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To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - Printable Version

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To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - sadtranslation - 02-29-2012

[Image: 45dsv3.png]
Lieutenant Aleesha Cooper to:
Junker Congress, copy to:
Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated
Topic: Pirate Train
I'll keep this message short as it's a simple summons for stating the evidence as a part of pre-trial processing. The case is based on report of Congressman entering Liberty in a so-called "Pirate Train" transport, a vessel distributed on the black market and prohibited for use in Liberty.

The reference to Laws of Liberty follows:

Quote:V. Transport ships.

The transport models of the Rheinland Train, Behemoth Medium Transport, Uruz Container Transport, Pirate Train and Pirate Transport are not permitted within the House of Liberty. The ALG mover and all other transport class ships of Sirian origin are permitted.

Additionally, all Transport-class vessels of Gallic origin are not permitted with the House of Liberty, except when crewed by and flown under the banner of the Council.

There are no exceptions to this law.

Captains of transports of illegal make and model will be forced to drop any cargo they are carrying and exit the house of Liberty by the route specified by the officer on duty. An additional fine may be levied if previous infractions have occurred. Any resistance or evasion will result in the transport ship being destroyed.
So far the Liberty Navy requests a comprehensive (note: comprehensive as covering the case completely) explanation from the ship's captain and information regarding his identity, this vessel's origin and shipping orders for the period it was operating in Liberty space.

As this is a matter of possible fine to be imposed on ship's captain and/or the organization it belongs to, we prefer to ask the questions and then process the case.

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - Snoozzzer - 02-29-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Congressman Richard van Pelt
Location: Trafalger, New London

I'm afraid you're mistaken here, Lieutenant Cooper. We're all human, we all make little mistakes, this is a fact of life understood by most. The issue here is a case of mistaken identity. The vessel you were quick to tag as a "Pirate Train" is not in fact, a "Pirate Train". If you will double check the USI Neural Net records on this vessel, you would come across the following:

[Image: ptrain.jpg]

As you can see, the ship you flagged as a "Pirate Train" is in fact an XK243. This is produced by Junkers, for Junkers. Not pirates, smugglers, Gallics, Rheinlanders or any organization at war with Liberty. The XK243 was produced to more effectively aid in salvage operations. Operations like cleaning up the mess in the Texas system, whereupon you came across this vessel.

I hope we can come to an understanding on this issue, Lieutenant Cooper

~Richard van Pelt

<<<Transmission Terminated>>>

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - Hawk - 02-29-2012

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

If we are going to make this an official proceeding then I might ask that every statement you make contain the absolute fullness of truth. I will not comment on that ship being sold on the black market because it is not my concern. It is not worth a black market price at any rate. What is also true however, and I notice that you conveniently omitted this detail, is that the ship is produced in other markets as well. In fact we have the specs for this ship and produce them in one of our own ship yards. There are Junkers who have acquired these ships by perfectly lawful means and use them for perfectly lawful commerce. The fact that you have banned the entire class of ship is nothing more than economic bigotry. I find it ironic that you name your house Liberty when in fact there is anything but liberty to be found here. It would seem that anyone who does not have the bankroll of a large corporation is simply not welcome to do business here.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - sadtranslation - 02-29-2012

[Image: 45dsv3.png]
Lieutenant Aleesha Cooper to:
Junker Congress, copy to:
Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated
Topic: Pirate Train
Regardless of the improvement made, mister van Pelt, and according to the ship in question's identification codes, you are the said captain of the transport, still appears to be a wireframe of the infamous Z-Line. Hence it was identified as Z-Line "Pirate Transports" according to the database of the ship that made the recording.

Apparently the XK243 was never licensed for use in Liberty, therefore until the said documentation is obtained, the ship will be categorized as the Z-Line Train and its legal status won't be considered outside this qualification.

I still expect the answers on the questions asked, mister van Pelt.

Arbiter, this message is recorded on the mobile device and exceeded the recommended time quota for archiving protocol. I will reply to you shortly.

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - Hawk - 02-29-2012

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

And I would like answers to my questions. Are you telling me that a vessel produced lawfully in a Junker shipyard is not welcome in Liberty? For years we use those ships to haul your goram trash and now you want to fine us for it. This is a shakedown. Because he belongs to a large organization like the Junker Congress you are taking this as an excuse to levy another astronomical fine on him that would make even the most notorious pirate in Liberty blush. Go inflate your coffers somewhere else.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - Redirion - 02-29-2012

[Image: LPI-Header.png][Image: Dusentrieb.jpg]
<div align="right]Sender ID: LPI-D.Dusentrieb[L]
Sender Location: Riverside Station, California System

Greetings Miss Cooper,

thank you for providing the data to the LPI as well.

