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A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - Printable Version

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A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - farmerman - 03-22-2012

"Attention everyone!" Ichiro Takahashi, Planetary Liaison of Planet Junyo and captain of the Saiun, called out. "This meeting is about to begin!"

Hundreds of Samura employees were able to be in attendance with even more being connected via neuralnet. The meeting was the creation of one of the younger members of the Samura family who wanted to get the general attitude of the company to the new changes in government. Information was certainly a powerful weapon and so the Directors of the corporation wanted to know the feelings of their employees. Ichiro was chosen to lead the discussion because, due to his old age and strange luck, he happened to once give advice to the late mother of the company's CEO, which in turn led to him being chosen whenever this sort of thing came up, which was itself rare.

"Now then, let's get to business," Ichiro said and took a seat behind a long table seated with many of the company's Planetary Liaisons and other station administrators. "If you would just stand up and give your name, we can then bring your opinion into the discussion. Remember, we want to hear whatever you think, from the changes in government to this Gallia place to the position of the Emperor."

He continued, "Back in MY day, of course, we didn't have any of this governmental change nonsense. Of course, we also had to fly to work using rocketpacks everyday, too. But times are changing. So what do you all thinks? Who shall be first?"

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - latos - 03-22-2012

*Static fills the room as the neuralnet focuses on one person, sat at a desk with his arms crossed, a slightly angry look on his face*

Kaido Marahu here, reporting in from Yokohama. I've been sending letters to the directors for a while now regarding the seemingly complete lack of Samuran Opposition to this Farce of a new government we have. I propose we double, no, quadruple the Battleship output of Yokohama. Cut off anything else for now, we need to get Kusari back in fighting shape for when the Emperor returns.

*he pauses for a second to shuffle some papers around on his desk*

Also I think we should sponsor a legal inquiry into the legitimacy of this government. I want half the current KNF fired too. They broke their solemn oath to the emperor and to Kusari by letting those Kishiro Scumbags buy their leadership. There's a reason the only people who rebelled were the ones still in Kusari, because they're bad at their jobs and didn't get to go! Where is the honor in letting these men decide that our way of doing things is wrong?

*he stands up and yells at the camera*


*he sits down and rubs his temples, clearly angry at the situation*

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - farmerman - 03-22-2012

"Oh, Kaido-san, you have quite the opinion, hai!" Ichiro said toward the neuralnet uplinks.

"I think you're right, we should increase our ship output. Even if nothing happens with the Emperor, it would be nice to have further safety." Ichiro said. "As I work out of Planet Junyo, I must say that having the Myoko nearby gives me a great sense of safety. Are not our other stations worthy of such. Don't you agree?"

"We should certainly inquire about the specifics of this new government," he said. "I do hope our fair leaders are listening to this right now. And we DID survive the nomads with our Emperor! Although he did seem to let a few things get past him, but that is the past, both in history and in terms of Emperors."

"Speaking of Junyo, I'd like to say a few things about some ideas I'd want to run past our fine corporation, but after we deal with the issue of governance and production, of course."

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - farmerman - 03-22-2012

Before anyone on the neuralnet could reply, Kiyoshi Sato stood up. "Personally, I don't see what's so great about the ex-Emperor. Though first, allow me to introduce myself. I am Kiyoshi Sato of Planet Kurile." He said and bowed slightly. There was some slight grumblings from the crowd.

"I know, I know, he had certainly done a good job. But I'll ask you this: if he was so great, why did fate allow him to fail so? If our leader was as truly blessed as one who should lead our people tends to be, why did this happen? He should have conquered Bretonia by now."

He continued, "And look what he has done. He began a fight against Bretonia and ended up fighting a new foe. Is this new Gallia place really so bad? I've been there - it's no Kusari, of course, but it's still nicer than Bretonia. It is a great source to improve our standing throughout the sector. They buy our rice - a boon to our farmers. They buy our transport hulls - a boon to Yokohama workers. And they buy our underwater building supplies - a boon to what we have developed on Junyo and Kurile. If only they wanted some of our organisms from Kurile, they would be perfect in that regard."

"What we need now is an Emperor truly chosen from above. Kogen was a brave and honorable man, of course, but his time is past. What we need is a new Emperor, who will work with the people and lead Kusari to a new era of wealth. One who knows what an asset we have in all we have. The glory of Kurile to the beauty of Kyushu. The wonders of Hokkaido to the history of Yokohama. We should find that man soon."

"Thank you for your time," he said, bowing again, and took a seat.

