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Smuggler ID? - Printable Version

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Smuggler ID? - Lucky Luke - 03-20-2012

Some factions offer bounties on smugglers. Liberty Rogues, i.e offers it UNLESS... the smuggler has the paperwork in order. Then he's allowed. It used to be simple, coz there were a smuggler ID. These days there is no such ID. They're all Freelancer ID's. Most of the smugglers are Freelancers, and many of them are also relatively new players, awho doesn't know why there are several ID's that are all FL ID's, have the same text but have different pictures.

My question is: If I, as a merc, halt a "smuggler" with the FL ID that has the Hawk-ship in the pic... Am I allowed to treat him as a target, or does he have his papers in order? Or does he have to use the ID with the Mule-ship in the pic, to have papers in order?

A clarification would be most appreciated.

Smuggler ID? - Blodo - 03-20-2012

You should probably treat them cargo/name list related. Smuggler ID was removed because smugglers would rather not advertise that they are a smuggler.

Smuggler ID? - Ursus - 03-20-2012

sorry answered a question that wasn't asked

Smuggler ID? - Lucky Luke - 03-21-2012

On the Rogue bounty board it says the following:

Quote:Contraband Bounties:

We're in the market for getting rich. Not anyone else. Anyone carrying these goods with in Liberty who does not hold appropriate papers which state they are Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers , Outcast, Red Hessian, Arbeitergewerkschaft, Vagrant Raiders or Smuggler papers are to be terminated on sight. These items are:

So what you're saying is that since there is no longer a smuggler ID, the part which says "smuggler papers" can just be ignored. Anybody caught with freelancer papers carrying cardamine, for instance, into Liberty, is bountied by the Rogues.

Have I understood it correctly?

Smuggler ID? - Altejago - 03-21-2012

I have not updated the Rogues bounty board yet with the new ID layout, and so I thank you for bringing this to my attention.

I will be adjusting it that people with out any of the IDs mentioned in the bounty board will be targeted, smuggler or not.

To deal with this, they will need to apply to the Liberty Rogues for exemption of being considered a target.

I'll update as soon as I can.

Smuggler ID? - Jimothy - 03-21-2012

As part of the 81 Syndicate, a smuggling group, I can say with relative certainty that with the removal of the smuggler ID, smugglers are using Freelancer IDs, as it's pretty much out only choice if we want to dock on lawful bases, as faction IDs are rephacked...
I guess the only way to solve it is as Altejago's said he'll do with the LR, and have exceptions, which unfortunately will increase the need for forumlancing, and keeping track of bounty tragets with even more diligence than before. It's like an anti-blanket bounty, hunters will have to check the player name against the exceptions list. It may be the only feasible option, but this I don't like.

Smuggler ID? - Lucky Luke - 03-21-2012

' Wrote:I have not updated the Rogues bounty board yet with the new ID layout, and so I thank you for bringing this to my attention.

I will be adjusting it that people with out any of the IDs mentioned in the bounty board will be targeted, smuggler or not.

To deal with this, they will need to apply to the Liberty Rogues for exemption of being considered a target.

I'll update as soon as I can.
Thanks for the clarification! Crystal clear!

' Wrote:As part of the 81 Syndicate, a smuggling group, I can say with relative certainty that with the removal of the smuggler ID, smugglers are using Freelancer IDs, as it's pretty much out only choice if we want to dock on lawful bases, as faction IDs are rephacked...
I guess the only way to solve it is as Altejago's said he'll do with the LR, and have exceptions, which unfortunately will increase the need for forumlancing, and keeping track of bounty tragets with even more diligence than before. It's like an anti-blanket bounty, hunters will have to check the player name against the exceptions list. It may be the only feasible option, but this I don't like.
Agreed! It will cause some extra work, and one will have to be careful before popping a smuggler. But with some RP I think it can be solved.