Regarding your evidence provided this raised questions for me.

The Junker noticed your presence and greeted you. So why didn't you just pull the ship over, fine it appropriately and order it to leave Liberty space? If that Junker wasn't cooperative and didn't stop on your order, there would have also been a violation of Liberty Law Section One paragraph IV: Fleeing from an officer when stopped. As this is not the case here I guess you did just let him go?

I am sure the captain would have paid on the spot and left Liberty in all hurry to remove the offending ship from our space. It seems like he was not even using popular trade lane routes probably trying to stay out of trouble.

Therefore I see no reason for stacking up bureaucracy piles with a matter like this which doesn't affect the security and welfare of the Republic at all.

Yours sincerely,
Lieutenant Dusentrieb, LPI

[Image: LPI-Btm.png]

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - sadtranslation - 02-29-2012

[Image: 45dsv3.png]
Lieutenant Aleesha Cooper to:
Junker Congress, copy to:
Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated
Topic: Pirate Train
Arbeiter, I'd recommend you to lower your tone if you are voicing an official position of Congress or a personal opinion of its functionary. Icteritiousness is a bad matter for both legal sphere and business relations.

You may not direct the complaints regarding the Liberty Law to me, but contact the Senate instead. I do not participate in lawmaking, my role is solely the execution of legal process. Hereby your typical attempt to over-dramatize the situation is not necessary. No amount of the said fine was mentioned so far as well. Guess my person is an irritant enough for you as you hadn't even bothered to look through the messages and jumped directly to rending the air.

As far as you are not capable of performing your role in a constructive discussion, I will ask you to refrain from participation in any contacts with the law enforcement authorities of the Republic.

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - sadtranslation - 02-29-2012

[Image: 45dsv3.png]
Lieutenant Aleesha Cooper to:
Junker Congress, copy to:
Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated
Topic: Pirate Train
Lieutenant Dusentrieb.

No matter the circumstances, this situation is still in the direct violations of the paragraphs of Section Three of Liberty Law, therefore should be considered in accordance to existing norms and regulations. You know it as well as I know it.

Even while being considered non-violent action, the violation of the said paragraphs is still a delinquency which brings the appropriate responsibility.

Additionally, this is the case conducted by the Liberty Navy, not the Liberty Police Incorporated, therefore your opinions as the representative of said organization will be considered, but won't have any direct impact on the processing of the case.

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - Hawk - 02-29-2012

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

First off my dear, my title is Arbiter. Not, Arbeiter. There is quite a distinction in the two words and I would expect someone with the education you are claiming to have to know the difference. Second, I have searched high and low for the meaning of the word Icteritiousness. I cannot find one. It seems you are going to lengths to fabricate accusations against me. I am involved in this discussion because you made the implication that this would affect the Congress as a whole and therefore I have every right to be a part of this discussion. Furthermore you directed the message to the Junker Congress. If you do not want to discuss this with the Chief Arbiter of the Junker Congress then this discussion is over.

If you would really like me to be doing other things with my time, that can be arranged.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To: Junker Congress; CC: Liberty Navy, LPI - sadtranslation - 02-29-2012

[Image: 45dsv3.png]
Lieutenant Aleesha Cooper to:
Junker Congress, copy to:
Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Incorporated
Topic: Pirate Train
Arbiter, I apologize for assuming your heavy involvement in the Congress-related work. I also apologize for the mistakes in qualifying your medical case as it's the matter of hysterics without the symptoms affecting your skin that I accidentally named.

Nonetheless, if you prefer to stop the dialogue regarding the formal investigation and standard fine for the use of the transport considered illegal in accordance to Liberty Law, I won't push it further as your formal denial will be enough for the case to proceed.

Your lack of interest will be noted and added to case materials. Additionally, I will be forced to submit the commitment warrant on Congressman Richard van Pelt as he had seemingly stepped back from participating in this dialogue between Liberty and Junker Congress and allowed you to speak for his a member of Congress.

I'll also request further sanctions against you, Arbiter, and the Junker Congress you represent for the interruption of formal legal process.

I accept your offer to stop at this point. Have a good day, Arbiter.