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WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - Printable Version

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WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - TheBlackPixie - 03-19-2012

I've asked it twice I will ask it again:

Why is my Barge [Nostromo] in bastille???

WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - Zelot - 03-19-2012

What ID does it have?

WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - TheBlackPixie - 03-19-2012

Same one it always had, civilian, as I RP a civilian manned Trading Station...

WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - Redirion - 03-19-2012

Civilian and Recruit ID was not even allowed with the old 4.85 tech-chart. They were the only that were not allowed.


I think you need other ID there, maybe IC or other with unlimited cargo compartment.


Quote:Civilian ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Civilian, who :
1. Can fire on other ships only in selfdefense.
2. Cannot use any transports with more than 2,200 cargo.
3. Cannot participate in unlawful actions.
4: May not be attacked if the player is under level 30.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is against the server rules and can lead to sanctions.

WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - Lumik - 03-19-2012

But civilian ID not exist anymore, it turned into Freelancer (same as smuggler, researcher, freelancer trader etc.). Dont know when it was sent to Bastille, but now must have this ID which is still allowed to have Barge (I hope).

WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - rwx - 03-19-2012

Did you say "unban me please"? [Image: zeitunglesen.gif]

WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - TheBlackPixie - 03-19-2012

I had talked to people about this before, my Civilian ID was mean to reflect my RP, I'm not IFF with anyone nor wish to be, it's an independent Vessel from outside Sirius... What ID can I use that wont mess my REP?

I can't have red rep with ANY regular NPC factions I might come across as they are an exploit others can use against me as they bump into me and flip me around all over the place.

A barge can be blown up by ONE bomber or even Fighter when there are any NPC's attacking me OR him...

plus I request that I use an ID that has NO repninja, like the Special ops ID, it took me A VERY LONG TIME to get the barge and it's Armour and it's IFF.

It's not as if I want to take it through GUARD systems or visit the Nomads or Phantoms, I just like the idea of being able to get it (eventually) from one part of Sirius to another, for instance Omicron-Lost, that system that has nothing in it or the System with the Black hole... (I wonder how long it would last in it's Eye...)

So what's a Gal to do? I love the barge and spend most of my time plodding about in it...

WHY IS MY BARGE IN BASTILLE? - TheBlackPixie - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:

Did you say "unban me please"? [Image: zeitunglesen.gif]

Eh, that is ANCIENT and from a time of great unhappiness and misunderstanding, It was getting banned that got me ON the forums in the first place, so I try and understand the Rules and such. (which are still eluding me it seems)

I've never liked the Combat in Freelancer or Discovery, I like to trade and mine and explore and fight NPC nomads when I need to, so I got myself the most NON combat ship there is that has all the qualities I like, BIG, SLOW, BIG...

And things have been fine and enjoyable on Discovery since I got my Barge, no rage and no problems apart from the issues over my ID, which did not make any sense to my Autistic mind...