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - latos - 03-22-2012

*The neuralnet sparks up again, Pieces of white porcelain scattered across his desk, Kaido has seemingly broken his "Best Shipwright" Mug in anger.*

You have such a treasonous view of our Emperor, Sato-san. But i wouldn't expect someone from the planet Kurile to understand the trivial needs of an entire House

*he scoffs at his own joke and continues.*

As for The Gallians buying merchandise from Yokohama, I only allow that because I work for Samura, and I do not like to let my brothers down. I would prefer the company of Bretonians who do not shut up than a Gallian with this so called 'Gaijin Honor'

*the room is filled with gasps at the rampant racism from the neuralnet.*

Who would you propose we put in place? Some Kishiro backed fool? Look what they've given us so far, Pirates and Democracy. Blegh.

Your idea is foolish, Consider the negative ramifications of altering the Bloodline of our Emperors. They're not just normal people, they've got the Blessings of Amateratsu to back it up. You don't vote for Divinity.

*he stands up and leaves the Camera's view for a few seconds, returning with another "Best Shipwright" Mug.*

Now pray tell, what do you propose when the Gallians no longer see it as a lucrative deal to be trading with Samura, if we do not secure our own borders first? We survived this long because we were smart about who we traded with, and what we gave them. Let us not give all our secrets to one who previously sought to destroy us. Who, for all we know, could still seek to destroy us.

*he turns off the camera, but not before a faint shattering noise is heard, followed by a few curse words*

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - farmerman - 03-22-2012

Kiyoshi Sato stood up to respond to the Shipwright's criticism. "You are short sighted, friend. They say that wisdom comes with age. Perhaps in time you shall find some."

He began pacing as he spoke. "Who should we put in place? Certainly there are others such as himself, blessed with descent from Amateratsu, just as our Emperors have been since the days before Sirius. As you'll surely recall from your history classes - which were probably taken not very long ago at that - the ancestors of the honorable Samura family were also considered to have such descent. That is not to mention the many others in Kusari who share similar descent. Perhaps even you?"

"No, all of Kusari must bide our time," he continued. "Until the next who is blessed takes their place as Emperor."

He stopped and cleared his throat. "As to securing our borders, of course we must. We should increase capital ship production as you suggested and deploy them without haste to our borders and all of our systems."

"As to trading secrets, don't be foolish. We are heavily restricting what we are selling. But are they doing the same? I have seen that they have trade lane technology. Imagine if Samura acquires that to manufacture ourselves here in Kusari? They have several other technologies that would be very useful."

"And of course, if we are secure in our borders, well," he said stopping to chuckle. "We are the only House not at war with another. While Gallia breaks the nose of Bretonia and Liberty crushes Rheinland, we sit here alone and able to grow. When the time comes, with this course of events, we will be alone atop of the whole sector. Our economy will be unchecked, our defenses unbreechable. With a newly chosen Emperor, we can reach our full potential and bring the other Houses along with us."

"Back in my day, we had patience for such things. We did not demand change immediately. And we knew that Kusari would be victorious in the end." He bowed once more and took a seat.

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - latos - 03-22-2012

*the Neuralnet sputters to life again. Kaido comes into a view, this time sitting very still, arms propped up on his elbows, hands clasped together.*

You make a few wise points. Although quirking about my age seems to be the only thing you have in proper defense of your points. Our Emperor is not yet dead, therefore we must honor our oath to him until he is. He is gone, the law requires we place a regent lord in power. Not some proxy Democratic Government run by Kishiro.

As for ships. I have Yokohama currently undergoing a production line change. We'll no longer be catering to small scale civilian Planetside transports, a mere 10% of our production line, but are now focusing that on our battleship production lines, it will increase output by 90% we project. However i put forward the following motions to our directors;
  1. I motion to use Samuran expansion funds to increase the size, and therefore capabilities, of Yokohama.
  2. I motion that Samura then uses funds to produce Samuran owned, Operated and Maintained Battleships to place at our Core Jumpgates. Meaning Kyushu, New Tokyo, Honshu, Hokkaido and Shikoku. This gives us an adequate buffer zone for our glorious Capitol.
I beleive this can be achieved within the year if we Focus our resources. After this is achieved i propose we then do two things, Get rid of this sham of a government and place a regent lord in control, as it should be, and strengthen our trade lines with the other Houses. As you stated, we ARE the only house not at war, we should exploit this.

*he nods with a very satisfied look on his face. Then the neuralnet sputters off again, giving the floor back to whomever*

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - farmerman - 03-22-2012

"Kaido-san," Kiyoshi Sato said once again, "I believe we will not come to an agreement about the position of Emperor itself. However, we do seem to agree on the need for a Regent for the time being, even if he is to work with this new government."

