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To: Kaito Kamida - Printable Version

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To: Kaito Kamida - zeta.foxtrot - 03-17-2012


SOURCE: Zeta Foxtrot; Consortium overwatch
DEST: Kaito Kamida; Kamida Assembly
SUB: Diplomatic request forwarding

<::Good day, mister Kamida. We have a request to make of you concerning our mutual diplomatic interests.

<::We wish for you to forward a request to the Blood Dragon leadership on our behalf. We desire a formalized alliance with the Dragons and a mutual supply arrangement. As the Assembly already has close ties to the Dragon leadership, and we currently lack any proper diplomats, we ask that you deliver the message to the Daimyo.

<::Inform them we offer a supply lines agreement, and access to some of our medical staff and supply ships to help the Dragons' should they accept further negotiations. We already have an exchange unit ready as a gesture of goodwill.

<::Should they accept, then please have them contact us directly. We thank you for your time.

<::May each spring cherry blossom represent a blessing for you~



To: Kaito Kamida - Arctic95 - 03-17-2012

....Incoming Transmission....

[Image: KaitoKamida-Tiny.jpg]
Source ID: Kaito Kamida
Source Location: Ryuku Base
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: Medium

Konnichiwa Honourable Zeta,

Hai we would be happy to forward you request to the Dragons. We would be inclined to contact the Dragon Shogun in this instance, since from our understanding their Daimyo's are field generals.

Would you prefer that they contact you via a communication, or have you a separate channel prepared which you believe could be of use?

We look forward to hearing a positive out come from these dealings.

Your Honourably

Kaito Kamida

...Transmission Ended...

To: Kaito Kamida - Arctic95 - 03-17-2012

....Incoming Transmission....

[Image: KaitoKamida-Tiny.jpg]
Source ID: Kaito Kamida
Source Location: Ryuku Base
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: Medium

Honourable Zeta,

We have contacted the Dragons regarding your offer. They wish to speak to you personally and have asked that you open up a channel directed at their High command. From there they hope to initiate the discussions.

Yours Honourably

Kaito Kamida

...Transmission Ended...

To: Kaito Kamida - zeta.foxtrot - 03-17-2012


SOURCE: Zeta Foxtrot; Consortium overwatch
DEST: Kaito Kamida; Kamida Assembly
SUB: RE: Diplomatic request forwarding

<::Good day, mister Kamida.

<::We are pleased to hear of this and will contact the Blood Dragons as soon as possible. You have done us a great service.

<::The Kamida assembly will be presented a reward, in due time. For now we shall contact the Dragons and speak our part.