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Help pls ran outta ideas!? - HellRaiser - 04-08-2008

I was wondering if anybody could help me with this problem..
Freelancer was working fine all this time, untill a few weeks ago when i tried to play.
I logged in and flew towards the Jump Gate/Hole, when i jumped, my computer restarts in the middle of me being inside the wormhole...Its really weird because it happenes only to Freelancer..just keeps restarting while im inside the hole.. I tried going inside Control Panel/System/Advance/Startup Recovery and turned off Automatic restart, when logged back in and tried to jump between systems, computer froze at first and than i get blue screen and it begins dumpung physical memory...Again this happenes only to Freelancer. I play other games such as HellGate, Oblivion, Call of Duty 4 and the all require alot more Computer resourses than Freelancer and all work fine.
I tried re installing freelancer and mod..nothing helps...I've been trying to figure this out for the last few weeks and just ran outta ideas...I need help pls if someone knows how to fix this or might have some suggestions
This started happennin very resently and up untill few weeks ago was workin beatiful.

I'm running XP with 2g ddr ram
Pentium 4 2.80 GHz
Video ATI X1650 512 ddr

Thanx alot

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - Patriot - 04-08-2008


Help pls ran outta ideas!? - Etaphreven - 04-08-2008

' Wrote:DISABLE 3D SOUND:cool:

Translation: "Typing with Caps Lock on makes me look cool."

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - HellRaiser - 04-08-2008

Why would a 3d sound in game would cause this?
how does it relate to physical memory dump? i dont get it

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - Boss - 04-08-2008

Don't know for sure. Might be causing a buffer overrun when loading the next system's noises.

Just disable it.

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - Mr_3ppozz - 04-08-2008

Do it,:)it worked for me

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - Dopamino - 04-08-2008

The tunnel is actually a loadscreen. You apparently have too little resources, so it crashes when you try to load another system (aka going through a jumphole). Try turning the detail down in Freelancer and closing any unnnecessary programs before trying to play Freelancer (Skype, Datastorm, AIM, Firefox, etc).

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - Boss - 04-08-2008

Funny thing is, dopa, he's got 2gb of RAM. You'd think he wouldn't have buffer overrun issues. Besides the fact that when RAM is full, Windows offloads to the paging file.

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - McNeo - 04-09-2008

Better make it common knowledge.

Microsoft never finished many aspects of this game, most noteably the weapons groups and 3D sound. The 3D sound engine itself causes failures and instability in a select few machines that seem to be a random choice. Turn it off, and all will be well.

Haven't had to use this, 3D sound is good for me, but it is definately a bug with the engine itself causing that. If it still doesn't solve your problems, I can only say... reformat your hard drive! Which is pretty extreme for Freelancer, so I hope disabling 3D sound works for you.:)

Help pls ran outta ideas!? - mwerte - 04-09-2008

random thought here but could your Hard Drives cache be overloaded? try cleaning that out... how big is your hard drive?