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war-capable battle transports - Printable Version

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war-capable battle transports - Ursus - 03-01-2012

The battle transports like Bison and Shire are really nice defensive transports, but they are still just transports with transport guns and all the problems that go with that. They are certainly better at defending themselves than the other transports, but they are still pretty simple kills against skilled combatant, and are not really suited for their in-RP purpose of ferrying supplies into active war zones. After some time studying weapons and ships, I think they should be modified to the following:
  • Copy the Junker Salvager loadout to the house battle transports. This would give them about 8 gunboat turrets, a <strike>30k</strike> 400k powercore, transport shields, transport thruster speed, counter measures, and no disruptor. I've been testing the Salvager and it is pretty competitive against a lone gunboat (same guns and core, more hull, less shield, more bats and bots, etc), and it is possible to beat a couple of bombers or a lone gunboat with some thinking. But with the slower thruster speed and no CD, hostile ships can just up and leave whenever they want, which means they can also repair and return whenever they want, so the only people who will die to it are the ones that want to stay and fight to the death. Its not OP except against a lone bomber pirate, but a good transport can beat that too. The typical squad of multiple uau8/cau8 ships can destroy one easily. edit--also the Salvager is very thin profile so it is much harder to hit than any of the battle transports, which means these would be less powerful.

  • Make them military vehicles that are owned by the house military, like other military ships. This would require a house military or police ID to use with no nerf, or a house corporate ID to use with some nerf, but making them unusable to other houses and the unlawfuls. For example, if the Bison was classified as a Liberty Lawful ship, the Navy/LSF/LPI could use it with no nerf, house corps like IC/DSE/Ageira/etc would have 10% nerf (light green), Bretonian armed forces and a couple of other factions would have 25% nerf (orange), and everybody else would have a full nerf (red).

  • Reduce cargo capacity to 3700-3900 range. This serves two purposes. First, the commercial transports are all above 4000 unit capacity, so having a capacity less than 4000 would actually make +4k commercial transports more valuable (currently the battle transports are in the 4200-4300 range). Second, the Freelancer IDs can only use up to 3600, so 3700 would prevent them from being "stolen" and used by non-affiliated characters.

  • Treat the battle transports as military vessels for the purpose of the rules, meaning it is okay to deny them entry without an escort, it is okay to shoot them with a cap, etc.

  • Introduce a generic lawful transport with <strike>12</strike> 10 guns and 4200 cargo to fill the role that is currently served by the existing battle transports, with special alignment to the house lawfuls. This gives the house corps a replacement for the existing ships, with present-day power, at no nerf.
What I'm aiming for is the ability for a house military or corp to have a ship that is available for solo supply runs within a house or into unlawful territory, but cannot be used for ferrying large amounts of cargo between the houses. Freelancers and pirates cannot use the house ships as weapon platforms. +4K ships would have more value than they do now.

war-capable battle transports - mwerte - 03-01-2012

I like the idea of making them house military, the cargo nerf is so negligible that it's not worth doing at all.

I'm not sure I have an opinion on the rest, except that the ctranses shouldn't be used as a lone ship, but as part of a convoy with fighter escort, which makes them fairly powerful against, or untouchable, by 1-2 pirates.

war-capable battle transports - farmerman - 03-01-2012

I'd like to see some military transports that lacked firepower but had really thick armor and like cruiser-class shields. It wouldn't kill anything, but it'd get wherever it wanted even under heavy fire.

war-capable battle transports - Coin - 03-01-2012

the point of transports is that you need to hire escorts or pay off the pirates. transports with battle-ship capabilities would be a power-traders dream, and harm RP

war-capable battle transports - Wafellini - 03-01-2012

make better shields and armor upgardes for the transports that will be extremly expensive. problem solved. Battletransports all over the place. CAU 12 Clydesdales with Battleship shields.

war-capable battle transports - dodike - 03-01-2012

Do it like Yoda. Trade in a battleship.

I don't think it we need to shift activity even more towards navy/military ID. They get enough attention as it.

war-capable battle transports - AeternusDoleo - 03-01-2012

Usrus, you seem to be hellbent on making styles that suit solo play a lot easier. This is not the direction the devs want to go in, just so you know. And the Salvager has only 6 gunboat guns, with rather restricted arcs.

Besides, a transport run into hostile territory... the military could (and should) send a heavy escort with those. With proper escort the current battletransports suffice.

war-capable battle transports - farmerman - 03-01-2012

Better yet! What if shield capacity could be directly connected to the number of friendly ships in close proximity?

war-capable battle transports - Coin - 03-01-2012

' Wrote:Better yet! What if shield capacity could be directly connected to the number of friendly ships in close proximity?

it is already... 'hey friendly ship, mind shooting this guy who is scratching at my sheild?' MP, not SP.

war-capable battle transports - Govedo13 - 03-01-2012

' Wrote:it is already... 'hey friendly ship, mind shooting this guy who is scratching at my sheild?' MP, not SP.
This, or hey friendly ship can you give me your 500 shield batteries.

Ursus- 3 mastodons with au8 and 1500 bots/bats are a way better then 1 cau8 battle-transport in surviving- so we does need more team play, we does not need OP lolwut Power Traders - we already got Renzu Liner and Salvager- both a way too strong- crying for cargo capacity nerf or bots/hull nerf- it is more then enough. Both of the said ships are just impossible to kill for single pirate in reasonable time, this is not the way that should be.
From all said I also find reasonable all battle-transports to be at 3800-3900 cargo, because the turret steering changed the value of turret numbers in 4.86, so 4.86 battle-transports are a way too stronger then 4.85 ones, I personally always found the 4.85 ones jokes. 800 cargo less then 5k transport could not be justified with the so much increased survivability of the battle transports versus pirates. They also must be a way more expensive then Stork because it is obvious that they are a way harder to build.