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The Treaty of Dublin - Printable Version

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The Treaty of Dublin - fpsdoug - 04-10-2008

Camera crews stood all around the table with a piece of paper on it. Three chairs were at the table, and the men that would occupy them came in. Consul Doug Crane, leader of Union of Gold forces, Sir Alan Lauderdale, Superintendant of the Bretonian Police Authority, and Admiral Richard Windsor, leader of Queen Carina's Royal Fleet. They stood together to pose for pictures then sat down at the table. Doug Crane spoke, "Today, this historic piece of paper will hopefully be signed, bringing an official end to the Union of Gold and Bretonian strife." The Treaty of Dublin was read:

1. To bring a lasting peace between the Union of Gold and the Bretonians

2. To create an independent nation, the Molly nation governed by the Union of Gold

3. To open gold trade to many markets around Sirius, excluding Kusari, and all enemies of Bretonia

4. Union of Gold forces may patrol and govern Dublin freely, as long as it does not damage Bretonia in anyway

5. The Union of Gold may freely traverse Bretonia

6. The Union of Gold will assist Bretonia against her enemies if so requested and depending on the Union's status with said enemies

Doug Crane spoke once more, "I hope, as both parties gain the trust of the other, that we might be able to use each others bases, leading to arms deals, and closer friendships between our nations." Doug Crane's pen touched the paper and awaited for the others to do so.

// If you don't agree with anything here you may make a revision, and I will see if it is acceptable, if not go ahead and sign it. Only high ranking members of BPA and QCRF can post here.

The Treaty of Dublin - Stratus - 04-10-2008

Commodore Drake Kaiden sat aside other high ranking officers of the BAF, BPA and UOG. Occupying the front row of seats opposite the table. News reporters anxiously waiting behind the row of officials, eager to document the occasion.

Drake tried to make eye contact with Admiral Windsor, he noticed the Admiral was in deep thought and would not lift his eyes from the paper presented in front of him.

'Don't let them rope off Dublin' thought Drake.
'We can't give them access to Bretonia while they block off our lines into Dublin'

The Treaty of Dublin - Unseelie - 04-11-2008

In the middle of negotiations, a business-suited BAF currier entered the room, walked up to Richard Windsor, swapped briefcases, and whispered in his ear. Windsor cleared his throat, and asked for a brake. He stood up, and walked by Kaiden, gently tapping him on the small of his back. Kaiden also rose, and followed Windsor into a nearby lift.

"Drake, something's come up. I've got to go. Someone should be here by tonight to brief you on exactly what you can and cannot offer them, I don't have time. Until then, just look to see if they get a suprise or not."
"Do I want to know?"
"Just hope they're surprised."

The Treaty of Dublin - Stratus - 04-11-2008

Drake silently acknowledged the Admiral and watched as he left via the lift. Drake opened the door ajar and looked into the room. Reporters were flooding the two men at the table with questions as to the Admirals absence.

'I bloody hate diplomacy' he muttered to himself 'Rather be fighting the blighter's than talking to them'

Drake turned to a nearby mirror and straitened his formal jacket, gave himself a quick once-over, took a deep breath and entered into the room.

The Treaty of Dublin - Stoat - 04-11-2008

Fortunatus Wright fidgeted uncomfortably. He felt like a prize turkey, trussed up in this damn ceremonial uniform. It was about time this treaty got signed. The problems with the Mollies had been going on for far too long, and Bretonia had bigger things to worry about than fighting their own people. They deserved to be recognised.

He spotted Drake Kaiden staring intently at Richard Windsor.

"Heh, he looks about as happy to be here as me!" Fortunatus thought.

Then Windsor stood, followed by Kaiden, and left the room.

"What the hell?" he thought. What were those two brewing, and why wasn't he invited? He huffed briefly, them headed for the doors they had passed through. Just as he reached for the handle, Kaiden stepped back into the room. Fortunatus grinned.

"You gonna let me in on the secret?" he asked.

The Treaty of Dublin - 13CentKiller - 04-11-2008

Among late arrivals was Devon Black, second in command of the Union of Gold Forces, and leader of wing delta.

"The bloody tower postponed my launch because of a flaming radar!" He yells softly...

As he sat down at the table, an awkward silence overwhelmed the room atmosphere.
Both Doug Crane and Devon where asked to stand for a photograph, with treaty in hand. Devon merged with the board and waited for the next speaker.
"I bloody hate diplomacy" He mutters...

The Treaty of Dublin - Stratus - 04-11-2008

Drake met Fortunatus at the door, with a big grin on his face.

"You look like you just found a decent excuse to get out of this place" Drake said "Well, the Admirals left for greener pastures, and we're still in the thick of it. Apparently I'm standing in, which is exactly what I'm not very good at."

Drake looked towards the crowd, a few reporters had started taking shots of the two at the door.

"We can't let them know we're off balance here, or we'll be picked apart. Apparently someones coming to brief me soon, lets see if we can weather this out."

The Treaty of Dublin - 13CentKiller - 04-11-2008

Devon stand glancing around the room, spotting two at the door. And back to the crowd, noticing he was center of attention.

'It has been a rough time for the Union of Gold. changes in leadership caused death, employment issues and stress that has been slowly brining us Mollys down.
Today it stops. The war between us has been dragged out over many many years. Sometimes taking each others lives out of spite, forgetting what we are fighting for. Only now are we noticing we can aid each other, both economically and as an extension to the Bretonian military. The fight against the waves of Corsairs attacking Dublin can be won together, instead of picking a target for each day of the week."

"Thank you."
A round of applause errupts.

Devon sits, and takes his water, and reviews the treaty.

The Treaty of Dublin - 13CentKiller - 04-12-2008

Mulling over the treaty paper, Devon began to disagree with a "rule" of the finalized treaty.
He began to frown. Interrupting a slide, and general discussion in the room, he lifted himself from his chair and looked upon all those before him.

"Now, I'm sure your all aware, that we Mollys want peace between the Bretonian Police and armed forces. And I'm afraid that Mr.Crane here, has created a contradictory rule on this treaty. I am unsure as to how this was published in the final copy, but this won't stand."

Devon lifted the treaty. "Section one, rule four, of the peace treaty between Bretonian police authorities and armed forces, reads..."Bretonian forces must stay out of Dublin unless requested or carrying gold from Arranmore"
I for one, do not agree with this rule. I believe it contradicts the whole point of the peace treaty. This treaty is supposed to encourage Bretonians to flourish in Dublin, creating a rich economy boosting profits in general. Not just in gold."

Devon clears his throat and continues.
"I her-by appose this treaty until the above rule is argued in favor, removed or changed to something more lenient. That is all."

Much chatter and a roar of conversation emerged.

The Treaty of Dublin - Stratus - 04-12-2008

Drake couldn't beleive his ears as the words were spoken. It couldn't get much simpler than this.

Drake cleared his throat.

"I second this motion, I believe it should be changed to reflect the image, and spirit of the fifth rule of the same section. Which allows the Union of Gold to 'freely traverse Bretonia'. If these rules were to mimic each other then trade across our borders could begin within hours of signing this treaty."

Drake sat back down, how could they refuse that?