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Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Printable Version

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Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - I_m_rdy - 04-09-2008

I'm well aware this issue has been brought up many times. I just posted this to gather the opinions of the community, not to see this being included.

Like you all know getting capships is very easy. It's easiness makes the RP potential of the capital ship purchase suffer. I have thought about that case and proposed with the help of a few community members over Skype this:

The BS License can be acquired with the purchase of the BS, which nullifies its effect. Licenses should be not available at all, only by the specific PC primary faction leaders like 101st, RM, TBH or QCRF. These factions would demand a set amount of resources (commidities needed for ship building) which the player who wants to purchase a BS needs to collect (in character). They can of course buy the BS beforehand, but it would be illegal to fly it since it has no license mounted. So once they collected the resources the faction leaders would give the player one License. Sure, it would require the admin's help for the faction leaders to possess the licenses (they need to get them per ioncross if the licenses are not available...).

I know it's harsh, it's lots of work, and I don't expect this to be included with the mod. The reason I posted this is that I was curious to see the community's opinions on this.

That's all for now. Feel free to thorw rocks, flames or toilet paper at me.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - me_b_kevin - 04-09-2008

would it be enough to put the licenses onto Guard bases? or is that still too easy?

also are you suggesting specific licenses, one for each BS owning faction?

so they would be getting the license from the faction that they are buying the ship from i take it?

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Clayph - 04-09-2008

First intelligent BS restriction proposal I've seen..
Bringing resources is only logical.. They should be in
big numbers though..

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - I_m_rdy - 04-09-2008

I actually thought about having two IDs. One regular ID which disallows usage of battleships and cruisers and one guard/"core" ID which allows them. The License will prolly be the same for every faction. But yeah, it could be possible to move them to guard bases where they could require full guard rep, but there are always the hardcore gamers...

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Titan - 04-09-2008

Again this would bring up the reason why all other proposals like this have been rejected, its elitist, and does not belong in an online community. Everyone should have a fair chance of acquiring vessels that they want. Giving the faction leaders the ability do dictate what ships someone who's independent can and can not have, is a bit too much in my opinion.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Culebra - 04-09-2008

I 100% agree with Titan.

My opinion -put them in guard systems and require full guard rep. Everyone has a fair chance its just a lot of work. But it also helps to prove you are dedicated to that group.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - GhostFace - 04-09-2008

I Think its a good idea, bringing resources is an exampl eof Role Playing as well.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Eppy - 04-09-2008

I must respectfully disagree with Titan. It is elitist, but by that same line of thought it defeats the purpose of a Faction, which is to gain power through organization. Capital Ships need to be controlled somehow, and I think this is probably the most effective of the lot (including my own). The only problem I foresee is when there is no player faction to handle the purchase of their capital ships. This, of course, can probably be rectified by some kind of Council of Independents or something. If a player faction gets too power-hungry the applicant can appeal to the Administrators, who will most likely be able to decide on the spot if the applicant's is even worth looking at (You can usually tell...) That should cut down on a lot of the 'elitism' problems.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - I_m_rdy - 04-09-2008

Titan has a good point. But you shouldn't fear seeing this being implemented. I'm just curious about what people think about this idea. Collecting that big amounts of resources could inspire some for some good RP for their already existing battleships or when they are about to do it.

EDIT: Eppy has a good point as well. I'd also like to add that every NPC faction which has multiple (official) PC factions should form some kind of council to supervise the capship purchases.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Titan - 04-09-2008

I understand it won't get implemented and I do wish the indies would actually RP to get their caps, but it is very elitist and such would never get implemented. And frankly there is no point in saying whether its a good or a bad idea, considering it won't happen, what we should try is actually to teach the indies in cap ships how to RP, encourage them to get a story perhaps for their ships... I was once that, an indie cap ship on USS-Titan, I was observant of what people did, I RPed a lot and I got accepted, there is and never can be a need to forbid people to use something. Such power would be greatly exploited by the faction leaders, and would create a society in which no one wants to join. How would you feel for example Eppy.. if only you and say the other people that agree with this play on the server alone? Because frankly, it would be treating the other people unjustly by denying them the right to choose for themselves what they want to fly, and humans have a way of sensing when they're being treated unfairly. And thus, the server would soon enough lose the amount of people that join it. Even the most hardcore ooRPers sometimes do want to learn how to RP, and yes sometimes they do get capships and all..but that needs to be handled with patience and understanding from the experienced people on the server, not with further restrictions.