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Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - Printable Version

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Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - sindroms - 03-20-2012

I recently moved, and, sadly, saying that the internet connection here is sub par is a very very large understatement. While being capped at 200kb/s is fine for watching videos and playing online games without any troubles, I do have a fair amount of games I need to re-download.

The good news is that I have them on my other PC, but they weigh over 12 GB each and transferring them without the usage of external hardrives is bothersome.

There were ways, I think, to use software to split them up in bite sized chunks and then re-group them using the same software on the other PC.
Sadly, I only heard about the concept, not how the process is called or the software involved.

If anyone has any information on this, do tell.

Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - lw'nafh - 03-20-2012

First result using google

But can't vouch for it personally.

Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - sadtranslation - 03-20-2012


I think I was doing that for years.

Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - SparkyRailgun - 03-20-2012

If you have both the PCs in the same house, you could just transfer them via the network.
Then it'd be a one step process, assuming the network is setup correctly to do so.

You could (if your PC has the extra ports) plug in your old HDD into your new PC and transfer them directly in that manner.

Both of these would be quicker than transferring in parts, especially via USB. :smile2:

Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - sindroms - 03-20-2012

Perhaps, but the other one is a notebook. So I have no way of getting to its HDD without dismantling it.

Trying the RAR method now.

Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - AeternusDoleo - 03-20-2012

Get a 16 gig USB stick. They're not that expensive anymore... 8 gig if you RAR it and clean up temp files will probably even suffice. Just expect a long copy time since the USB2 interface only supports 200 mbit at the most.

Moving large files/folders via Flash drives. - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-21-2012

Both computers have network ports on them?

Get a crossover cable and connect them directly.

They don't, but they're still in the same house and still on the network? Open file sharing, and just send them from one computer to the other. I regularly transfer 1-2GB files this way between my computers, no issues.