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A Holo-blogger's Inquiry - Printable Version

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A Holo-blogger's Inquiry - 10tails - 02-29-2012

>>>Establishing connection to: Fox Den Holo-Blog<<<
>>>Port Found. Scanning Port.<<<
>>>Connecting to Port.<<<
>>>Connection Established. Welcome to the Fox Den.<<<

>>>Audio Transmission now playing.<<<
:: From- The.Inkfox
:: To- The Masses

>>> Yo everyone, The Inkfox here. It looks like I decided to return to this little page after all.

>>> Now, this isn't an official update to the holo-blog, but I have actually decided to continue my little crazy project of blogging out my little misadventures. I gotta thank you all that checked out my first holo-vid.

>>> And a big thanks to the pilot of the Mantarok. Mate, I gotta say, you really didn't have to drop the money you did on a hard-on-his-luck pilot. But the aid be mighty appreciated mate. I'll find a way to pay back. I used the money to purchase myself a little transport, which I've named the Cactus Bat, and am flying it about on a mild little trade route, securing some funds for myself.

>>> But that brings me to the meat of this little transmission I'm hosting on my blog here. I'm filling my accounts, but the casual life of a trade just ain't my style folks. Honestly, I'd like to continue this crazy project of mine, this Holo-blogging thing. But to do that, I need a better ship that this junk Starflier.

>>> So, here's the deal I'm looking for honest opinions of my fellow pilots out there. I need drop credit on a new vessel for myself. I need something with a fairly robust computer that I can host this site's server off it's internal systems. But I plan to be doing alot of exploring and general drifting, bringing you what I can of space life out in Sirius, so it's gotta be something I can defend myself in.

>>> So does the general public have any suggestions for this Pilot? I'm more than willing to join up with any crew and do business with anyone that can supply me with a ship for my needs.

>>> Many thanks in advance, The Inkfox.

**The Transmission Ends, leaving just a single holo-image of a fox's visage, face framed by a a Yin-yang of black and white tails, hovering on the holo-blog page**