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Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Printable Version

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Quickdocking, boon or bane? - AeternusDoleo - 03-20-2012

Due to a handy plugin by Adoxa, we'll soon be in a position where we can completely eliminate quickdocking. At the same time, we'll be able to fix the mooring problems by having heavier ships exit by unmooring in reverse - just like NPCs do in vanilla. It allows a base to discern between "Berth" (fighterdock), "Medium moor" (transport mooring) and "Heavy moor" (Large capital ship mooring). It should also once and for all fix the docking issues since big ships will undock in reverse, thus neither crashing into planets nor getting stuck.

It also allows us to eliminate the "jump" points on various bases - IE eliminate the current quickdocks and force folk to enter the standard docking routine. And here's the dilemma: It fixes a boatload of bugs (quickdock was, to my understanding, only set as a jump type since the moorings weren't working for bigger ships), but it will also drastically alter gameplay.

Pros and cons:
+: Discerning between fighter/freighter, transport/gunboat and capital moorings.
+: Allows for a more diverse economy when select bases can't receive transports.
+: Allows for fewer caps at undesirable locations (such as junker bases) by simply not giving those a heavy moor. Additionally, jumpholes could be denied caps or even medium sized ships to create raider/freighter-only routes.
+/-: No more quickdocking. This will usually favor the side that is winning - pressing the combat into a base zone to score the kill becomes an option. Traders also won't be able to flee into a base as easily. However, the base defenses could be beefed a bit to offset that advantage and discourage lengthy fights inside a base perimiter.
-: Docking won't be as quick as it is now.
-: Convoys might end up queueing before a base that has few moorings available. A large fighter wing might need to wait in front of a base with few fighter docks (bases such as Newark won't be a problem, they have 14 medium moors, but bases like Trenton only have 3. Reverse is true for fighters).
-: Some bases will need minor tweaks if they have been built in such a way that it prevents access to the mooring "lanes".

So, with all this in mind, what do people think?

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - kikatsu - 03-20-2012

I am eager to see the new system implemented only to see how it actually works. Quick docking never made much sense in RP, but it was a convenience that most people used almost everywhere.

My only issue is that I run from most fights, and fighters can not escape the blast range of a TCD in time to actually enter cruise and countermeasures are usually not good enough to ward them off either, so when I run I have to thrust to a base and quick dock, now I do not know how I will survive:P(Reavers have already found a solution to this by having two bombers spam the base with Novas, any ships docking will die easily).

Weapon dealers will now no longer be safe in any way, time to pop them.

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Swallow - 03-20-2012

I vote "yes" for anything that improves realistcs and overall gameplay feeling.
Besides, advantages listed below...

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Vladimir - 03-20-2012

Yes, and actually restrict big ships from docking anywhere but on shipyards. Preferably big transports too, i believe mad was making a mooring-trading script, but at least the capships, at least the battleships.

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Pacific - 03-20-2012

I am in favor to this why ?. Because it will make things more realistic , meaning a capital ship or a large transport take time to moor witch is a very precision thing to do and hard if its done by a Battleship. I think it will bring a little more realism in Freelancer. That's my two cents.

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Loken - 03-20-2012

Please, please do this. No more giant ships insta vanishing in front of our eyes.

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Linkero - 03-20-2012

I voted no by accident. Wanted to click 'other'. I believe it will fix a number of issues, and keep rp alive. Like can really ram a ship into a mooring point and be docked? No! You have to follow standard procedures to prevent damage to the base and civilians. Just as an airport. Or even a boat harbor. It just isnt REAL!

Other then that, I haven't mastered the skill yet. Would like to before its removed:P

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Stoat - 03-20-2012

Happy to see quick docking gone. I use it myself, simply because I can, but it is annoying when you're chasing someone.

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - kikatsu - 03-20-2012

A question I propose now is that if someone gets into a fight and wants to escape, how does said person escape / have a chance of living without leaving the system, fighting, or getting in a trade lane?

Does combat become a death sentence to those who wish to avoid it?

(Nothing wrong there, just throwing some questions out)

Quickdocking, boon or bane? - Vladimir - 03-20-2012

' Wrote:A question I propose now is that if someone gets into a fight and wants to escape, how does said person escape / have a chance of living without leaving the system, fighting, or getting in a trade lane?

Does combat become a death sentence to those who wish to avoid it?

(Nothing wrong there, just throwing some questions out)

Using tricks.