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Pictures from all over Sirius. - Printable Version

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Pictures from all over Sirius. - Jaika - 02-29-2012

First of all, these pictures are free to use for anyone. So if you like one and you want do something with it just feel free to save and use it...and if you feel you just don't want to take it freely then throw some cash to The.Blockade.Runner but as i said...these are just some pics and are free to take and use.

[Image: screen2.jpg]
[Image: screen3.jpg]
[Image: screen25.jpg]
[Image: screen27.jpg]
[Image: screen28.jpg]
[Image: screen33.jpg]
[Image: screen34.jpg]
[Image: screen35.jpg]

More pics are comin' later. Have a nice day everyone.

Pictures from all over Sirius. - Venkman - 02-29-2012

Nice pictures, can't wait to see the rest :cool:

Pictures from all over Sirius. - Ash - 02-29-2012

Nice angles. Try lining up some planets with a star peering in the background. Adds dramaticism.

Pictures from all over Sirius. - Melander - 02-29-2012

Use cockpit view, and disable the actual cockpit so you can get clean pics. Unless you like the ship in it.

Pictures from all over Sirius. - Haphestus - 03-01-2012

Some are too dark, Some are too bright (eg. Gran canaria system (omega sumthin)

Pictures from all over Sirius. - Jaika - 03-02-2012

Many thanks for the relpys.

to: Dr Peter Venkman: More gonna come later when i find a nice place.
to: Ash: Thanks:Dso...planets with stars, i should give it a try.
to: Melander: Hmm...i'll try that one out too, but you just hit the nail. I prefer when the ship can be seen in the picture. Basicly these are just some random pictures from my travels.
to: Haphestus: I know, i made the first few when i played FL on my old computer and those are was made without bloom and on maybe medium settings. The Gran Canaria picture and the others under it are made on maximum detail. No photoshop or anything else was used. Only simple printscreen.

Pictures from all over Sirius. - Jaika - 04-09-2012

Alright, here are some more pics from my travels.

[Image: screen42.jpg]

Dublin goldfield
[Image: screen44.jpg]

O-Zeta sun
[Image: screen34-1.jpg]

The old warhorse: Mississippi
[Image: screen46.jpg]

That's all for today:D