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Rise of Der Volksstrum - Printable Version

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Rise of Der Volksstrum - Weigand - 03-24-2012

[Sys On ID: Maj. Weigand]
Bruchsal Base:: Open Channel Interrogation rm 1

I have been give a personal recording device in the hopes that I can recite and possibly recall the accounts from the last week; my face hurts so bad and from what I have gotten one of the doctors here patched me up but I can't see out of my left eye.

I have bee given a few cigarettes and now I am sitting here smoking in this room waiting for my fate. I can hear talking outside the room and from what I can gather a Red Hessian official is coming to collect me, I will be damned if I am leaving here with him.

What can I remember where was I.....

[Five Hours previous]

The dr taps away on his pad. "his sats are looking good and the wound is ugly but will fully heal" "I am not going to do face reconstruction on a soldier but he won't die from his wounds" The healing tank, is filled with more proto plasma and saline solution, the nurse adjusts the pressure delivered through Maj. Weigands mask. The increased pressure will help his lungs force out any fluid or infiltrates.

The radiation burns had scorched a good deal of Maj. Weigand's flesh but the healing tank and the medical staff have repaired the soldier to almost 90%. His eye begins to flutter open. Dr, DR The patient is coming to...