to our Headquarters.

Also thank you for the off-planet account codes, the funds have allowed us to purchase the small company Daedalus Industrial.


Colonel Kell Tainer

[Image: 35bd02f.png]

To Joe Daniels - toon122 - 02-28-2012

[Image: cerberusnanobartony.png]

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Confidential
IDENTIFICATION: Colonel Joe Daniels, Cerberus.
SOURCE: The Legion, Omicron Mu
SUBJECT: Equipment

[color=#000000]Colonel Tainer,

It's good to hear from you again in these troubled times and it pleases me to know you found our archives interesting enough to make us an offer.

I have to admit, your "shopping list" is of high quality and taste. Now, let's see what I can do for you.
First of all, about the Thermonuclear warheads, I'll send some schematics for a missile launcher with you. A regular launcher would need a certain amount of tweaks for it to fire properly. If you don't adjust the launcher well enough.... let's just say your days in Sirius are over.

Together with the Assault Rifles I'll stack some AR-3's, they are a bit older, but the silencers that come with it are an assassin's favorite, trust me.

Ah, the Striker plasma cannon's, excellent choice my friend. I'm afraid I can't give you the schematics of the weapon itself, but I'll make sure they include the schematics for the ammunition. The same goes for the Pinnacle launchers, you'll find them absolutely satisfying. They are a tad heavy though....

I'm afraid there will be a little problem with the Avenger sniper rifles though, seeing that it is only limited in production I will send you 5 rifles in total and the schematics for the bullets, not the gun itself. It is a prototype of ours, we have no real experience with this new rifle in the field. Who knows, it may obliterate the arm of the shooter....

Yes, the Sentinel type armor, the soldier's best friend in dire times of need. It comes with a drinking tube in the helmet where one can add his favorite drink. Just a minor detail I think is important.

It is an inconvenient truth, but one that must be learned to be accepted.

If you take a look at your desk you will find a little nav-map reduced to the size of a small holopad. It has the layout of the Detroit Munitions in it, of course, you are already familiar with the station, but it will guide you to the boxes on the lower decks. They are marked with a non-deadly amount of gamma radiation for easier finding.

They will be marked under Interspace Commerce for shipment to Bretonia, but the cargo will go "missing".

By the way, my agent who is coming to aid you and your cause is still having some trouble with a previous assignment.

Whenever you need our help again, don't hesitate to ask.


Colonel Joe Daniels.

[Image: cerberusnanobarbottom.png]

To Joe Daniels - Vape - 02-28-2012

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID:Restricted
Subject: Equipment

Colonel Daniels,

Thank you for your timely response.

I understand the need for secrecy in weapon designs, but thank you for the ammunition schematics.

Regarding the SOLANUS warheads: are they Starfighter rated?

Regarding your agent, please direct him to upload his files at the earliest convenience to this database:

Colonel Kell Tainer

[Image: 35bd02f.png]