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Transmission bar request. - Printable Version

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Transmission bar request. - Garrick - 03-12-2012

Hello.. I was wanting to get some transmission bars made for Kruger bases. I would want them to look professional as they will be from a business company. If possible have a video feed with an image showing the base it is coming from.

1. Essen Station in New Berlin
2. Elbich Mining Facility in Omega-7
3. Mannheim Station in Frankfurt
4. Bautzen Station in Dresden

Thanks in advance for time put into this project.

Transmission bar request. - Makc_RU - 03-12-2012

Do you want the same style TBs? And how much credits are we talking about here?

p.s. I did my boot in missouri.

Transmission bar request. - Harley.Quinn - 03-12-2012

Well,this is not a transmission bar for krugers but it's a cool signature) so
you or any other krugers might like it...

Kruger Signature

Transmission bar request. - Garrick - 03-12-2012

They can be the same style, I will mainly use the Essen and Elbich ones. So those two would be the most important. They would at least have the different images of the bases and some text differences saying the bases names.

I'm not sure the going rates for this kinda work. I would off hand say 100 mil per TB. Throw up some ideas and let me know what you'd want for them.

Transmission bar request. - Makc_RU - 03-12-2012

Hahaha, and people say I charge a lot.

As far as I understand you want to have some sort of a corporate TBs for each of the bases. So, I am thinking about making one universal design with different base pics and text. Just like you would have different comms in different offices.

So, my flat rate is 60 per TB. I will make all for for 60, cuz replacing a text and an image on a design is really a no thingie.

Let me know what you think.

Transmission bar request. - Garrick - 03-12-2012

That sounds great to me.

Transmission bar request. - Xing - 03-13-2012

Nothing too complex, but I guess it does what you demand.
[Image: kruger01anewberlin.png]

[Image: kruger01bomega7.png]

[Image: kruger01cfrankfurt.png]

[Image: kruger01ddresden.png]

[Image: kruger01znodata.png]

Transmission bar request. - Makc_RU - 03-13-2012

Full order.


[Image: garrickbautzentop.png]
[Image: garrickbautzenbtm.png]


[Image: garrickmainheimtop.png]
[Image: garrickmainheimbtm.png]


[Image: garrickelbichtop.png]
[Image: garrickelbichbtm.png]


[Image: garrickessentop.png]
[Image: garrickessenbtm.png]

Transmission bar request. - Garrick - 03-13-2012

Those look good, I think I like the 2nd version better.

Transmission bar request. - Swallow - 03-13-2012

Yue Fei`s art looks better, Max