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To: The Council leadership - Printable Version

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To: The Council leadership - Yber - 03-18-2012

**... The screen ignites and by a second just static's sound is heard...**
Unknow source.
Common ID: Exiles
Encryptation: 666
[Image: joker2lq.jpg]

Dear members of the fellow Council. I, a Renegade member, am in need of your services, erhm, help.

As you may or may not know, I'm the captain of the vessel Primera.Verdad|RR, a Gallic Royal Navy Perilous, nonetheless. How I earned this gunboat, is something you'll find here. I've reduced the encryptation of the tranmission with such purpose.

Now, back on the matter. He smiles slightly.

The Primera Verdad was badly damaged. Not enough to blow it with me, but enough to need large repairs. And I need you to do it, with pieces from any of your own gunboats which aren't in service, or whatever, as far as it flies again.

The ship would look like this:

[Image: 254px-Perilous-Council-s.png]

That's my only vessel in Gallia. I need it to keep the royalists in bound.

I know you're not charity. And I need this as fast as possible, and well done. Name the price, gentlemen.

Yours, Exiles.

**The screen goes off**

// InRP, a repaired Perilous. OoRP, a Council Perilous.

To: The Council leadership - Joneh - 03-19-2012

::: Incoming Transmission :::

Source: CLN Fleurance
From: Gustave Mazuret
To: Exiles
Subject: Repairs
Encryption: High

Bonjour Renegade Exiles.

You are lucky. The Perilous is a widely used vessel among Council personnel and groups who have requested to use it. Hence there is a large production of the parts who are required to build these gunboat types. The parts that are being produced are of course not only used for the production of the gunboats, but also for repair purposes, exactly what you need. However, the production of these parts are not cheap and a few of them are really tricky to produce. That's why we require a compensation of 25 million credits (to [C]-Cheese.Storage) for the repair of your vessel.

As soon as you agree on the mentioned price the reparation of your vessel can immediately start and you are soon again able to hunt Royalists, which will benefit both of us.

With regards,
Gustave Mazuret
General en Chef

::: End of Transmission :::

To: The Council leadership - Yber - 03-19-2012

**... The screen ignites and by a second just static's sound is heard...**
Unknow source.
Common ID: Exiles
Encryptation: 666
[Image: joker2lq.jpg]
Allright fellow council members, the requested ammount has been sent here. I hope to fly my toy pretty soon! The gunboat is at Chalons-en-Champagne Station, ready to be repaired.

Thanks for the service, gentlemen!

Exiles out.

**The screen goes off**

To: The Council leadership - Joneh - 03-22-2012

::: Incoming Transmission :::

Source: CLN Fleurance
From: Gustave Mazuret
To: Exiles
Subject: Repairs
Encryption: High

Bonjour Exiles.

I am happy to announce that the repairs of your vessel has been successfully finished and your vessel is good to go. We also received the compensation. If there is something else you require, do not hesitate to contact me or the High Command. We will see what we can do.

That is all.

With regards,
Gustave Mazuret
General en Chef

::: End of Transmission :::