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Questions - JayDee Kasane - 03-13-2012

Hello. I want to ask few questions:

1. How I can replace model of my current ship (Sabre for example) with new that was made. What I need for it?

2. How I can make new models? Is it hard to make at least something and what I need for it?

3. How I can find models/textures that already in game and use it? (replace Salamanka fire-beams with Reavers/Twilight)

Also, why there is no AI GB? Will it be soon? Or again ''No!''?

Questions - JayDee Kasane - 03-13-2012


Questions - sindroms - 03-13-2012

I suggest changing the title to Modeling instead of Modding.

Questions - Rommie - 03-13-2012

1 All you need to do is rename the new ship's files to 'bw_vheavy_fighter', the material file to 'bw_ships', and the hitbox .sur to 'bw_vheavy_fighter', and replace the originals with them. I suggest making backups before.

2 It's a lengthy process. Making a VHF model may take from two hours to a couple of days. Texturing the model may take a day or two as well. Hitboxing usually takes an hour or two. Hardpointing takes about an hour as well. Everything else (editing ini's, testing the ship) may make the process even longer.
This also may get longer depending on whether you know what you're doing or not, whether you already have an idea of how the ship is supposed to look, and so on. It's mostly about experience though.

To make the ship, you'll need a 3d Modelling Software. Blender, Lightwave, Google SketchUp, 3dsMax, Maya are a few that I can think of right now. Blender and Google SketchUp are free, but are also limited in the options and tools they come with.

3 You'll find most, if not all, models/textures in the \DATA\SHIPS and \DATA\SOLAR folders. .CMP, .3DB means its a ship\base model, .MAT means it's a material file that has the textures, .SUR are hitboxes.

There's a lot of tutorials covering most of the things you'll need to know on our forum.

And there won't be any AI GB. Not anytime soon.

Questions - JayDee Kasane - 03-14-2012

Ok I see. Another question.
If I will replace model that will affect all ships not just mine? and only on my computer, right?

EDIT: If someone have Titan or Imperator retextures send me link. And other cool retextures for other factions

Questions - AeternusDoleo - 03-14-2012

If you replace a model with something you whip up yourself, and then try to get on the server with it, you'll most likely be bankicked by the cheat detection. The ability to alter hardpoints and model geometry (hitbox) is a known exploit which is being covered.

If you're looking to do it on a custom server of your own, or in openSP, you can do anything you like.

Questions - massdriver - 03-14-2012

' Wrote:If you replace a model with something you whip up yourself, and then try to get on the server with it, you'll most likely be bankicked by the cheat detection. The ability to alter hardpoints and model geometry (hitbox) is a known exploit which is being covered.

If you're looking to do it on a custom server of your own, or in openSP, you can do anything you like.

still you can make CMP with identical hardpoint IDs and overwrite. SUR will be same, but model not.

Questions - JayDee Kasane - 03-14-2012

' Wrote:If you replace a model with something you whip up yourself, and then try to get on the server with it, you'll most likely be bankicked by the cheat detection. The ability to alter hardpoints and model geometry (hitbox) is a known exploit which is being covered.

If you're looking to do it on a custom server of your own, or in openSP, you can do anything you like.

Was not in my mind to replace Praefect hitbox with starflier one. no harpoints, no more stats - simple re-texturing to make model looks better. I know some players using another textures and even models of ships that have same hitbox and hardpoints, so I dont see any problem.
Why do people posting here their works? means they using them or selling to other players