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Dr. Josef Heilburger - Printable Version

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Dr. Josef Heilburger - Fletcher - 03-04-2012

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  • Name: Josef Hailburger
  • Location of Origin: Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart System, Rheinland.
  • Motto: "Pain is temporary, Stuttgart is forever!"
  • Ship: Heron Transport, The Shattered Silo.
  • Mission: Free Stuttgart. Free Heinrich Hailburger. Assist the Landwirtrechtbewegung.
  • Background: Josef Heilburger is a person that is rather difficult to sum up into words. He is a native Stuttgart; and his roots in farming are bound into his blood, growing up he helped it family run the swathes of farmland that was feeding the Rheinland Republic during the depression. However, despite the woes you could say that the farming families were closer to aristocracy, slow to change and deeply rooted into their land. Although growing up, Josef noticed that he has a deft hand in healing injuries by hand, as his father and fellow workers would sometimes run into a few scratches that he'd patch up.

    Taking this in mind, Josef went to medical school for his doctorate, and after several years he manages to acquire his doctorate; and he returned to his family with some pride from breaking the chains of farming repression in his family. That joy was however, short-lived the economy of Rheinland, collapsed.

    Soon the farmers were being bought out; one by one and old friends disappeared and some turned into enemies as they played spies for the food behemoth, Synth Foods of Liberty. This company was turning the beautiful, fertile and serene Stuttgart landscape into a garden of weeds. Synth Weeds. Eventually, even his family was forced from Stuttgart, but his father chose to stay on the farm, despite it being bought from under him. He attempted to fight of the bailiffs, and even destroyed most of his farming equipment and processing buildings. He was eventually arrested and thrown into prison, where he remains to this day.

    Fuelled by anger towards Synth Foods and the failing Rheinland government, Josef and a few of his employees joined the ranks of the recently declared enemies of the state; The Landwirtrechtbewegung. Josef pooled what resources he could acquire, and stole one of his fathers transport ships The Bountiful Silo. Feeling that the name no longer seemed appropriate, Josef renamed his ship to; The Shattered Silo.

    It has been a handful of years since Josef joined the LWB, and he relegated himself to being a doctor and a researcher, since he was not a man of combat. Disenchanted with peaceful methods at times, he has taken to developing chemical weapons and agricultural concoctions that can both damage the Synth Weeds on Stuttgart, without actually harming the planet itself.

    Josef's mission is a long, and difficult one. Low on resources. Low on manpower. Low on the will to carry on.

    Therefore, Josef has had to move on from the LWB for a while, to try and find new allies, new resources, and most importantly. A solution for Stuttgart's freedom.

[Image: josefheilburger.gif]
Above: Dr. Josef Heilburfer, portrait commissioned before exile from Stuttgart.


//NOTICE: This character is a direct replacement in history and roleplay from The Medic from the old LWB/AGS ranks. Currently not an active member in said faction. May change.