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To: Freeport 10 - Printable Version

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To: Freeport 10 - Dratai - 03-13-2012


Ah, t...e we go?
N.. no.. g..ess no..

Pardon me, gentlemen that I can't plug in videofeed or voice right now.
Just a second..

There we go, sorry about that.
As you probably guessed, we're in a bad way aboard this vessel, but that's why we're speaking to you, you're closest, and you probably don't want me mucking about with this hardware anywhere else.

I need repairs. A registration with the zoners and a mooring permit for freeport 10 while we repair and outfit ourselves.
Name's Ca'en, and I'm only in charge of the repairs but if you need me to, I can get you in contact with the person who.. found the ship.

As for what the ship will be outfitted for, you can inspect the transport that'll be bringing in materials in a day or so. Basic defensive turrets, a missile array. Bio tanks, cultivation equipment, research facilities.

Supposedly, my employer wants to chart anomalies with this ex-derelict. But the main purpose will be study of zero gravity biological cultures, such as the alien organisms in, say, the omicrons, stuff like that.

And in my personal opinion, it sounds like they want to go under the radar for a few months, but don't want to trouble people while they're at it.

But that's just my guess.

Luminous.Wind awaits response.

-Comm link attached to: Rillean, "employer"

To: Freeport 10 - Skullz - 03-13-2012

Incomming transmission
Steve Vontaan
Freeport 10

Message begins

Good evening Mr, erm...

Sorry I cannot pronounce your name at all. I have looked at your communication closely, and I am not sure what you are after. Apart from repairs, we do not charge for them, nor mooring of ships really to be honest. I will give you this which I do hope will be able to help you in finding what specific services you still require that we are likely to be charging you for.

I look forward to your response.

Steve Vontaan

To: Freeport 10 - Dratai - 03-13-2012

Name pronounces kinda like.. uh.. Cullen. Kinda.

To be more precise.
We want to register the ship with the zoners. Preferably in the form of an ID.
We know zoners don't like it if people fly around with their tech without permission.
We want that permission.
That, and some schematics on how to fix the powercore before we have a leak would be nice.

Mainly, we're contacting you because we didn't acquire the ship via purchase, obviously.
We wanted to at least let the zoners know we found and are taking care of their vessel.

Now back to the issue at hand, does freeport 10 have the ability to properly register and provide schematics for -proper- repair?

If you do, I'm sure my boss won't mind actually speaking this time. I'll put you through to her if you can.


To: Freeport 10 - Skullz - 03-14-2012

Incomming transmission
Steve Vontaan
Freeport 10

Message Begins

We have repair faculties as I have already said. WE are sure that we have schematics for every ship in sirius. And repair costs are completely free, which is also shown on our Policy very well, so I do not understand why I have to say it directly.

Next, Zoner registration. No, we don't give registrations out to random people in space.

Steve Vontaan