"I would also support the expansion of Yokohama and the building of additional ships, though I think keeping them outside of New Tokyo would be best. I will certainly do my best to ensure our trade endeavors are expanded where possible in the Sigmas. I do hope our Directors take the hint." With that, he sat down.

Ichiro Takahashi took to the floor again. "Now then, it seems we have a wide difference in opinion. Kiyoshi, old friend, I think you may be wrong on this count, but, as you'd say, time shall certainly tell. Does anyone have anything else to say on the matter?"

"While you compose your thoughts on that, I would like to add a few suggestions that our Shipwright here has reminded me of in his own speech." Ichiro stopped, cleared his throat, and continued. "First is the expansion of our Planet Junyo operations. Now, my engineering associates have suggested that we could build a large housing complex and a commercial district - a whole city if you will - on the Ishizuki Plateau. As with our expansion of Yokohama, I think this should be a priority. Many of the newer workers who are also on Junyo are having to fly in from Deshima daily or weekly. And you know what THAT place is like."

"I also have a suggestion from several of our employees who were unable to make it, but sent me their ideas. The first is from several of our resident Tomiokans who are busy at work now facilitating this meeting. They think we should see if there are any minerals below the surface of this planet. It is true it is great on top, perhaps it is below as well?"

"The other suggestions come from many of our workers on Misaki Station. They'd really like to know what else is in the Rishiri System, particularly the Rebun Nebula that surrounds them. One, Mr Takeshi, has said that he would feel more secure if we had it all mapped out. He also hopes that we can find valuable resources there. He doesn't say what kind, but I'd agree. Perhaps we could set up an expedition soon even?"

"Now then, does anyone else have any ideas?"

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - Trail - 03-22-2012

The comms flicked on and off, a few seconds pass before a stable neural net has been establish and this image comes to light: [Image: ofyrtu.jpg]

"Konnichiwa gentlemen, First off id like to introduce myself, I am Saruwatari Inikitami, newest member of the shipping division but not without a couple of idea's and suggestions regarding the things thrown around here. Secondly I have to agree with the general concensus that 1. Increasing our shipbuilding industry by a large sum is a good idea, the 50% that was thrown around works for me but im not a numbers man so I will let someone else take charge of that issue, the reasons are ofcourse: Security, Defense and the eventual return of the emperor or a Coup attempt of the government by Samura. I mean it would be great if we can get government control without a coup but removing kishiro from government is one of our first prioritys."

"My second point is that I do think that gaining the emperor back is one of our top priorities in restoring order to our government and to rid it of this kishiro back couped fake democracy in place, especially in wartime and times of uncertainty we cannot allow a slow democratic process slow us down from regaining the borderworlds we lost to the bretonians, the gallians, some unlawfulls and other scum we do not appreciate. With the fleet that our dear friend Kaido shall build we can combine forces with the bretonians, imperial fleet, our own fleet and perhaps pull some strings or throw around money in the current Military structure and even police forces to assist us with this and have a 2 way pincer / surrounding attack, because if the gallians want to reinforce the border worlds between Bretonia and kusari they have to go through either bretonia itself or through outcast space. In any case the delay they have to make by going through either spaces (with obviously losses to the reinforced fleet) should be enough to give all 3 fleets enough momentum to set up defenses in Tau-37 mainly and possibly orkney. "

"Oh and the reason as to why we want to get the emperor back aside from his fleet is his legitimacy, How many people would accept a power grab by Samura? How many would accept a new Regent? He wouldn't even be a new regent he would be a pretender to the throne unless he relates to our current emperor. In any case I don't think very many people would recognize nor tolerate us without the emperors blessing and support. And this legitimacy counts for both our own citizens and foreign powers looking at our moves. We must look, be strong and independent against any retribution from gallia and any other preying house."

"Also I would like to apologize for being so frank and blunt but that is the way I operate, I don't beat around the bush when it comes to my own opinions. Also to adress my appearance which might or might not be adressed: I am half Kusari, Half Rheinlander, born and raised on planet New tokyo however and my loyalties lie both with Samura and the Kusari State."

A Meeting upon Planet Tomioka - varoshanin - 03-24-2012

***incoming transmission***
***ID: Hiroshi Takeo***

Konban wa gentleman's!!

My name is Hiroshi Takeo, cpt of "Densha"

I will be short.

*bow* to all in company...

~Hiroshi out

***end of transmission***