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Freelancer ID - Zynth - 03-18-2012

Following me reading a certain Sanction notice.

I need a bit of clarification. Can a Freelancer engage without a bounty?

The Freelancer ID says:
Quote:Freelancer ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Freelancer, who:
- Can fulfill bounty contract and escort other vessels.
- May not engage in piracy outside of a posted bounty contract.
- May treat trade vessels as combat targets in pursuit of a bounty contract.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats.
The only thing stated was that it cannot engage trade vessels without bounties.
Also, what constitutes a "trade vessel"? A Pirate Transport pirating people? The term "Transport" or "Freighter" is not stated.

I understand Freelancers can't go around shooting people. But can't they assist in fights? If a lawfully aligned Freelancer sees the Navy in trouble, can't he join in and help?

I need clarification on this. I have a Freelancer, who like the sanction-nee, is lawfully aligned. I don't want to get some random sanction to spoil my perfect "No-Sanction" record.

Freelancer ID - Veygaar - 03-18-2012

Unless the target is bountied and you're registered for it, you cannot.

You may also attack a person who is attacking someone you are escorting. You are "escorting" when you are being paid or have a pre-arranged agreement with said paying or arranging "vessel."

You MAY NOT, fly up to a confrontation that's already happening, and say "I've decided to escort *insert some side/name here*" and then engage.

Freelancer ID - Zynth - 03-18-2012

So, even if you're a lawfully aligned Freelancer who likes the Navy, during a furball, all you can do is sit around watching the lawfuls get their arse kicked?

I request a review in light of this.

Other possible scenarios:

1. Police/Military, demands your character aid in destroying the enemy during a fight or be shot for treason/arrested.
2. Unlawfuls, demand your character aid in destroying the enemy during a fight or be treated as a target.
3. One side, asks your character to aid in destroying the enemy.
4. One side, pays your character to aid in destroying the enemy.
5. Your character is not registered on the bounty board but has forum and serverside roleplay that shows your alignment is with one side and therefore aids that side in an engagement.

Do these bork teh rulez or are they fine?

Freelancer ID - Stefan - 03-18-2012

I got puzzled by that sanction as well, got me thinking over the whole Freelancer ID thing.
Those are some good questions to have answers for.

I don't usually use the Freelancer ID, but when I do I don't want to get sanctioned.

Freelancer ID - Echo 7-7 - 03-18-2012

Normally you have to make demands of transports before attacking. This does not apply for bounty contracts.

Freelancer ID - Ursus - 03-18-2012

The freelancer "role" is neutral to everybody, that's the way it is intended to be played. There's no lawful or unlawful freelancer ID, its just the one undefined thing. What's really annoying is that Bounty Hunters are under the same restriction, and we're fully lawful. Factions that have ZOI powers in the system can sometimes just pick a team and jump in, like "can attack lawfuls, priates, blah blah" means joining in.

The alternative to a pre-existing public bounty is an on-the-spot bounty. It has to be publicly requested and the other side has to know about it. If I stumble onto a fight in my BH, and I'm not sure there's a good bounty on the attackers, I tell the target to ask for my assistance.

Freelancer ID - Veygaar - 03-18-2012

' Wrote:The alternative to a pre-existing public bounty is an on-the-spot bounty
You cannot make bounties in-game on targets that are not already engaging you. I almost got uber sanctioned for believing you can. Yes it happens alot, but it's against the rules.

Now you CAN be hired on the spot to join into a fight, but you cannot be hired ingame to go and start a fight that the employer isn't already in.

So yes if people ask you to JOIN IN to a fight you can, but if they SEND you to go kill someone not attacking the employer, you're in trouble.

So what Usrus said was right, just wanted to clarify the parameters a bit more so there's no confusion.

Freelancer ID - Ursus - 03-18-2012

' Wrote:Now you CAN be hired on the spot to join into a fight, but you cannot be hired ingame to go and start a fight that the employer isn't already in.

So yes if people ask you to JOIN IN to a fight you can
Yeah that's what I was talking about. It has to be active engagement and the other side has to know about it.

Freelancer ID - Zynth - 03-18-2012

' Wrote:So yes if people ask you to JOIN IN to a fight you can, but if they SEND you to go kill someone not attacking the employer, you're in trouble.


If you ask the lawfuls whether they need help and they reply saying "Join in".

You can engage?

No sanction?

Freelancer ID - Ursus - 03-18-2012

BTW I'd really like it if Freelancer ID who is registered for bounties was required to state that they were collecting a bounty during engagement. I have had a couple of encounters where I didn't know why a particular freelancer was shooting at me until after it was all over and I found out he was collecting a bounty.