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WHo likes animes!? - Printable Version

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WHo likes animes!? - Gordon - 03-19-2012

Yea What titles ses,
If you like HOTD or Angel Beats, or even Guilty Crown.. ill give you a potato and a Hug!!!!

WHo likes animes!? - Vexykin - 03-19-2012

Nope, i actually hate 'em...

But i guess it's np

WHo likes animes!? - Korny - 03-19-2012

*Raises hand*

Angel Beats is pretty cool tbh.

WHo likes animes!? - Madvillain - 03-19-2012

I thought this was about animals but I misread.....

WHo likes animes!? - Vexykin - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:I thought this was about animals but I misread.....


WHo likes animes!? - Sarawr!? - 03-19-2012

I love me some good anime...

There's too many to name though!

WHo likes animes!? - Jeremy Hunter - 03-19-2012

Dragonaut: The Resonance
Gundam Wing/SEED/SEED Destiny
Code Geass

Yes, I love Mecha.

Almost forgot...

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Full Metal Panic!
Digimon Seasons 1-3

WHo likes animes!? - Luksiboj1 - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:I thought this was about animals but I misread.....

Same here!But i dislike both so that's not problem!
Yeah i dislike anime !!!

May i have my hug and potato now?!

WHo likes animes!? - Death.RunningVerminator - 03-19-2012

I'm really picky on the ones I like.

I have searched a lot of them, and have found I only like:

Death Note

That's excluding the obvious 1990's childhood classics. Though, I suppose DBZ could be considered in that category..

EDIT: Actually there was another that I kinda liked. Was something about Ghosts and shells..

WHo likes animes!? - SparkyRailgun - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:I'm really picky on the ones I like.

I have searched a lot of them, and have found I only like:

Death Note

>Really picky about the ones you like
>Likes the three of the most popular series on the face of the earth.