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Private Messages - me_b_kevin - 04-11-2008

i've been trying to organize an RP event so i've been sending out several PM's to different people. just so i know they recieve the message i always enable the message tracker.

i check the message tracker hours (sometimes days) later and it says they haven't opened/read the message. but yet they've been online since i sent it.

so i figure there are only two possibilities that would explain this.

1. There is a bug with my forum account or something that would cause the above errors.

2. The people i'm sending them to just delete them without opening them.

i'm guessing it's #1 BUT i guess #2 is possible. i don't spam people and each PM is relevant. to my knowledge i've not insulted or otherwise upset anyone. so i really can't think of a good reason for anyone to delete my PM's.

so if one of the forum guru's can't take a look at my account and make sure everything is ok i'd greatly appreciate it.

P.S. i could have sent this in a PM to the afore mentioned forum guru's but i figured there is a chance that if it's happening to me then it could be happening to others.

Private Messages - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-11-2008

I believe it might be something wrong with the message tracker. I don't use it often, but sometimes it appears incorrect.

The other reason is probably the people are busy. It took my mercenary quite a while to get accepted, even though I pm'd the appropriate users (this is not a snidey comment at you guys, I am just stating an example). After talking to other players, it seemed that these particular users were really busy lately, hence the delayed responses.

I would suggest contacting the users you plan to organise with, for IM account details. That'd make it easier to discuss things quickly.

Edit: Really, I would think the vast majority of players here would reply to a PM, if they read it. I don't think people are bad enough to say "Stuff this PM" and let it rot in the inbox... So I would put it down to a time-issue or something around those lines.

Private Messages - mira - 04-11-2008

it must be something with message tracker it happend too me to

Private Messages - Dopamino - 04-11-2008

Message tracker never worked for me.

Private Messages - Boss - 04-12-2008

Tracker doesn't work.