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What's your homepage - Printable Version

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What's your homepage - Jimothy - 03-05-2012

Just what the title says, I'm curious, what do people have as their web browser homepages?

Mine's this stupid site...

What's your homepage - kikatsu - 03-05-2012

just the firefox start up thing I guess

I thought you meant like... your homepage, like your own main website for a minute there, I almost took this chance for shameless advertisement

What's your homepage - TehNoizeBox - 03-05-2012

Mine's the Google Chrome new tab page thingy.

What's your homepage - Vexykin - 03-05-2012

' Wrote:Mine's this stupid site...

What's your homepage - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-05-2012

I just set Google as my default home page - that way there's no issues with anything odd showing up anywhere. (That's what bookmarks are for, after all...)

What's your homepage - Zeb Harley - 03-05-2012

I like Howard Tayler and how he's eleven now.

What's your homepage - Captain - 03-05-2012

chrome tab thingy, but usually I let my previous tabs open,
mostly disco disco disco,

What's your homepage - William Frederick Cody - 03-05-2012

' Wrote:Mine's the Google Chrome new tab page thingy.

What's your homepage - ProfGiggles - 03-05-2012


What's your homepage - SparkyRailgun - 03-05-2012

' Wrote:Mine's the Google Chrome new tab page thingy.