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Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Printable Version

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Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - SA_Scavenger - 03-25-2012

The time has come for the name to be changed to "Permanently Autonomous Zoners", aka PAZ, wouldn't you agree?

That will be all.

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Stefan - 03-25-2012

I rofled.

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Tinitus - 03-25-2012

Nothing is permanent, according to their religion. "Permanently" would also sound too dogmatic.

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Stefan - 03-25-2012

If nothing is permanent, does that mean permanent isn't permanent either?

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Tinitus - 03-25-2012

There is no permanent, so permanent can be permanent, under the premise that it doesnt exist.

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Hell Hunter - 03-25-2012

permafrost cant be perma frost wat

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - SA_Scavenger - 03-25-2012

' Wrote:There is no permanent, so permanent can be permanent, under the premise that it doesnt exist.

But is this premise permanent or not? Does it become temporary, if say, the permanency permeates the temporary confines of its non-existence, thereby becoming permanent if only for a fraction of a temporary permanence?

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Zynth - 03-25-2012

But if nothing is permanent?

Then shouldn't nothing be Temporary?


Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - Tinitus - 03-25-2012

1. But is this premise permanent or not

No. It is limited to the time of existence of the universe.

2. Does it become temporary, if say, the permanency permeates the temporary confines of its non-existence, thereby becoming permanent if only for a fraction of a temporary permanence?

No. Something that happens for a limited amount of time is not permanent.

Temporary Autonomous Zoners, yes you! - SA_Scavenger - 03-25-2012

' Wrote:But if nothing is permanent?

Then shouldn't nothing be Temporary?


It's only temporary for as long as it doesn't become permanent. Which, according to the latest suggestion, can't happen as something being in a state of permanency cannot exist and therefore has to be temporary unless the one can't exist without the other which in turn creates the genuine confuzzlement of the state of flux between an entity being temporary and becoming permanent once its state of being temporary comes to an end, at which time, it cannot exist.

Therefore, we can logically extrapolate that TAZ cannot exist, as its state of being temporary has, to all intents and purposes, become permanent.